Challenges to Achieving the American Dream

The American Dream, also referred to as the "land of opportunity," embodies ideals like freedom, independence, and financial prosperity. However, in today's society, the likelihood of achieving this dream is decreasing, creating obstacles for Americans aiming for advancement and achievement. Despite some believing that attaining the American Dream is still possible, disparities in opportunities can distort views of success. Unequal access to opportunities hinders many Americans from fully pursuing their aspirations.

Despite the Constitution's promise of equal opportunities regardless of background, race, gender, or religion, not everyone experiences fair treatment in society.

Many individuals are working to enhance their job prospects in today's unstable economy. In the past, advancement to higher-paying roles was possible through dedication and hard work. For instance, my older sister transitioned from a regular employee to a manager at Hardee's within a year because of her diligence and dependability. Yet achieving comparable success in today's workforce is increasingly difficult.

Many Americans are facing challenges in finding jobs that pay more than minimum wage due to economic conditions.

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Those without a four-year degree, such as myself, often find themselves limited to minimum wage positions. As a non-traditional student returning to school, my goal is to secure a higher-paying job. Unfortunately, many companies choose to outsource jobs in order to cut costs and offer lower wages without benefits, which limits options for Americans. According to The Economist (317), while firms' profits have increased significantly, wages for the average worker have remained stagnant. This lack of education can result in limited opportunities for higher-paying employment.

The current situation in America, particularly for the poor, mirrors the Gilded Age with a significant number living in poverty, a small middle class, and a wealthy minority.

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While some blame poverty on individual responsibility alone, others argue that all employed individuals have an obligation to help those less fortunate. From my perspective, limited opportunities for progress among the poor stem from deficiencies in basic skills, dependable transportation, and credibility.

Limited opportunities are available to us, particularly for lower-class families compared to middle-class families. Obtaining an education is notably challenging for someone from a low-income or impoverished family. Sklar's statement that "America has thirty seven million people below the poverty line according to the Census Bureau" aligns with my observations of our economy suffering due to lack of educational and career prospects (310).

Previously, older individuals may have started working in their teens or early twenties without going to college. However, nowadays, getting a bachelor's degree is crucial for career progression and earning a good salary. The increasing tuition fees and lack of financial aid options can be challenges for those wanting to go to college.

Low-income individuals or those earning minimum wage may struggle to afford college, as financial aid may fall short and finding a well-paying job to pay for tuition can be challenging. Colleges are giving preference to merit-based scholarships instead of need-based assistance, potentially hindering academically talented students without financial support from seeking higher education. Financial limitations can make achieving the 'American dream' of obtaining a college degree out of reach for some.

The decrease in opportunities for Americans is alarming. It is worrisome to realize that the median household income has dropped for the fifth consecutive year to $44,389, as stated by Sklar (310). Given this information, it seems unlikely that Americans can achieve their goals of homeownership, a successful career, and paying off their student loans. As mentioned earlier, many individuals struggle to secure steady employment to meet their basic needs. This is a pressing issue that America needs to address. The American ideal of chasing big dreams and achieving success is harming us all. According to Krugman (324-325), millions of middle-class families are purchasing homes they cannot truly afford, taking on excessive mortgage debt. It is challenging to afford a college education to obtain a higher-paying job that will enable us to purchase a home. However, ultimately, we all strive for the best regardless of our financial capabilities.

Despite the belief that the American dream is about achieving success and owning a home, I still think it is unattainable due to decreasing opportunities and inequalities in society.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Challenges to Achieving the American Dream essay
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