Teleseryes: Why Filipinos are so Hooked

This should be considered as a social phenomenon because Most Filipinos engage themselves to watching these. Watching teleseryes are already a part of the daily routines of most Filipinos.

It is important to know why Filipinos are so hooked into teleseryes because it greatly affects how they perceive the current state of our society. Most teleseryes are based on the social phenomenon of the country, so it is also right to conduct a study on why and how Filipinos are hooked into Teleseryes.


Teleseryes are so popular that it became one of the most profitable business in the industry.

It is the teleseryes' popularity that harvest lots of commercial advertisements which actually earns lots of money.

These profit circulates in the film industry which helps growth in the economy. The rise of the Philippine Television helped the growth of the Philippine economy by making high profits in these high-rating television series.

Supporting ideas/evidences:

  • Teleserye accurately suits the meaning of pop culture as a commercial culture mass-produced for mass consumption by the mass media." (2016, Dec 31).
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    Retrieved from - The trend is being followed by the people that is why when Teleseryes emerges from different Asian countries, the Philippines adapted and now, teleseryes are a mainstream for the Filipinos.

  • Then on November 13, 2000, 'Pangako Sa 'Yo' premiered on what would later become the Primetime Bida slot (ABS-CBN did not dub the primetime block as such until 2002). The series quickly made an impact, and by 2001 it was the hottest program in the country viewership-wise." (2015, May 21) Retrieved from - This teleserye started lifting up the film industry.
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    In the economy, the high ratings of these films or series equals to a high rating on it profits, which help the economy grow.

  • Teleseryes that are viewed in the past are put in DVDs and are sold in markets - Because of how engrossed Filipinos are in Teleseryes, previous ones are put into a DVD and are sold. This gains additional profit to the film industry.


The Philippine teleseryes started with the genres based from different Asian countries near the Philippines, but now, most are Filipino made, and some are even based from the real lives of Filipinos.

Most teleseryes also showcase the different places in the Philippines, even the places that are semi secluded, where the viewers will know more about its culture, how it was built or established, what are the products in those places and even the people in it.

Supporting ideas/evidences:

  • There are lots of Teleseryes that shows the different parts of the Philippines and also teaches the viewers about the place's culture. - Two examples are Forevermore, which shows that Benguet has a cold climate. It has a lot of Strawberry farms, and strawberries are one of their main products; 'May Bukas pa', which told the story of the sunken church of San Guillermo Parish in Bacolor, Pampanga.
  • The crafting of the Filipino character as postcolonially/neocolonially dispossessed; and the continued perpetration of the imagination of Filipino location as archipelagically and consequently, nationally incoherent." (Sanchez, L.J., A., 2014) Retrieved from - The ideas of Filipinos from different regions were integrated and now the teleseryes serves as a medium of learning about the different places in the Philippines.
  • Sierra Leone, with a population of around seven million with majority of the people Muslims, has a number of things in common with the Philippines stories of leaving the village for the city for a better life, poverty, patriarchal values, poor girl meets rich man, natural disasters, old family values, and other salient themes about love and oppression." (Diamante, D., 2016) Retrieved from - Through its popularity, Filipino teleseryes reached different countries which made a way for our country to be recognized overseas. This also become a way for other nations or race to relate to our situations or to our culture somehow.


Teleserye came from two shortened Filipino words which are 'Telebisyon' and 'Serye', it was coined by Emmanuel Dela Cruz, one of the writers of 'Pangako sa 'yo', these words translate to Television and Series.

Filipino teleseryes started in the 90s, and became popular in the 20s. 'Pangako sa 'yo', which aired in 2000-2002 started the rise of Philippine Teleserye not only locally, but internationally.

Philippine teleseryes are now being aired in other Asian countries and even in Africa. Back in 2013, a few teleseryes were nominated in international Film awards and New York festivals TV.

Supporting ideas/evidences:

· "It has developed primarily as a genre along with historical changes and events that are obvious in the historical foregrounding of the study. It may also be said that the teleserye is our history's parallel world," (Sanchez, L.J., A., 2014) retrieved from - The teleseryes reflect the historical background of the different places in the


· "The introduction of satellite programming by TV networks ABS-CBN and GMA in 1991 spurred interest in cable television. Provincial community antenna TV (CATV) systems have been set up to receive broadcast signals from stations originating in Manila.

Metro Manila is now one of the most advanced urban centres in Asia with respect to cable TV, where two major cable systems, Skycable and Home Cable, offer 60 channels or more." (History of Philippine Television, N.D.) Retrieved from - These TV networks are the ones who produce good television series. In these two major networks, the teleseryes became more popular and appreciated by many.

· "The show ran for two years, but the impact it left to Philippine TV was historic because the show was remade in different countries and has a cult following abroad." (Cariga, C., Comandante, D. I., Poblete, A., 2013) Retrieved from - Teleseryes are not only a part of the Philippine history, but it also becomes a part of other country's history for it became popular to their countries as well.

Sociology Teleseryes can now be watched in different gadgets through technological advancement. Watching teleseryes became a kind of bonding for Filipinos, because teleseryes can be quite a topic between families, friends, or even workmates.

Most families spend time to watch teleseryes together as a kind of family routine and habit, while most workmates watch these teleseryes together to pass some break time in work. We have different behaviors when watching a teleserye depending on who we are with and where.

Supporting ideas/evidences:

· "In the mid-50s when the population in the country was 12 million, there were about 6,000 television sets or about one for every 2,000 Filipinos. Since not too many households in the community had television sets, TV viewing became a neighborhood affair, with TV home owners opening their doors or windows to their neighbors.

Television viewing was a community event." (Del Mundo, C., Jr., 2003) Retrieved from - Watching together in televisions can be a thing to a community, family, and colleagues. It can be a great opportunity for many to socialize with the help of these teleseryes that are aired in a television

· "As to why Filipinos love teleseryes, sociologist and theater director Ricky Abad said the Philippines is a country that simply loves good story-telling. Sometimes the plot would look familiar and when you looked closely, you realize the scenes were reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet and Count of Monte Cristo.

But since teleseryes cut through a wide segment of audiences, I think we should try using teleseryes as an educational tool to change attitudes." (Tariman, P., A., 2014) Retrieved from - Teleserye can be a medium for some people to learn more about the social problems in our country and it can be used as something that they can imitate in terms of acting in and for the society.

· "Whatever the reason, the result would be bad: the viewing public will assume that this is real, and it will promote further ignorance of the law. Perhaps yet another thing that Philippine TV hasn't changed: portrayal of rich or well-to-do people as bad, and the poor as always "bida."

Yet another issue is the apparent disrespect towards children as I mentioned in an earlier article. And more." (ChinoF, 2013) Retrieved from - Teleseryes can also be an influencer in a bad way or manner. Sometimes we just 'go-with-the-flow' to those people around us, that's why sometimes even if what we see on social media is wrong, we can be ignorant because we think that it's alright because many people are okay with it.


Since Filipinos are so hooked to teleseryes that It become part of their daily routine, they get to learn a lot of things. One of the many things that you can learn in television programs is language. Not only can other nations learn our language but also, Filipinos who are born and raised in different countries.

Language is not only spoken words, but also actions and gestures. These can also be learned in teleseryes that showcase different languages and dialects. Teleseryes helped improve the English vocabulary of most Filipinos. Some gained knowledge about other dialects in different provinces around the county.

Supporting ideas/evidences:

· Most teleseryes shows the folkways and mores of the Filipinos from different provinces and cities. These show that we still have initiative in passing over these silent languages from generations to generations. - Examples of these are the way that almost all of the characters still upholds the characteristics of Filipinos in terms of speaking to different kinds of people, like always saying 'po' and 'opo'.

· "Dubbed as the network's (ABS-CBN) "advocaserye," the titular character has Angelman Syndrome, a disorder of the brain affecting speech, development, and intellect. Essentially, Budoy is a boy trapped in a man's body. Rather than the tried and tested formula of bidas with unrealistic animal mutations, "Budoy" showed viewers the interactions of the mentally handicapped." (Balucating, A., 2014)

Retrieved from - There are teleseryes that becomes an advocacy for people with difficulties in languages just like this television series. This series shows that we should not mistreat people who have difficulties in their speech, and this open our minds to be more considerate to these people.


Teleseryes can bring lots of emotions to its viewers, it can make them remember a past memory, and it can make them feel sad or happy. For some people, they can get the character's behaviors, these behavior may be negative or positive. Many Filipinos work overseas, and as a way of feeling the familiar sense of home, they watch teleseryes to lessen their sadness.

Watching teleseryes can be too engrossing that you'll be able to lose sense of time, and in that way they won't feel the burden of being away from their families for too long. Viewers also tend to sympathize with the Characters, making them feel different kind of emotions. "

They cheer the bidas and hate the kontrabidas. Some of them even talk to the characters and warn them during chase scenes, Dali, takbo, aabutan ka na. As a senior citizen, the teleserye is just one of my sources of relaxations and I relate to it a lot. Believe it or not, I also cry when my favorite character is depressed." -Susan Roces, The perks and lures of teleserye. (Tariman, P., A., 2014) Retrieved from

Supporting ideas/evidences:

· "On The Wings Of Love has become a phenomenon because it presents a real and believable story of the Filipino people showing that a teleserye that simply aims to be relatable and authentic can fly high." (Choa, K. E., 2015) Retrieved from - This is one example of a teleserye that many Filipinos around the world can relate, specially the OFWs. Teleseryes can make you feel different kind of emotions, Sadness, anger, loneliness, love, and many more.

· "On the other hand, a child who watches a character manifesting appropriate social behaviors (such as task persistence and rule obedience), the child would most likely emulate such behaviors.

It can be concluded that TV characters may become role models for children." (National Council for Children's Television, 2015) Retrieved from - This study shows that a television program can be a big impact on one's personality and behavior. This can also be applied to adults since a lot of adults also watches television, specifically teleseryes, very often.

· "In spite of having far-fetched, tacky or clich?d plots from time to time, teleseryes really reflect life in the Philippines which Filipinos can empathize with." (10 Weird Phenomena That Perfectly Sum Up Today's Filipino Culture, 2018) Retrieved from - Most Filipinos can relate to the teleseryes that they watch that is why they often copy what the characters do in some of the similar circumstances in their lives.

Political Science Through teleseryes, the roles of politics and government are being defined to people, most specially to those people who have limited knowledge about it. Teleseryes that revolves around running the government or running a company gives meaning to what politics is, and not everything shown on television series are facts.

Not everyone knows what Politics really means, and for them, teleseryes can give them its meaning, that's why many people still have a wrong knowledge about politics.

Supporting ideas/evidences:

· "There was no stopping Philippine television from becoming big business. Moreover, the 60s also showed that television could be a powerful political tool.

Marcos knew it; he used the medium to power his reelection bid; he would seek to control television and other media to secure his dynasty." (Del Mundo, C., Jr., 2003) Retrieved from - Teleseryes are aired in televisions with advertisements in between. These advertisements are being used by politicians to endorse their platforms and gain popularity and publicity.

· Some uses teleseryes to attack certain politicians or government officials and even government policies and its loopholes.

"They say art imitates life, so it's no surprise that with all the ~drama~ in Philippine politics, local teleseryes tend to feature rich and powerful characters who hold seats in the government." (Tabanera, L. G., 2019) Retrieved from - Using teleserye as a platform, they throw shades on the negative side of politics and government. They rely their message to the government through television and they try to show the Government that they notice every move that the government makes.

Updated: May 19, 2021

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Teleseryes: Why Filipinos are so Hooked. (2019, Dec 06). Retrieved from

Teleseryes: Why Filipinos are so Hooked essay
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