Tboli Population Concentrated in South Cotabato Province of Mindanao in 2000

In the year 2000, there are nearly 102,900 T’boli people in the Philippines. Many of the T’boli people can be found at South Cotabato Province of Mindanao Island, which is located in the southern part of the country and has their own way of living. Their educational system can be compared to many other indigenous groups of people in Philippines. They are promoting the education to their community to have progress and to preserve their culture through it. Many of us don’t have much knowledge about indigenous people especially and specifically, the T’boli.

In this term paper, you’ll be able to know about the hidden wealth behind the T’boli people.

You’ll learn also how they take part of the modernization in our country, which still allow them to preserve their tribe. We all know that T’boli as being part of the indigenous people, are being ignored by the government. Because of this, education is hard to acquire not because they have their own perception about life but because of their school is lacking of instructional material that are needed in educating students.

Being educated means being knowledgeable which brings me to the conclusion that if all indigenous people know their right in this country, it will be hard for the invaders to claim the properties of those innocent indigenous people.

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a. The Background In Mindanao, there are 18 tribal groups. One of them is the T’boli tribe that lives in the province of South Cotabato, around the Lake Sebu.

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Since the arrival of settlers originating from the other islands of the Philippines, they gradually moved to the mountain slopes to live in scattered settlements in the Highlands.

The T'boli speaks a Malayo-Polynesian language called Tboli. In addition to their native language, many of the T'boli also speaks Ilongo or Bilaan. T’boli tribe is still living with the traditional way with how their ancestors lived centuries ago. The difference between the T’boli and the other tribal groups is their colorful clothes, bracelets and earrings; this tribe is famous for their complicated beadwork, wonderful woven fabrics and beautiful brass ornaments. A T'boli legend tells that the T'boli is descendants of the survivors of a great flood.

A man named Dwata warned the people of an impending great flood. But the tribe refused to listen, except for two couples, La Bebe and La Lomi, and Tamfeles and La Kagef. Dwata told them to take shelter in a bamboo so huge they could fit inside and in this way survive the flood. The story tells that the first couple is the ancestors of the T'boli and other highland ethnic groups, the second couple descended the other Filipino indigenous groups. The T’boli culture is belonging with nature. In their dances, the dancers imitate the action of animals like monkey and birds.

The T’boli is rich in terms in their musical culture with the different musical instruments but their songs are meant for entertainment only. The T'boli believes that everything has a spirit which must be respected for good fortune. Bad spirits can cause illness and misfortune. b. The Thesis Statement: Being educated means being knowledgeable which brings to the conclusion that if all indigenous people know their right in this country, it will be hard for the invaders to claim the properties of those innocent indigenous people.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Tboli Population Concentrated in South Cotabato Province of Mindanao in 2000. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/tboli-tribe-new-essay

Tboli Population Concentrated in South Cotabato Province of Mindanao in 2000 essay
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