Statement of Purpose in Science


Even now I can vividly remember the first time I saw the internal circuits that makes a computer. I was amazed by the fact that just a couple of pieces of green plastic and other components housed in big rectangular box can perform tedious tasks. That fact that fascinated me the most was that within a short span of time this huge box started shrinking at an exponential rate to reach the size of our notebook. This hardware combined with few lines of code was no less than magic and the profession of 'Engineer' was as spellbinding as that of a 'Magician'.

This curiosity and desire to unravel the science behind these machines inspired me to delve deep into the field of Computer Science or Engineering. Thus, I decided to pursue my bachelor studies in Computer Science.


I completed my IGCSE with an overall score of 83% from King's School. I chose eight subjects for my secondary education those were English as a First language, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Environmental Management (EM), Information Communication Technology (ICT).Out of these subjects which interested me the most were Physics, Mathematics, ICT and Economics.

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Physics and Mathematics are the closest we can get to understanding, on a fundamental level how things work and for me learning physics and mathematics isn't as easy as watching television or playing football but I just love the process, the feeling you get when you do five pages of integration and finally getting the end answers is truly ecstatic.

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Economics taught me how to think, Economics can be imposed to everything that we do because it's all about the choices we make. The fundamental rule of economics can be applied to everything we do" How the benefit of doing something actually exceeds the cost of doing it". Since I was interested in computers from a young age ICT was my favourite subject.

For my grade 11 and 12 I chose English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Since. It was at this stage I was introduced to the software portion of the computer. Initially I found it difficult but when I understood the logic behind coding it became quite simple. I scored 86% for computer science and scored a perfect 30/30 for practical. I also did a Project called "Rent a Car". The aim for the project was to help firms who rent cars keep track of their daily rentals and I got a score of 5/5 for the project.


I have done two group projects in our school Science fair. The first one was a miniature setup of a home. Important electrical equipment's like meters, water mortar, trip switches, fuse boards were used to make the project. The project was 6 feet high and 8 feet long. The second project was a Metal detector, I was the team leader for that project and we successfully made a metal detector. There were a lot of setbacks during the process and the hardest part of the whole project was making the coil, there were lot of issues with the diameter and the windings but at the end it all turned out successful Both the projects gave me insight on time management and perseverance. It also showed me how when people with identical interests can work best even under stressful situations.

I also did an individual project on Computer hardware at our school science fair. With the help of my computer teacher I was able to build a desktop PC from scratch and this project made me understood the basic components of the computer like the motherboard, CPU, GPU, SSD, etc


Apart from academics, I served as the school's Soccer team Captain and we finished third in the league table, out of the 10 games we won seven and lost two. I awarded the Man of the Match award for 2 games. . I also participated in various athletic events like 100m sprint, 200m, 400m, 800m and Javelin Throw and won many prizes. For three consecutive years (2013-2015), I received the Individual Championship award during our Annual Sports Meet held at school for Excellence in sports. Further, I have developed a passion for photography as well. I've participated in an online photography contest. I've also participated in the Kerala Model United Nations as International Press Crops. More than often, I wake up early in the morning and go for a stroll down the streets to capture nature's beauty.


Undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering will give me more insight into the latest technological advancements. Computer Engineering is the mix of computer science and Electrical engineering. At the end of this course I would be able to have a vivid image about how hardware and software interact and how to integrate them seamlessly.


After completing my undergraduate course in Computer Engineering, I would like to start working as a Computer Systems Analyst. Computer Analyst bridge the gap between IT and business by understanding the needs and limitations of both. After working for a couple of years and gaining some work experience, I would like to do my higher studies in MBA. I would like to do MBA in Finance.


One of my long-term goal is to start a Custom PC build company. Other than that, I wish to excel in the branch of computer engineering and become one of the best in the field.


I chose University of South Florida because it in the top tier of collages for pursuing Computer Engineering. The collage has top notch professors. Further it has state of the art infrastructure and amenities and moreover apart for education making friends from around the globe and being exposed to a variety of new cultures is truly a gift. Studying in this institution will not only make my knowledge rich but also help me discover parts of me which are yet to be discovered. At the end of this course I am sure I will accomplish my goals and succeed with flying colors.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Statement of Purpose in Science. (2019, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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