The Fight Against Same-Sex Marriage With the Government

Homosexuality is the attraction -more specifically sexual attraction- between people of the same sex or gender. This can include attraction between a man and another man, a woman and another woman, and relationships that fare similarly. Traditionally, relationships have only been considered to be between a man and a woman, so throughout the years, as gay rights activists have been protesting and campaigning, tension continues to arise in the government when it comes to the issue of gay rights. Most of the arguments have been religious -which causes most of our generally conservative government to side with- and others have been scientific.

In the eyes of our conservative government, the scientific arguments further corroborates their arguments, leading them to refuse gay rights and cause even more tension in our political system. Homosexual marriage was legalized on the 26th of June in 2015; however, it still continues to be an issue in our government to this day.

The arguments against gay marriage have been to the point, and very one-sided in thought.

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The scientific arguments against gay marriage stands that their marriage and council “cannot include sexual intercourse leading to pregnancy” (Skillen). This argument is based on the belief that men and women alike are put on this earth for one reason, and one reason alone: to multiply. People believe that since gay marriage cannot produce biological offspring, it cannot be considered as marriage. Biologically, this makes sense as a homosexual couple cannot produce a child that is a combination of both of their DNA; However, at the same time, the counterargument can be made that men and women do not necessarily have to produce and raise their own offspring.

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Worldwide there are “153 million orphans” that were supposed to be with a happy and healthy family , but instead were abandoned and left to the care of others (Darago). If the amount of orphans “were a country of their own, the population would rank 9th in the world- ahead of Russia” (Darago). There are millions of children around the world that lack a stable home, and homosexual couples have the ability to provide them one, so logically, what need is there in a marriage to reproduce? Although a homosexual couple cannot produce their own offspring, they can still raise a child as their own, and in turn help reduce the amount of orphans around the world. In addition, reducing the amount of offspring produced in the world thus reduces the amount of overpopulation. Each “child born in the United States will add about 9,441 metric tons of carbon dioxide” into the atmosphere, so by not producing their own offspring, homosexual couples are in turn helping save the environment (Biological Diversity). They reduce the overpopulation in the atmosphere, thus reducing the extraneous amounts of emissions being put into our atmosphere.

Furthermore, a homosexual couple is equally, if not more successful and substantial than a heterosexual couple. Logically, two people enter a marriage because they love the other person dearly, both for heterosexual and homosexual couples. These two people look forward to their future together, having kids, raising kids, etc, etc, all the while being together. Homosexual couples are seen as less successful than heterosexual couples because the child lacks the family dynamic of having both a father and a mother; however, if the child is being cared for and loved properly, then it is really necessary to have both a father and a mother? It is more important to raise the child in a stable environment, and popular to contrary belief, homosexual couples can provide that. In one year, “about 1% of the total number of currently-married or registered same-sex couples get divorced”, compared to the “2% of the total number” of same-sex couples that get divorced each year (Hertz). Homosexual couples are less likely to get divorced, and more likely to provide a stable family for the child that they choose to raise. These couples are created on the basis of love, and therefore will provide a foundation of love for whichever child enters it.

Moreover, homosexuality is not an issue because it provides society with no negative repercussions, but rather, teaches society how to love everyone with an equal amount of love. Homosexual marriages and councils teach the society around them that it is okay to love someone of the same sex and gender as you because after all, everyone deserves to be loved right? Most humans are instilled within themselves the need for love and affection. The need is hardwired within us all and “fulfillment of this desire enhances our happiness levels” (Raghunathan). Without love, we are angrier, more short-tempered and even more prone to violence. It is human nature to love and without it, we are not human. So what if one finds love within someone of the same gender? It isn’t physically hurting anybody, and a matter of fact, it is actually helping society by preventing those in love from exuding violent behaviors towards society. Love is love. The same love that keeps a heterosexual couple happy and healthy is the same love that keeps a homosexual couple happy and healthy, and if it’s not hurting anybody, the question stands that is it so bad? Denying someone the right to marry is prejudiced and perpetuates the creation of second-class citizens. In addition, more often than not, the Bible is used as a reference against homosexuality, and those who use the Bible as such even go as far to say that we should condemn the homosexuals to a life filled with sorrow and hatred; however, that is not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that society should love their neighbors as they love themselves, and if they fail to do so then they fail to see God, since God is found in loving others. By this alone, those who fail to support homosexuality are in turn going against the very thing they are using to argue against it. They are creating an environment of hatred and negativity that is against the teachings of God.

Furthermore, the subjugation of homosexuals has gone long enough. As a gay man, it’s hard to express how I truly feel about someone without feeling the fear of being judged or harassed by someone who disagrees with my views. Why should I be afraid to express my emotions when it is legally protected? In a 7-2 majority in the 1974 case Cleveland Board of Education v LaFLeur, the US Supreme Court ruled that individuals have the “freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life” (Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur). Although this case dealt with matters of maternity leave for new mothers, it still established the fact that individuals are allowed to marry whomever they want and create a family in any way they want. Therefore, homosexuals shouldn’t be victims to the harassment and discrimination that they do to this very day, even though Gay marriage has been legalized, and has almost become a societal normalization. Approximately “more than half of them [the LGBTQ community] experienced slurs or offensive comments” during their day-to-day lives (Moreau). Some have even been discriminated against “in the process of applying for a job, being paid equally or considered for a promotion, or [even for] buying or renting a home” (Moreau). On a day-to-day basis, homosexuals and the LGBTQ+ community is discriminated against even though their rights are protected by a ruling the supreme court has made many years ago. Sometimes the kindest people get treated the worst way just because of their sexuality .

With all the arguments made against homosexual marriage, it is easy to take what they say into consideration and support the anti-gay rights movement. However, I don’t support the anti-gay rights movement. I whole-heartedly support the gay rights movement and believe that two people of the same gender should be allowed to lay in bed with whomever they prefer. Furthermore, if the religious argument is solely based on the Bible, then it provides no real argument against gay marriage. Although the Bible forbids gay marriage, it also forbids divorce, but over half of the marriages in our society lead to divorce. Is anything being done about that by the religious and conservative people? No. If the argument against gay marriage stands solely behind the Bible, then it should suffice to say that everything else should be argued against in the Bible that is not fully followed out on Earth. I say all this to say that gay marriage is marriage and should be celebrated and supported as if it were the same for a same-sex couple. After all, love is love, and it should be celebrated no matter what.

Updated: Feb 02, 2023
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The Fight Against Same-Sex Marriage With the Government essay
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