Alumni tracking system

Websites become more ubiquitous. It gives universal access to a large universe of documents. “Through the help of World Wide Web (WWW) and websites, internet has become very useful in many ways for a common man. It brought the globe in a single room right from the news across the world to the wealth of information it offers” as noted from Kaiz Karen (2009) in her article about “10 Common Uses of Internet”. These information are generated by multiple sources and organized into files when formed together can be called a website.

“A website, also written as web site, or simply site, is a set of related web pages typically served from a single web domain. A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network through an Internet address known as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the Web”.  There are numerous sites that can be used for finding and connecting people that we have lost touch with.

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Reconnecting with these people in this way is perhaps the only avenue we have in some cases.

Alumni are probably one of the most important constituent of a school institution. “They create the university’s reputation, which relies in large part on how successful graduates are in the real world. This process is self-feeding as well. If a school becomes well known for producing graduates that are intelligent, innovative, and effective in their fields, then its reputation will grow.

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” “Colleges track their graduates because they need them to continue to show interest. Not only are college alumni a pool of potential individual donors, they are also a testament to the value of a continued association with the school.” Hence, it is not easy to keep track students once they graduated. And with the steady increase in the number of college graduates, employment opportunities become very competitive. Therefore, graduates find it hard to get jobs suitable with their skills and acquired knowledge.

Discovery and innovation of technology had lead to greater advancement of society. Computers have affected human society as few other inventions in the past century have, and it is out natural that the advent widespread use of computers are used by organization, offices, industries and institutions for developing of their management process and systems. Using computers, and through the presence of World Wide Web, people can spend countless hours studying websites to improve their knowledge and to survive. 1Most of them are constantly searching for anything that might help them to gain competitive edge and boost their profits.

Since then, our ancestors have already their own businesses, some are small and some are large corporation which focused on the development of their business performance. And schools are one type of business. 2Forbes College Inc. (formerly Global Trainers Inc. ) is one of the competitive schools in Albay, Bicol region. Its mission is committed to produce globally-competitive workforce equipped with appropriate knowledge, exemplary skills, superior leadership qualities, personal integrity and positive values.

It has a vision that states, Forbes College is the leading proactive educational institution dedicated to the upliftment of the lives of the Filipinos through quality education, offering job-ready courses at the most affordable rate. Since the establishment of the institution in the year 2008, it already produced skill-trained graduates and they are continuously making the school curriculum more globally advance for future alumni and employees in industries. In the current social, political and economic environment, colleges must be able to demonstrate their effectiveness.

Students are investing on programs based on the labor market success of graduates. Legislators are emphasizing accountability in college operations and many jurisdictions require the publication of outcome measures. Economic growth and productivity in a knowledge economy depend on the availability of highly trained workers to meet employer needs. To deal with these pressures, colleges must track their graduates and document labor market outcomes. Tracking System is generally a program capable of rendering virtual space to a human observer while tracking the observer’s body coordinates.

Generally, tracking is observing people or t hings on the move and supplying timely ordered sequence of respective location data to a model e. g. capable to serve for depicting the motion on a display capability. Online alumni tracking provide the ability to track alumni of a college or university using internet for the purpose of helping to demonstrate compliance with the accreditation standards required for departments in higher institutions. Institutions are organizing reunions by sending letters through fax, radio announcements, television advertisements and posters or banners.

Purpose and Description

To provide a systematic method to monitor and track the level of engagement and satisfaction the alumni body has for Aces Polytechnic College. Survey will provide more than a simple percentage satisfied, it will provide diagnostic information about what is driving satisfaction and engagement, where there are strengths and weaknesses, and what level of engagement the alumni are reporting. The data would be broken down and analyzed by segment (class year, geographic location, activity level, etc.). On an on-going basis (biennially), this measurement tool will provide Aces Polytechnic College and the Alumni Association with a solid, fact-based means of identifying where progress is being made and where deficiencies need to be addressed.

The study aim to develop a system entitled “Forbes College Online Alumni Tracking System (FCOATS)”. Its main purpose is to:

  • (a) track the alumni of the school
  • (b) track the alumni employment status
  • (c) update alumni general information.
  • (d) inform alumni about job opportunities
  • (e) evaluate suggestions and comments from alumni

The study is an online system which is composed of log in and log out, registration, a friend request type, gallery of events, and comments/suggestions on the school curriculum, activities, and events put together in one comment box. These features will help the institution track the graduates and it can be easily for them to organize a class reunion with this social networking type of system. The graduates will log in on the homepage using their email address.

If the email address typed matches to one of the email address on database, that’s the only time that the system will send temporary password on user’s email account. That email, is written on the enrolment form and the emails saved in the database are only the emails of graduates. The system will provide a change password feature every time the users log in. As long as the user is still log in, he or she can view other users of the system. They can also view the gallery of events, making them updated on the activities on their Alma Matter.

The registration form will help the faculty track the graduates address, employment record and status. The form will update the general information of the user saved on the database with the present data they supply on the form. The comment box on the website provides the user the freedom to give their comments, questions and suggestions on the curriculum and school activities.


Online survey conducted by sending an email invitation to email addresses of Aces Polytechnic College alumni. Rather than expend resources to develop a survey tool, this system will help the institution on gathering information from the alumni’s employment records that would also help the institution to acquire scholarships from the Commission of Higher Education. Identifying trends and motivators will help target programming and communications more effectively, deepening the level of engagement with alumni. Sharing this data with administrators, faculty, and other staff across campus will help in the effort to increase awareness of, and build support for, alumni engagement efforts. (2013, 07). Alumni Tracking System.

Objective of the Project

To enable graduate students register alumni via website.
To enable graduate students share an activity and information regarding their alumni. Process/print out necessary report.
This project also comes with administrator site management system. The advantages of administrator site are: 1. Easy for administrator to key-in data regarding alumni activities and information. 2. Data entered by alumni member are easily managed and intended for data analysis process. 3. Let the information spread between alumni member and the school.

Scope and Limitation of the Project

Online Monitoring System for the Employment Status of ACES Graduates is a website that can be access by the alumni of ACES Polytechnic College where they will be updated about the school, programs and announcements with regards to the school and its alumni. The system will not just help improve the relationship of the school to its graduates but also will lessen the work of the Guidance Councilor in monitoring the employment status of its graduates which is needed to be reported to TESDA and make it more updated because of its accessibility.

The process started when user browse into Alumni Registration page. When the connection is established the main menu will appear. User can make selection between these four menus; news and job, registration menu, member search menu and the last one was update profile menu. In the registration menu, the user will start to fill their personal details like name, address, password, contact number, occupation and year of graduation and etc. Password is used to update the profile in profile update menu. If the registration is success, the data (personal details) will be stored in database. If it fails, user must enter the data back accordingly to ensure the registration is succeeded. To search for existing member, user can choose member search menu and they must key-in at least 2 characters, the result like name, phone number and address will come out if the user existed in database. The other menu will let user to read recent news and job vacancy regarding their alumni.


  1. Karen, K. 2009. 10 Most Common Uses of the Internet.
  2. Website - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 2014-08-12.
  3. The Importance of Alumni Relations - Supporting Education. Retrieved 2014-08-12.
Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Alumni tracking system. (2016, Apr 23). Retrieved from

Alumni tracking system essay
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