Three Dimensional Cnc Machine Computer Science Essay

This paper discusses the design and execution of low cost three dimensional computerized numerical control ( CNC ) machines for Industrial application. The primary map of this microcontroller based CNC machine is to cut the metal in to needed form. This discuss is focused on communicating between Personal computing machine ( Personal computer ) and a numerical control machine. The nonsubjective to invent a computing machine controlled cutting machine arose from increasing demand for flexibleness and cutting with regard to inch quality. The system has an 8 spot microcontroller based embedded system to accomplish cost effectivity and besides maintains the needed truth and dependability for complex forms.

The anchor of the system is a smartly designed mechanical system along with the embedded system ensuing in truth. The system uses C # as a scheduling linguistic communication and.NET platform for user interface.


The chief constituent of mill mechanization is the CNC which provides a set of functionalities for the direction of machine tools, MTs. The acceptance of a CNC for commanding MTs, alternatively of utilizing classical PLC 's ( programmable logic accountants ) , provides support for implementing complex schemes and therefore for edifice complex MT 's such as Milling

-Machines, MMs, for templets, for rapid prototyping and for bring forthing theoretical accounts, etc.The last-half century has been seen a no of radical alterations to a fabricating systems constellations.

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Traditional constellation of fabricating systems was dedicated transportation ( machine ) line. It enables mass production at high efficiency and low cost. Later flexible fabrication was developed to run into the demand for the production of smaller batches of different parts.

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However, the flexibleness bing in these systems is still believed to be limited due to the continued usage of out of day of the month CNC scheduling linguistic communication - ISO 6983, or normally known as G- codifications. These plans when processed in CAM ( computing machine aided fabrication ) system by a machine particular processor, go machine dependent and there is limited control over plan executing.

Presently there are three chief sorts of computerized numeral accountants.

Multiprocessor with ASIC ( application specific incorporate circuit ) : This allows high integrating and ensures great dependability.

Personal computer front terminal: This is a traditional CNC black box with a personal computing machine added on.

Figure1: Architecture of CNC machine

Motion control card with Personal computer: This system is configured by set uping a gesture control board in a commercial Personal computer.

Although the first sort of construction allows high integrating and ensures great dependability, it is non unfastened and reconfigurable. And the 2nd sort is merely HMI ( Human machine interface ) portion unfastened, and the cardinal portion of NC is still secret to the user. The 3rd sort is still non unfastened. However with the development of semiconducting materials the embedded computing machine is smaller and commercial operating system such as VxWorks are utilizing for fabricating CNC 's. But they are expensive.

In this paper we are prototyping an Embedded CNC machine which address many of the jobs associated with old CNC machines. The architecture is divided in to 3 subsystems viz. package, electrical, mechanical subsystems as shown on the figure1.

Figure2 shows overall general block diagram of system.

Figure2: General block diagram


Our system can be divided in to three Sub systems. As depicted in figure1 Mechanical bomber system gets necessary control signals from electronics bomber system which finally consequences in coveted propulsion of motors. Electronicss Sub system gets command or a set of bids from package Sub system and generates controls for mechanical Sub system. Software Sub system which is normally a computing machine which provides easy to utilize interface for users which may be accepting bids like natural sentences and translates it to low degree bids which could be understand by machine ( microcontroller ) . Dividing the system reduces dependence between hardware and package constituents and besides it let us to modify any bomber system without impacting the remainder of Sub systems.

Mechanical Sub system: It contains stepper motors and pitching agreement to bring forth required torsion and wheels for traveling axes. Three motors move along X, Y and Z axis severally. In this paradigm we used a study for plotting the needed form of image which CNC has to cut. The paradigm is shown in figure3.

Figure3: Mechanical subsystem

Electronicss Sub system: It consists of a low cost 8 spot Atmel 89s52 microcontroller and hoofer motorcontrollers ULN 2803 and H-bridge L293dfor commanding all the three hoofer motors. Microcontroller generates necessary STEP and DIRECTION signals for each hoofer motor accountant to accomplish desired velocity and rotary motion. Control plan to bring forth STEP and DIRECTION signals is loaded from computing machine. A Max 232 is used for pass oning informations between Personal computer and microcontroller. In add-on to the above for doing initial accommodations there are 4 switches connected to port of accountant which adjusts system in 4 waies left, right, up, down if any readjustment is necessary.

Software tools or constituents used:

1.C # .Netplatform3.5


Hardware tools or constituents used


2. Three Stepper motors250gm, 1KG, 3KG torsion & A ; each7.5Es Step Angle severally.

3. Driver ULN 2003, Driver-ULN2803

4. RS-232 to TTL Converter ( MAX232 ) .

Figure4: Electronic Subsystem

Specifications of hoofer motors:

1. Operating electromotive force =12V or 5V

2. Keeping torque = 250, 1kg, 3kg.

3. Step angle =7.5 grades each

4. Current evaluation =500mA

The circuit diagram of electronic Sub system is shown in figure5.

Figure5: Circuit diagram of CNC system

Software Subsystem: This Sub system focuses on developing the user friendly development environment by supplying easy to utilize graphical user interface. It consists of an Application specific compiler, a browser for shoping image, a covert button for change overing image to binary, a draw button for directing informations serially to electronic Sub system, 3 buttons for puting axes and text window for watching binary codification as shown in figure6. The user can shop any image form he wants to cut no cognition of CAD/CAM is required. It will expose `` Conversion success '' after change overing image of work piece to binary. After pulling it shows `` Pulling Completed '' .

Figure6: User interface of Software Subsystem

Operating package: For planing package Sub system an object- orientated linguistic communication Visual degree Celsius # ( c crisp ) is used and Microsoft.NET frame work is used on Windowss XP based system. This package used is less cost compared to any RTOS ( Real clip runing system ) .


Software Algorithm:

1. Converts JPEG/BMP format image into

binary codification that is threading of 1 's and

0 's in to rows ( I ) and columns ( J ) .

2. The binary codification is once more converted to

ASCII like codification which is suited for

Consecutive communicating.

3. Then codification is sent to the microcontroller

via consecutive port of Personal computer ( personal computing machine ) .

Figure6: User interface of Software Subsystem

Microcontroller algorithm:

1. Delaies for the consecutive informations to come from Personal computer.

2. If the binary information is of a row so the microcontroller controls horizontal ( x-axis ) stepper- motor in forward

direction.If the row informations is binary '1 ' it controls the Z-motor for plotting along with X-motor else if informations is '0 ' it merely controls X-motor.

3. If the information of a row is over so it controls the Vertical ( y- axis ) -stepper- motor ( Moves to following line ) before that it

retracts the x-axis motor.

4. The microcontroller acknowledges by Sending a Acknowledgement signal to Personal computer after having informations from it.

5. This operation repeats until all rows are over that is if all spots are over so the Y axis goes to initial place and

microcontroller delaies for following informations to come.



Figure7: Input image at user interface ( trigon ) Converted in to binary

Figure8: Consequence for Triangular shaped Image drawn by CNC machine.

Figure9: Output consequence of same image with different hold for pel.

Figure10: end product for rectangular box with unfilled portion.


In this paper the design and realisation of a microcontroller based embedded three dimensional CNC machine was presented. Detailed descriptions of different faculties along with proficient inside informations of their executions have been given.

The realized paradigm CNC machine was utilizing a study alternatively of plasma cutter. In this system we used ocular C # as a linguistic communication on NET platform alternatively of utilizing any RTOS which is really costlier and non user friendly and besides with such systems it is non possible to implement on any general Personal computer, where user has to buy the operating system. This CNC eliminates the rigidity associated with traditional CAD/CAM systems. The intentional system is user -friendly one which give accurate consequences and besides flexible to users.

In the hereafter we can farther develop the system by utilizing LASER alternatively of a schemer and besides we can implement with reconfigurable architectures like FPGA and the velocity of the system can be improved by utilizing efficient algorithms in package bomber system.


I would wish to thank my guide Sri.K.N.H.Srinivas Department of ECE, for his counsel and aid throughout the development of the undertaking and for cheating the existent magnitude and dimension of my undertaking. I feel thankful for the deft attitude and ardor he has installed in me. I would wish to thank Dr. A.S.C.S.Sastry & A ; Prof N VenkatRao, Department of ECE, for his aid and invariable back up because of which this undertaking could be completed successfully.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Three Dimensional Cnc Machine Computer Science Essay essay
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