The researchers were motivated to use the Luzon Brokerage Corporation

The researchers were motivated to use the Luzon Brokerage Corporation as the main subject of their research because of the issues they have heard from the past customers which are complaining about the service of the LBC. They wanted to help the LBC to know what are the lapses occur from their transaction and help them to know some of the applicable improvement of their services. As an entrepreneur they must develop their analytical thinking and situational problem solving. With the help of the LBC, it became the instrument for them to develop their ability, skills, self actualization and trust with the members of the group which became their companion, compadre, tropa, kaibigan, classmate, lover and a group-mates through-out the research.

The researchers overview this research not just a partial completion to their subject course Fundamentals of research but as a lesson to them, experience, bond that improves their trusts to their group mates and most especially the information that they can share to the Luzon Brokerage Corporation to the improvements of their company as a under-graduate research paper of the students from Polytechnic University of the Philippines.

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There are many delivery companies in a country, but how are they differ? The Luzon Brokerage Corporation (LBC) is a delivery company in Philippines and also known for its outstanding performances. However with its very good performances in delivery system it still needs to improve something from their services for their customers. This research paper stands to help the Luzon Brokerage Corporation know the levels or degree of their customer satisfaction for them to improve their systems.

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LBC is one of the most popular courier in the Philippines where they include to their services are the money remittances, package deliveries, and now addition to their services is their customers can pay through them with their monthly bills. LBC started its transaction during the World War II which they are known for brokerage and air cargo agent. Way back then LBC is known only for buying and selling financial securities

between a buyer and a seller which they stand for the buyer. Brokerage firms serves as investors who trade public stocks and other securities. Aside from being the brokerage during the World War II the LBC also linked in as air
cargo firms, they transport large cargo from the different part of the country.

LBC soon became a respected leader offering fast and reliable Express Courier and Money Remittance service throughout the Philippines. Today LBC offers the widest coverage and network with over 600 strategically located branches nationwide. Other expansion flows, now a day’s new generations despite of the zooming trends by technologies thru internet bank, lots of customer still rely in an old and trusted method: hand delivery to your doorstep. Truly, LBC has come a long way. Its branches expanded from the initial 14 branches in the 70s to 543 at present covering majority or rural and urban areas. From then on, its commitment to express delivery, spread to other countries where there are Filipinos. LBC first established its overseas office in San Francisco, USA in 1985. Several years later, it opened up in Vancouver, Canada. Right there and then, many of LBC branches have knocked on other countries’ doors for service. Commitment of the LBC, innovation and technology are prime factors why LBC achieved a high status in the courier business. The position has not stopped them from working on top because they think that serving others is on continuous and never ending.

In order to support the hypothesis, the researchers provides seven local literatures, seven foreign literatures, seven local studies, seven foreign studies and a theoretical framework which become the basis of the researchers for the entire research. The constructed title was approved by Professor Zandro Estrella which is the “level of the customer’s satisfaction of the Luzon Brokerage Corporation (LBC)”. After the approval of the title, the group tries to have the permit to the LBC’s main office located at Star Cruise Building, Newport Manila Pasay City for being the main subject of the research. The group decided to have the team of Mr. Dennis Folloso located at the

Puregold North Fairview, Sandigan, Villionco Commonwealth and Don Antonio. The researchers decided to have 100 respondents which have been availed the Air cargo delivery or the package/document delivery. The survey will be held at the said four LBC branches near Commonwealth with the partial quota of 25
respondents for every LBC branch. After the classification of the number of the respondents the researchers constructed a checklist type of questionnaire consists of the customers experience during the transaction, post-services experience with LBC, their opinion about the employees of the LBC and the recommendation of the customers. The answers to the questionnaire can be rated as: extremely effective, effective, satisfactory. The questionnaires consist all the problems as stated on chapter one together with the unstated sub-problem. This research presents the research method used in this study, sources of data, gathering instrument of data, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data, respondents and procedures used by the researchers of the completion of this study. After the survey the researchers tabulate the survey papers using the SPSS application of the computer which can give them the most accurate tabulation and the results of the survey (excluding the typographical error may occur during the encoding of the information from the survey papers). The statistician of group recommended using that application for the easiest way and accurate way to get the results. The researchers used the descriptive method in conducting the research. It is made to ascertain the method of detecting and identifying all the available factors for data analysis and description. This study is made to identify the customer’s level of satisfaction towards the LBC delivery system. After the tabulation the researchers combined all the extracted information to build the summary, conclusion and the recommendation for the chapter five. All respondents were asked to rate the services of the LBC in terms of their satisfaction during the service transaction, their post-services experience with LBC and their opinion about the employees of the LBC. The survey paper also includes the recommendation of the customers to the company.

The researchers found that majority of the total respondents are in between of ages 15-30 years old with 41%, 37% of ages 31-46 years old and 22% for 47 years old and above for a total respondents of 100. In terms of gender majority of the respondents are Female with 73% and the remaining 27% are male with a total of 100 respondents. For the percentage distribution of the respondents by monthly income, the majority of the total respondents are earning income to 10,000-15,000 pesos with 30% while 27% of the total
respondents earning income to 5001-10,000, 26% of the total respondents earning income below 5,000, 8% of the respondents earning 15,001-20,000, 6% earning income 20,001-25,000, 2% of the total respondents did not include their earning income and 1% earning above 25,001.

The research found also that 52% of the total respondents availed the International deliveries while 86% availed Domestic deliveries. It also shows that 17% of the domestic deliveries are packages while 83% of deliveries are documents in terms of the item delivered in domestic delivery, it also shows that 10% of the international deliveries are documents while 90% of deliveries are Packages in terms of Items Delivered in International Deliveries.

The study also shows the weighted mean and qualitative description of the total respondents towards the convenience and effectiveness of LBC. The overall weighted mean is 3.90 where this shows that the customers of the LBC are Very Satisfied in terms of the Convenience and Effectiveness of the services; it also shows the weighted mean and qualitative description of the total respondents towards the convenience and effectiveness of LBC. The overall weighted mean is 3.90 where this shows that the customers of the LBC are Very Satisfied in terms of the Convenience and Effectiveness of the services. This graph shows the experiences of LBC customers during and after the service transaction. During the service transaction the level of the customer satisfaction is at 4.00 were it can be interpret Very Satisfied in the customer after the service transaction is at 3.75 were it can be interpret also as Very Satisfied while the scale slightly goes down from during and after service transaction, the level of the customer satisfaction is at 4.00 where it can be interpret as Very Satisfied in the customer satisfaction of the service transaction and the level is at 3.75 where it can be interpret as also as Very Satisfied, as you can see after the transaction the scale of the customer satisfaction is slightly goes down from the satisfaction during the services.

The researchers also proved that the literature of Grigoroudis (2010) which is the customer’s satisfaction measurement is one of the most important
things in the business field. The business owners must also look after of their customer’s satisfaction In order to earn their trust. The theory of Salvador and Fua-Geronimo’s also supported the result of the research which the authors stated that the “The important considerations are such things as speed and efficiency of deliveries, service level (proportion of time that the item should be in stock, minimum time for delivery, etc.) And average of the target population”. From the second point of view they also stated that the business owners must also look after to their customer’s satisfaction. The theory also implies that bringing the customer’s needs alone is not enough but putting up the best to give their best satisfaction they can experience is the key factor for a successful business. The findings of the study that the customers’ satisfaction in terms of convenience and effectiveness of the services has 3.90 overall weighted mean means the customers are Very Satisfied. In terms of the delivery system of LBC during the service transaction the total respondents has 4.03 overall weighted mean which means they are very satisfied to the service transaction with LBC representatives, while after the service transaction in terms of delivery some of the respondents with 4.10 weighted mean says that the item quantity has changed, 4.23 weighted mean answered that the items are not delivered, 4.17 weighted mean says that the item delivered has changed and 3.73% says that the delivery fee is over charge. The following statements are the constructed recommendations of the researchers-LBC should require its delivery personnel to tell the customer a brief disclaimer upon receipt of expected items. This disclaimer should include that the customer will sign for the receipt of the item and also will sign again for certifying that the item is in good shape. This recommendation is also accompanied by a 7 day complaint validity timeframe, with this LBC would reaffirm that they are confident in the quality of their service and is willing to receive complaints within 7 days upon receipt of the delivered item. LBC should require their delivery personnel to take a picture of the receiver with the item on his hand as a documentation of the valid receipt of delivery items. This would avoid invalid claims about their service. Keeping these files within the 7-day period would allow better handling and solving of logged complaints for LBC will now have a simple database of proof of receipt. LBC should assign a follow-up team at their call centre to randomly check and do
surveys with customers who have already received their items.

If you’ll notice these recommendations will most likely to affect personnel on the field. As LBC has its foundation in the trust that Filipinos are willing to give them. This trust is what keeps LBC fire alive. Doing the recommendations above will definitely make our field personnel more vigilant in their jobs and would give the customers a feeling of security which is very important to them in entrusting their prized possession to us for shipping and handling. Various recommendations have been constructed by the researcher although most of the respondents who answered the survey are perfectly convinced that the LBC have done a god job in providing the customer’s needs with giving the highest effort The findings of the study that the customers’ satisfaction in terms of convenience and effectiveness of the services has 3.90 overall weighted mean means the customers are Very Satisfied. In terms of the delivery system of LBC during the service transaction the total respondents has 4.03 overall weighted mean which means they are very satisfied to the service transaction with LBC representatives, while after the service transaction in terms of delivery some of the respondents with 4.10 weighted mean says that the item quantity has changed, 4.23 weighted mean answered that the items are not delivered, 4.17 weighted mean says that the item delivered has changed and 3.73% says that the delivery fee is over charge.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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The researchers were motivated to use the Luzon Brokerage Corporation. (2016, Apr 07). Retrieved from

The researchers were motivated to use the Luzon Brokerage Corporation essay
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