The Reproductive Health Law

Categories: HealthLaw

Reproductive Health Law today is popularly known as the RH LAW, a Philippine law that aims to guarantee methods and information for universal access on birth control and maternal care. It allows the usage of different contraception methods to prevent the multiplying population here in the country. That is why; the priests are not in favors of this because for them it is against the law of God. However, in my points of view, I thought at first that this argument is unnecessary for me to know.

I thought that this is not needed and irrelevant for a student like me. But I now concede that I am really wrong. This law must be known to every person that resides here in the Philippines. This is about us. This law is something about our health and our country. For me I guess I’m pro RH law in a sense that it is the only way to help our country to reduce overcome population and I believe that the irresponsible parenthood is one of the main reasons why there is poverty.

Maybe through responsible parenthood, we can decrease poverty and that is the mainstream of this concern.

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We can build a nation that can provide things for their family. A nation that can cope with the fast changing approach of the new century and can never be left out. Because of poverty, we are being pulled down to the ground because we can’t go with the flow of life. In addition, this law can serve as a good purpose for the married couples because this contributes more knowledge to their minds to have a good family planning scheme.

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We all know the demands sexually of the married couples, so by these, they can ensure that their family will not boost in number. Republic act 10354 section 2 state Declaration of Policy. – The State recognizes and guarantees the human rights of all persons including their right to equality and nondiscrimination of these rights, the right to sustainable human development, the right to health which includes reproductive health, the right to education and information, and the right to choose and make decisions for themselves in accordance with their religious convictions, ethics, cultural beliefs, and the demands of responsible parenthood.

This act recognize and guarantees to the human right of all person. And it’s demands of responsible parenthood because through this, it can decrease poverty here in our country, specially overcome populationnd this is a way to help our country to seize the incessant growing of our population. As what I know the main target of RH law is to control the population rate and to expand the knowledge about maternal care. This means using of condoms and other stuff that will not make a woman pregnant. Actually, I’m still uncertain if I’ll be against the RH Law or if I’ll be in favor of it because I want our population controlled and on the other hand I believe that our Christian ways and beliefs observed. RH-Law controls of the rapid population growth in our country, in other hand we need to acknowledge this law because it helps on the development of our country’s economy, such as Childbearing and health. Early childbearing and other behaviours can have health risks for women and their infants.

Waiting until a woman is at least 18 years old before trying to have children improves maternal and child health. If an additional child is to be conceived, it is considered healthier for the mother, as well as for the succeeding child, to wait at least 2 years after the previous birth before attempting to conception. Most of these deaths can be avoided with improving women's access to quality care from a skilled birth attendant before, during and after pregnancy and childbirth. In the, 'Reproductive health' is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and...not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and its functions and processes. Reproductive health therefore implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so.

Implicit in this last condition are the right of men and women to be informed and to have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of family planning of their choice, as well as other methods of birth control which are not against the law, and the right of access to appropriate health-care services that will enable women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth and provide couples with the best chance of having a healthy infant. For me, I am a Pro with this law because I am aware to what is happening to country today, and I believe it can really helps to our country seize the blooming population of our country as what I stated on second paragraph and I believe that lazy and irrelevant parenthood is one of the main problem why there is POVERTY. We can build a nation that can provide need to our family. A nation that can follow fast to the new century and can never be left behind.

Because of POVERTY, our country is being pulled down. As what I’ve red the World Health Organization's definition of health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, reproductive health, or sexual health/hygiene, addresses the reproductive processes, functions and system at all stages of life. Reproductive health, therefore, implies that people are able to have a responsible, satisfying and safer sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so.

One interpretation of this implies that men and women ought to be informed of and to have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of birth control; also access to appropriate health care services of sexual, reproductive medicine and implementation of health education programs to stress the importance of women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth could provide couples with the best chance of having a healthy infant. On the other hand individuals do face inequalities in reproductive health services. Inequalities vary based on socioeconomic status, education level, age, ethnicity, religion, and resources available in their environment.

It is possible for example, that low income individuals lack the resources for appropriate health services and the knowledge to know what is appropriate for maintaining reproductive health. Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled.

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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The Reproductive Health Law. (2016, Nov 04). Retrieved from

The Reproductive Health Law essay
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