The Duality of Dick Prosser: Unraveling Human Nature

Categories: Tiger

Headlines proclaiming "Insane Slave Murders Citizens!" would surely grip the nation's attention today. Such a shocking event lies at the heart of Thomas Wolfe's "The Child by Tiger." Beyond the sensationalism, Wolfe crafts a narrative that delves into the complex layers of human experience, revealing a universal truth about the dual nature within individuals. This essay will explore various aspects of the story to argue that every person harbors two worlds within their psyche—good and evil—and when the delicate balance between them is disrupted, the consequences can be both tremendous and horrific.

The Enigmatic Transformation of Dick Prosser

At the onset of the narrative, Dick Prosser stands as a paragon of virtue, a nearly flawless individual despite his status as a slave.

However, as the story unfolds, a stark contrast emerges, shedding light on the duality within his character. The first hint at this revelation comes through the mysterious aura surrounding Dick, as witnessed by Pansy Harris, a character whose demeanor shifts dramatically in his presence.

Pansy's sudden change from a jovial, good-hearted woman to one of quiet melancholy hints at an underlying tension connected to Dick.

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The narrator, Mr. Spangler, further contributes to the mystique by describing the redness in Dick's eyes, attributing it to an "intoxication of the spirit." The worn-out Bible on Dick's table and his cat-like abilities to sneak up on people add layers to this complexity, signaling a departure from his initial portrayal as a godly and virtuous man.

Dick's complexity is further highlighted by his unconventional behavior, such as moaning hymns and constructing a "weird jargon" from the Bible.

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These peculiar actions serve as a direct contradiction to his earlier character, creating a sense of foreboding that foreshadows the significant violent action that unfolds later in the story. The juxtaposition of Dick's virtuous facade and these unsettling traits contributes to the narrative's exploration of the inherent duality within individuals.

The Unraveling Sequence of Events

The turning point in the narrative occurs when Dick's door is found slightly ajar, revealing a rifle and ammunition neatly arranged on his table. Dick, described as approaching the boys "like a cat" with his red eyes glaring, sets a chilling atmosphere. This incident foreshadows the violent events that follow, with Dick embarking on a killing spree that shocks the entire town.

Wolfe's choice of a non-linear chronological structure adds a layer of complexity to the narrative. The story unfolds as a twenty-five-year flashback, but when recounting the night of the murders, Wolfe returns to the present time. This temporal shift allows Spangler, the narrator, to reflect on the events with a mature perspective. He contemplates Dick's true motives and acknowledges the prevalent doubt and loathing that existed within society even during the initial incident.

The unconventional chronological structure serves a dual purpose, not only providing a gripping narrative device but also allowing for a nuanced exploration of the psychological impact on the narrator. This retrospection enhances the depth of the story, inviting readers to consider the long-lasting effects of traumatic events and the profound influence they can have on one's perception of reality.

Dick Prosser's Affiliation with the Army and the Symbolism of Submission

A notable aspect of Dick's character is his affiliation with the Army, repeatedly referenced throughout the story. Even when a mere ten yards away from freedom, Dick sits on his cot and unlaces his shoes, embodying submission to fate. This act symbolizes a belief in a Biblical destiny, choosing to face death willingly rather than be hunted by the authorities. The whites, in contrast, subject his body to nearly 300 shots, highlighting the destructive consequences of societal prejudice.

Dick's connection to biblical passages, as evidenced by his recitation of hymns and construction of a "weird jargon" from the Bible, suggests a struggle within him. The voices of reason, embodied by characters like Hugh McNair, are drowned out by the unforgiving mob mentality. Despite McNair's pleas for law, order, and justice, the townspeople ignore righteousness and resort to violence.

The recurrent mention of Dick's affiliation with the Army adds another layer of complexity to his character. It prompts readers to question the significance of this connection and its impact on his actions and behavior. Perhaps, within the structured environment of the Army, Dick found a sense of purpose and discipline that later collided with the chaos of civilian life, contributing to his eventual descent into violence.

Conclusion: The Unsettling Balance of Good and Evil

In conclusion, "The Child by Tiger" serves as a powerful exploration of the duality within human nature. Dick Prosser's transformation from a virtuous individual to a murderer reflects the delicate balance between good and evil that exists within every person. The non-linear narrative structure, Dick's connection to the Army, and the failure of reason in the face of mob mentality further deepen the story's thematic richness.

Perhaps, in a different community without racism and prejudice, Dick Prosser's fate could have been vastly different, underscoring the profound impact of societal influences on individual destinies. This narrative challenges readers to contemplate the consequences of disrupting the equilibrium between the two opposing forces within us all. The nuanced exploration of Dick Prosser's character and the events that transpire encourages a thoughtful reflection on the intricacies of human nature and the factors that shape it.

Updated: Dec 15, 2023
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The Duality of Dick Prosser: Unraveling Human Nature essay
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