Exploring Puritan Ethos in 'The Scarlet Letter' by Hawthorne

Categories: Religion

Introduction to Puritan Society in American History

The Puritan era in American history is a defining period that deeply influenced the country's socio-cultural fabric. This period, characterized by a strict theocratic rule and an unyielding social order, sets the backdrop for Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter". This novel, set in the Puritan community of Boston, Massachusetts, offers a penetrating insight into the complex dynamics of this society through the experiences of its protagonist, Hester Prynne. Hawthorne’s narrative not only unravels Hester's personal struggles but also serves as a window into the broader aspects of Puritan life, including their stringent moral codes, gender dynamics, and the overarching influence of religion on daily life.

Hawthorne's portrayal of the Puritan society is not merely a backdrop but a central element that shapes the narrative.

The society's preoccupation with sin and virtue, its mechanisms for maintaining social order, and its profound fear of nonconformity are vividly depicted throughout the novel. The strict moral codes and theocratic governance that the Puritans adhered to are reflected in every aspect of their lives, from their dress code to their legal system.

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The Puritan belief in predestination and their relentless pursuit of a sin-free community underpin the societal norms that govern the characters in "The Scarlet Letter".

In exploring the Puritan society, Hawthorne delves into the ideological foundations of this community. The Puritans, having migrated from England, sought to establish a 'city upon a hill', a community that would serve as a beacon of religious purity and moral rectitude.

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Their society was intended to be a model of Christian piety and a bastion against the perceived moral decay of the broader European society. This historical context is crucial in understanding the intense scrutiny and stringent punishments that characters like Hester Prynne endure in the narrative.

In essence, "The Scarlet Letter" is not just a story of an individual's struggle but a representation of a society fervently striving to uphold its ideals. Hawthorne's exploration of Puritanism through this narrative reveals the complexities and contradictions of this influential period in American history.

Dimmesdale's Religious Anxiety and Self-Punishment

Arthur Dimmesdale, a central character in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter", embodies the intense spiritual anxiety that was pervasive in Puritan society. As a clergyman who has committed adultery, Dimmesdale experiences profound guilt, a burden that becomes a central theme in the novel. His internal struggle is not just a personal affliction but a reflection of the broader Puritanical obsession with sin and penance. Dimmesdale's plight illustrates how Puritan society imposed severe psychological pressures on individuals to conform to its stringent moral codes.

Dimmesdale's methods of self-punishment, as described by Hawthorne, are graphic and disturbing. Locked away in his secret closet, he scourges himself, maintains vigils in darkness, and engages in relentless introspection. These acts of self-flagellation are not mere literary devices; they mirror the real practices of Puritans who believed that physical suffering could absolve spiritual corruption. PBS’s reference to Puritans living in a constant state of spiritual anxiety seeking signs of God's favor or wrath contextualizes Dimmesdale’s actions within the broader societal norms of the time.

Furthermore, Dimmesdale's internal conflict and his inability to confess his sin publicly speak volumes about the societal expectations and the fear of public censure in Puritan communities. His struggle is emblematic of the wider conflict between personal guilt and the public façade of piety that many Puritans had to maintain. This dichotomy highlights the psychological torment that individuals faced, torn between their human imperfections and the relentless pursuit of moral perfection demanded by their society.

In sum, Dimmesdale’s character is a poignant study of the psychological impact of Puritanical doctrines. His experiences are indicative of the larger theme of religious anxiety that permeated Puritan society. Through his narrative, Hawthorne not only portrays the personal agony of a tormented soul but also critiques the rigid moralism and the culture of shame and secrecy that characterized the Puritan ethos.

Puritan Emphasis on Social Order and Punishment

The rigid social order of Puritan society and its emphasis on punishment for moral transgressions are vividly depicted in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter". The establishment of prisons, as highlighted in the opening chapter of the novel, signifies the Puritans' commitment to maintaining social conformity through disciplinary measures. Hawthorne's detailed description of the prison in Boston, with its heavy oak doors and iron spikes, symbolizes the sternness and inflexibility of the Puritan legal system. This imagery sets the tone for a society that is quick to judge and punish those who deviate from its moral standards.

Hawthorne’s portrayal of Hester Prynne’s imprisonment and public shaming is a direct consequence of the Puritanical belief in the necessity of visible punishment to deter sin and maintain social order. The prison is not merely a physical structure but a representation of the societal compulsion to suppress and correct any deviation from the established norms. The Library of Congress's reference to the Puritans' mission to establish an ideal community and their strict moral regulation reinforces this perspective. In their quest to create a model society, the Puritans deemed it essential to have tangible, harsh consequences for moral failures.

Moreover, the Puritan approach to punishment was not just about correcting the individual but also about setting a precedent for the community. The public nature of punishments, like the pillory or the stocks, served as a stark reminder to the community of the consequences of sin. This approach reflects a society deeply concerned with preserving its collective moral integrity. The emphasis on punishment in Puritan society also highlights the intersection of law and religion, where legal transgressions were seen as direct offenses against divine law.

In conclusion, Hawthorne’s depiction of the Puritan emphasis on social order and punishment in "The Scarlet Letter" is a critical exploration of how these principles shaped individual lives and societal norms. The novel illuminates the harsh realities of a society that prioritized communal morality above individual welfare, using punishment as a tool to enforce conformity and suppress dissent.

Puritan Fear of Witchcraft and the Devil

In "The Scarlet Letter", Nathaniel Hawthorne delves into the Puritan fear of witchcraft and the devil, aspects that were integral to the societal and religious fabric of the time. This fear is exemplified in the character of Mistress Hibbins, who is suspected of being a witch and is later executed. Hawthorne's portrayal of Hibbins and her alleged dealings with the 'Black Man', a euphemism for the devil, encapsulates the deep-seated paranoia and superstition that permeated Puritan society.

The Puritans' fear of witchcraft was not an isolated phenomenon but a manifestation of their broader theological beliefs and worldview. Their strict interpretation of the Bible led them to believe in the literal existence of the devil and his constant presence in the world. This belief was compounded by their view of the world as a battleground between good and evil, with the devil continually attempting to corrupt the faithful. Hawthorne's narrative echoes historical events such as the Salem witch trials, where this fear led to hysteria and the tragic persecution of many innocents.

Mistress Hibbins' character and her eventual fate also reflect the gender dynamics of the time. Women, more often than men, were targets of witchcraft accusations, partly due to societal perceptions of women as more susceptible to devilish influences. The execution of Hibbins underscores the lethal consequences of these superstitions and the societal impulse to eliminate perceived threats to the Puritan moral order.

Furthermore, Hawthorne’s depiction of witchcraft and devilry in the novel serves as a critique of the Puritan tendency to equate unexplained or unconventional behavior with diabolical influence. This aspect of Puritanism reveals a society grappling with fear and uncertainty, often resorting to extreme measures to maintain its sense of control and piety.

In summary, the theme of witchcraft and the devil in "The Scarlet Letter" is a powerful indictment of the Puritan fear of the supernatural and its devastating impact on society. Through this lens, Hawthorne exposes the paranoia and intolerance that characterized the Puritanical approach to dissent and difference.


In conclusion, Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" offers a profound and multifaceted exploration of Puritan society in 17th century America. Through its detailed portrayal of characters and their struggles, the novel provides a comprehensive picture of the complexities and contradictions of Puritan life. The themes of religious anxiety and self-punishment, as seen in Arthur Dimmesdale's character, highlight the intense spiritual and psychological pressures within this society. The depiction of the Puritan emphasis on social order and punishment, particularly through the experiences of Hester Prynne, reveals the strict and often harsh mechanisms employed to maintain moral conformity.

Furthermore, the novel delves into the Puritans' deep-seated fear of witchcraft and the devil, a fear that led to tragic consequences and underscored the paranoia and superstition of the era. This aspect of the narrative not only reflects historical events like the Salem witch trials but also serves as a commentary on the dangers of fanaticism and intolerance.

"The Scarlet Letter" goes beyond a mere historical account; it is a critical examination of the societal and moral dilemmas faced by the Puritans. Hawthorne's narrative critiques the rigidity and hypocrisy of Puritanism while empathetically portraying its human cost. The novel's enduring relevance lies in its exploration of themes such as guilt, redemption, and the conflict between individual desires and societal norms.

In essence, Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" is a rich and insightful representation of American Puritanism, capturing the essence of a pivotal era in American history. Its exploration of the human condition within the strictures of a rigidly moralistic society offers timeless insights into the complexities of human nature and the societal constructs that shape our lives.

Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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Exploring Puritan Ethos in 'The Scarlet Letter' by Hawthorne. (2016, Apr 24). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/the-scarlet-letter-essay

Exploring Puritan Ethos in 'The Scarlet Letter' by Hawthorne essay
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