Art Essay Examples

Art - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Art criticism refers to analyzing and evaluating works of art, in art criticism, we look at different forms of art and we view them in a business way. We look at what the piece of art represents, that is the time the a is done, the movement, and the style. We look at each and every feature that makes art what it is. Criticism of art involves four basic steps that are looking at the obvious features. Analyzing the piece of art, deciding on the interpretation and evaluating the importance of the art. A piece of art is a result of the features used by the artist, interpretation of the piece of art should be done by suggesting what the artist is trying to say using the previous stages that have already been done. As the last step of judgment should be issued on the value of the piece of work. Art criticism is the discussion and assessment of artisans. Art is oftentimes criticized on the basis of beauty.

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