The Role of Ariel in William Shakespeare's Play "The Tempest"

"The Tempest," written by William Shakespeare, is a masterpiece that explores themes of power, colonization, and forgiveness. Among the fascinating characters in the play, Ariel stands out as a crucial figure who plays a multifaceted role. This essay aims to analyze the role of Ariel in "The Tempest" by examining the character's magical abilities, servitude to Prospero, and contributions to the overall themes and plot development. Through a comprehensive study of Ariel's actions and motivations, we can gain a deeper understanding of the significance of this enigmatic spirit in Shakespeare's final play.

Ariel is a spirit, often referred to as an "airy spirit" or a "harpy," endowed with supernatural powers.

These abilities are integral to the character's role in "The Tempest." Ariel's magical capabilities allow him to control the elements, transform his appearance, and perform enchantments. For instance, Ariel creates a tempest at the beginning of the play, using his powers over wind and water to conjure a storm that shipwrecks the characters on the island.

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This event serves as a catalyst for the subsequent events and sets the stage for the power dynamics and conflicts that unfold throughout the play.

One of the central aspects of Ariel's role is his servitude to Prospero, the protagonist of the play. Prospero, a sorcerer, has rescued Ariel from the torment of imprisonment within a cloven pine tree. In return, Ariel agrees to serve Prospero until the sorcerer deems him worthy of freedom. Ariel's obedience to Prospero's commands highlights the complexities of power and control.

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Despite Ariel's magical abilities and potential to overpower his master, he willingly submits to Prospero's authority, embodying a loyal and devoted servant.

Ariel's obedience extends beyond mere servitude; he becomes an active agent of Prospero's will. Throughout the play, Ariel carries out various tasks assigned by Prospero, often involving manipulation and illusion. Ariel uses his magical abilities to create illusions, influence the characters' perceptions, and orchestrate events that contribute to Prospero's overall plan. For example, Ariel adopts multiple disguises, including that of a nymph, to create confusion and deceive the shipwrecked characters. These actions align with Prospero's overarching goal of seeking retribution, justice, and reconciliation.

Ariel's presence in "The Tempest" significantly contributes to the exploration of several thematic elements. One prominent theme is power dynamics, particularly the abuse of power and its consequences. Ariel's servitude to Prospero exemplifies the power imbalance between master and servant, highlighting the potential for exploitation and oppression. Additionally, Ariel's role sheds light on the theme of colonization, as Prospero's control over the island mirrors the colonial mindset of the time. Ariel's actions and desires for freedom symbolize the aspirations of the oppressed, accentuating the play's critique of imperialism.

Moreover, Ariel's role in the plot development is pivotal. As a messenger and intermediary, Ariel facilitates communication between characters, relaying information and influencing their decisions. Ariel's interventions ultimately contribute to the resolution of conflicts and the restoration of order. For instance, Ariel's manipulation of the characters' emotions leads to their ultimate reconciliation and forgiveness. Through Ariel's actions, Shakespeare emphasizes the importance of empathy, forgiveness, and redemption in overcoming past grievances.

In "The Tempest," Ariel embodies various significant roles, including a magical being, a loyal servant, and an active agent of Prospero's will. Through his magical abilities and servitude, Ariel becomes instrumental in advancing the play's thematic exploration and plot development. By examining Ariel's actions and motivations, we gain insights into power dynamics, colonization, and the potential for redemption and forgiveness. The character of Ariel serves as a profound representation of the human desire for freedom, the complexities of power, and the transformative nature of mercy, making him a crucial and memorable presence in Shakespeare's final play.

Updated: Jul 02, 2023
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The Role of Ariel in William Shakespeare's Play "The Tempest" essay
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