The Truth Behind Mummification

Categories: CultureEgyptTruth

What if I told you that there are preserved bodies from thousands of years ago that are just sitting here right before our eyes!? Well it's true! And it turns out there is so much about the ancient Egyptians that we know and so much we still don't know! Mummification is a topic that has been greatly researched and is particularly fascinating in many ways! Throughout time we have discovered so much about our ancestors and the people who lived on our planet over thousands of years ago.

There is a lot discovered in the purpose and process of mummification, along with how we know these facts are true! And how now we now know the truth behind mummification.

What was the purpose of mummification, and why should a dead person be mummified? The process of mummification included preserving a dead body for the so called afterlife. It is claimed that, ``The soul needed to be able to find and recognize the body in order to live forever.’’('Mummification') The Egyptians cared extremely for their loved ones and went to high expenses to honor them.

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``The Egyptians believed that there was a life after death, and they went to great trouble to build beautiful tombs for their loved ones.’’ ('Egyptian Pharaohs' 2019). Furthermore, mummification can be looked at as an example of great caring, love and safe passage to the afterlife.

How was the process of mummification done? First, is the embalming of the body. This is when it is drenched and rinsed with wine and often water from the Nile.

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Next, considerably all the internal organs are removed, (all but the heart) and then capsled. Then, the body is filled and covered in Natron. After precisely 960 hours, or 40 days the body is once more rinsed in wine and water. It was discovered that, ``The process of mummification has two stages’’ ('Mummification'). The second stage was the wrapping and burial of the body. The body was wrapped in linen and amulets, then finally assembled into its case.

There are thousands of mummies in Egypt, although there are ones that we recall for their particularly popularity. That is unique to us for their unexplainable specialties. Ramesses ii, Ramesses was considered the most powerful Egyption Pharaoh! He was thought to have fathered nearly 100 children! His body was found in 1881 and is now kept safe in a museum. But why he is so sacred to the museum is, ``Before the body was flown, it was issued an egyptian passport, his occupation as `Kind (Deceased)’’('6 famous mummies and the fascinating stories behind them'). Ginger, another Egyptian mummy, is thought to be one of the 6 most naturally mummified Egyptians in the world. Who was found buried in a pit, without a coffin! Now, why he was so famous is, ``Despite having died 5,000 years ago, he had perfectly, undamaged, Golden hair and fingernails.” ('6 famous mummies and the fascinating stories behind them'), so weird! There are many other unique mummified people that have been discovered, but an ancient egyption pharaoh, and a ‘perfectly’ preserved man from thousands of years ago found hear in out generation! Is Insane, and a little awesome in my opinion.

There is a lot discovered in the purpose and process of mummification, along with how we know these facts are true! And how now we know the truth behind mummification. Although I still do believe that there is a universe of facts of our ancestors right under us hidden in time.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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