The Structure of the Ideal Organization of My Dreams


An organization that amalgamates the welfare of employees into its main aim or goal and strengthens it by healthy work environment, cultural thoughts and constant support makes up an ideal organization. One of a key feature of an ideal organization is accountability, Where everyone receives their roles responsibly and accepts to be held accountable for his or her work. In an ideal organization, employees are delegated truth-tellers, they provide an honest solution or answer with confidence. This eliminates resentment and fear in the workplace.

There are many key factors to be considered to design an ideal organization. The few primary factors are job satisfaction, organizational culture, decision making, motivation, organizational change, team, diversity, leadership, communication and stress management. This paper mainly focuses on, how the above concepts of organization can be implemented and how they play a key role in designing or establishing an ideal organization.


An organization is an intestinally collaborated social group, composed of two or more people, who work on a comparatively continuous basis to reach a specific set of goals of the group.

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Organization behavior places a crucial role in establishing a perfect organization. Organizational behavior is the field of study devoted to understanding and utilization of the information about the behavior of the individuals or a group in an organization. Organizational behavior ack like an interface between the Organization and human behavior. The goal of organizational behavior is to accomplish human, organizational and social objectives by building better relationships inside the organization. Organizational structure decides the way and level to which power, roles and responsibilities are controlled, assigned and collaborated.

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This also decides the flow of information between different management levels. Being an Electrical Engineering student specialized in Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI), my goal is to start a semiconductor company. The company which mainly focuses on delivering complete Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) depending on the requirement of market or customer. By keeping the vision of the company in my mind and the knowledge I gained in my filed through all my experience, I have the desire to design/establish an organization. I like to discuss some of the key factors I would wish to consider in an organization for establishing and running successfully.


Leadership is an ability to impact a group of employees towards the accomplishment of goals. A leader is the one who leads a group of employees on a particular project or work. One of the major works of a leader is to control the group of employees by assigning a certain task, providing deadlines and encouraging to complete the task assigned. The leader plays a key role in the achievement of the task, he will be completely responsible for an entire task. He should always make the right decision like assigning the job to the right person, providing enough deadlines, motivating with positive vibes and praising. In my point of view, a good leader should always encourage all employees irrespective of the position or work of an employee and also control the employees at the right time. A good leader must always focus on improving the quality and productivity of the work through his decision. In my past experience as an Intern, where I worked on the ASIC verification project which was led by the team manager. He was one who is looking after all the levels of the project. The manager always motivated the employees and even at hard times, he maintained a good environment in the workplace. I really adored working under him. All the employees under him were very happy and satisfied with his leading abilities. As I wish to establish my own company, I really like to adopt all the above qualities and train my leaders to be the best leaders in my company.


Organizational culture refers to the personality or the traits of an organization. It emphasizes the values, beliefs, and customs of the employees of the organization. This culture helps to differentiate from other organizations. Culture also provides guidelines regarding training and development of the employees. It states the kind of knowledge and abilities required by the employees to give better performance in the organization. Always organization culture should be well structured and committed to the values. In my opinion, organizational culture refers to the common values and beliefs that prevail in an organization and enable employees to understand their roles and customs of an organization. Back in my undergrad, I worked as an Intern for one of the semiconductor company in India, it has a very strong organizational culture. The working environment was so enjoyable. The company had transparency between the employees. The company encouraged all type cultural activities which made the company more diversified. The organization always maintained the unity. These eventually led the company to have more people with different religion, gender, cultural backgrounds, and personalities. I believe, to maintain a successful organizational culture the key element will be employee involvement. I like to consider all the above aspects into my company to build a perfect organizational culture.


Job satisfaction may be defined as the feeling or attitude that an employee has about the job that he/she is performing. Many research studies have clearly established a strong correlation between an employee’s job performance and the satisfaction that he derives from doing the job. These studies show that a satisfied employee has a better attitude towards his job and his productivity is significantly higher as compared to other less-satisfied employees. Nowadays, job positions available are very less compared to a number of people qualified. It has become very hard for people to find a job they are interested in. So, employees are forced to work in the job they are not interested. This led to the poor output of a work from a dissatisfied employee which eventually lead to the destruction of an organization. In my opinion, a satisfied employee generally bears a positive outlook towards the job and the company. Employees will be more proactive, display higher levels of motivation and initiative to take on more responsibilities and have a better relationship with fellow employees, superiors and subordinates. They will constantly search for new ways to do his job better and also eager to help others to do their work better as well. In my company, I like to consider all the above qualities and to encourage and motivate employees in their respective jobs to establish job satisfying environment in an organization.


A Team is formed by two or more people, where they interact, work deliberately to reach a common set of assignments. In a team, everyone will contribute in his or her own way to achieve a set of goals. The team will be led by the team leader and he has the power to make the decisions with respect to the team. The team leader will set the project or work for a team and take care of every employee. Team members are mutually dependent and are sensitive to the needs of the other members of the team. This group of teams is necessary for the functioning of the organization. Coordination between team members is the key to lead a successful organization. So, employees within a team must have a good relationship like coordinating or mutually involving in the exchange and developing of thoughts or ideas to achieve a task. In my opinion, managers or team leaders play a major role in handling team members' relationships. The team leader must always provide a good atmosphere within the team which in turn creates a positive relationship between employees. In a diversified team, the team leader should always give prominence to each and every employee. For establishing a good relationship between team members, the team leader must set interactive session within a team where the employee will have chance to communicate and understand team members.


Stress is one the important aspect which decides the involvement of employees towards to works. Whenever an employee is allotted with huge work and shorter deadline creates stress. This led to poor performance and mental stress on an employee. Stress management assists in overcoming stress and increases the levels of motivation and efficiency of the employees. It involves recognition and examination of problems related to stress. The main objective of stress management is to motivate the individual to give his/her best performance in a favorable environment. To avoid a heavy workload stress, an organization should distribute a work evenly between all employees and handle the short-term goals or projects effectively. An organization should initiate different stress management programs like providing multiple leisure breaks between the work, conducting outings where employees can feel relaxed, organizing some yoga sessions to keep body and mind relaxed, and also by providing sufficient time to complete the assigned task. Whenever an employee feels stressed out, the company should organize one on one session to discuss the key issue of an employee and try to solve the issue in a better and faster way. In my opinion, stress is inevitable in the life of an individual. Human beings are unable to remain stress-free, but we must find better ways to handle it. I believe above discussed solutions would at least try to overcome stress which is created in an organization.


In an organization, decisions are made by individuals selecting from among two or more alternatives. In an organization goals, finance operations and what service or product to be offered are determined by top managers. Whereas setting a schedule for projects, selecting employees and allocating pay scales are done by middle-level managers. Certain decisions made by middle-level managers are creating problems within an organization like provide a short-term deadline, allocating more projects to a certain group and assigning different projects to employees who are not specialized in that particular field. These things are creating an adverse effect on employees and the organization. I believe all employees in an organization should have equal opportunity to share their views. This creates new ideas or approaches to achieve the goal of the project and also creates openness within the organization so that employees will have a positive feeling towards the work. Conducting online surveys or sessions within an organization are better ways to reach out every employee and get their point of view or feedback on decisions.


In a modern world, change is inevitable. We need to adopt these changes and update ourselves every day to make our life easier. The same is the case with business entities or organizations. An organization should always follow the market trend and make changes within the organization. Planned changes usually have a positive impact and it is goal-oriented and intentional. But unplanned and sudden changes in an organization will have a negative impact and stressful to handle it. Someone likes to have order, balance, predictability, uniformity and certain equilibrium in his life find very hard to adopt changes suddenly or more frequently. So, we have to follow a certain set to procedures or rules while adopting changes like taking suggestion or feedback from the employees about change or implementing changes in small group and examining it.


Communication is one of the most important elements of an organization. It is a process of transferring and understanding of message between a source and a receiver. In an organization, one should always interact with other employees to build a healthy work relationship and to exchange their thoughts or ideas. An organization should have a balance between both upward and downward communication to run successfully. Downward communication flows from the upper level to the lower level of an organization. Where managers or team leaders assign a set of goals, provide instructions to follow up on and try to obtain feedback. Upward communication flows from the lower level to the upper level, where employees provide feedback to the manager or team leader, inform about the progress of the work assigned. This communication between the upper level and lower level group must be balanced. Where every employee within an organization should have an openness to reach out to communicate with one another and establish a healthy working environment. In an organization I wish to establish, I like to implement a better-communicating platform through many programs and ideas like above to everyone within my organization.


I believe that for a successful organization one should incorporate all the above ideas. I am extremely happy about taking the Engineering Organizational Development course, as it helped me to gain more knowledge, how to be a good employee and how to run an organization successfully. I understood the effort that an individual makes to start an organization and to make it run successfully by not only earning profits but also carry goodwill to the company. I like to implement all these ideas in the startup company I wish to establish and run it successfully.

Updated: Dec 11, 2021
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The Structure of the Ideal Organization of My Dreams essay
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