Thought from a different dimensionI feel the pain of the

Thought from a different dimension

I feel the pain of the unpleasant situations we all face in our dear country Nigeria as a result of the failed system. As I think aloud I do hope it's not just a wishful thinking but a step to change this failed system.

My thought!

Do you know all the corrupt leaders, shameless legislators, biased judges, bad police officers, kidnappers, rapists, prostitutes, cultist, religious fanatics, dubious kings and chiefs were all born and bred in a family, but yet who cares?

The change we clamor for can only be achieved if focus is shifted a bit from the political sphere to the family unit where we all know is the first point of contact, socialization and integration of a child into the society.

The role of the family in maintaining social order cannot be over emphasized. The family unit is a construct that fulfills important functions and keeps the society running smoothly. The family creates well integrated members of society by instilling social culture into children.

The cases of impunity, corruption, propaganda, Insecurity, examination malpractices, gambling, fraud, oppression, religious violence, segregation, cultism to mention but a few, can only be curbed with a bottom-up approach rather than the top-down approach where emphasis is placed solely on the leaders or government as the cause of the failed system in the society.

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We have forgotten that before a president or governor became a leader, the person was born and bred in a family and raised in a community.

Our orientation must change; our parents must resume back proper parenting and child education.

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Cultural values must be reinforced and maintained.

We have lost our cultural values by gradually moving to the state of nature where human life means nothing, where corruption seems to be the order of the day, where truth and justice has become a taboo.

Whatever we wish our country to be, the change begins with us, parents should cater for their children same way it wishes for leaders to cater for the citizens, wives should be submissive to their husbands same way it wishes that citizens be loyal to the cause of the country. Religious leaders should be accountable to members and followers same way it wishes the government to be accountable to citizens. Corrupt lecturers who go about harassing students because of their position should be modest in their job. Motorists should get the proper license to put an end to extortion by police officers so corruption can come to an end. Citizens should carry out their civic responsibilities for good governance. Citizens who fail to vote during election loses their speaking right to complain of bad governance, because they are part of the problem.

"You may be a solution to the problem by not being part of the problem "- Abdul E.O

My strongest conviction is that we can only get it right by going back to our root, Individual orientation and mindset must change. Religious and ethnic sentiments should be left out on the issue of national stability. It's high time we have a society where every parent and family is ready to take responsibility for the action of the child and put in effective measures to ensure the child is properly nurtured to become responsible adults later in life. Our ways of thinking must change; we must respect each other and the rule of law. Only then can we have a stable society.

Let's revisit the family. The family is the major building block of the society and thus is responsible for reinforcing and rejuvenating bonds among individuals in the society and this can be achieved by preaching love for one another irrespective of religion or orientation, cautioning against political sentiments and hate speeches. A sane stable society all starts from the grassroots and the family as the basic unit for maintaining social order.

The society we have today is a product of our thoughts, ideas and actions.

I am just thinking in a different way!

Talking to inspire positive action is our priority

ESV Abdul, Emmanuel O Ayegba.

TTA Consult.


Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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