The Comprehensive Written Analysis of GM

This assignment requires you to apply the entire strategic-management process to the particular organization. When preparing a comprehensive written analysis, picture yourself as a consultant who has been asked by a company to conduct a study of its external and internal environment and to make specific recommendations for its future. Prepare exhibits to support your recommendations. Highlight exhibits with some discussion in the paper. Comprehensive written analyses are usually about 10 pages in length, plus exhibits.

Steps in Preparing a Comprehensive Written Analysis

In preparing a written case analysis, you could follow the steps outlined here, which correlate to the stages in the strategic-management process and the chapters in this text.

(Note—The steps in presenting an oral case analysis are given on pages 356–358, are more detailed, and could be used here).

Step 1 Identify the firm’s existing vision, mission, objectives, and strategies. Step 2 Develop vision and mission statements for the organization. Step 3 Identify the organization’s external opportunities and threats.

Step 4 Construct a Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM).

Step 5 Construct an External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix.

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Step 6 Identify the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses. Step 7 Construct an Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix. Step 8 Prepare a Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Matrix, Strategic Position and Action Evaluation (SPACE) Matrix, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix, Internal-External (IE) Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix, and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) as appropriate. Give advantages and disadvantages of alternative strategies.

Step 9 Recommend specific strategies and long-term objectives. Show how much your recommendations will cost. Clearly itemize these costs for each projected year.

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Compare your recommendations to actual strategies planned by the company. Step 10 Specify how your recommendations can be implemented and what results you can expect. Prepare forecasted ratios and projected financial statements. Present a timetable or agenda for action.

Step 11 Recommend specific annual objectives and policies.
Step 12 Recommend procedures for strategy review and evaluation.

Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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The Comprehensive Written Analysis of GM. (2017, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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