My statement of purpose in Technology

Statement of Purpose

We can each define ambition and progress for ourselves. The goal is to work toward a world where expectations are not set by the stereotypes that hold us back, but by our personal passion, talents and interests. I had my childhood aspiration of doing something great and so I was curious about getting knowledge about science and technology. The attraction towards science led me to fascination of getting information about computers. Having studied Information Technology at the undergraduate level from Dharmsinh Desai University, which is one of the top universities in India, I have had considerate disclosure to numerous concepts of the subject.

In the vicinity of peak to my program, I want to sharp my skills and knowledge further in order to apply them in the real world to make significant contributions in ameliorating human lives.

During my undergraduate course, I became familiar of new technologies and flourish my abilities to enter into the professional world. I have learnt programming languages like C, C++, java, .NET, SQL and web technologies including HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript.

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Also, I gained a lot of practical knowledge through projects, seminars and workshops. I created a database for Car Management System with required functions and triggers in my fifth semester. The objective of the system was to ease the calculations of tax, EMI and cancellation amount. The system was able to track records of customers, employees and payment details. This project helped me to expand my knowledge about database functionalities and enhanced my skills in database related operations.

I designed UML diagrams and gathered functional as well as non-functional requirements for a system named online gift shop.

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I also acquired knowledge about other subjects like Computer Networks, Distributed Computing, Operating System, Theory of Computation, Computer Organization, Language Translator, Analysis of Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptography and Network Security, Data Mining, Microprocessor and Advanced Microprocessor during my undergraduate course. I also implemented Tic-Tac-Toe game in assembly language using GUI Turbo Assembler (TASM).

As part of my 7th semester curriculum, I developed a fully functional website Stream Analysis for career in ASP.NET using MVC Framework. This website is helpful for those students who are confused about their future. It provides aptitude test for every stream and evaluation of the result which can be helpful for students to take decision about their future. It helped me think from the user's point of view and ameliorated my analytical and problem-solving skills. During the implementation of this website, I faced many difficulties and fixed errors with help of stack overflow.

An undergraduate study is not only productive in equipping a student with the ground rules of a subject, but also provides a vast appreciation of the field. I feel that dedicated research is the only way to obtain thorough understanding of a subject. During my internship at Confidosoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd., I developed a mobile application, "Driving Behaviour Analysis" using Ionic framework. The application's objective was to track the vehicles' location and keeping the record of all the drivers. The application was also helpful in searching details by name or license plate number of the vehicle. It was hosted with

Microsoft Azure IoT for tracking the vehicles. Furthermore, I also used Google Map API and marker clustering, and by using that feature administrator can see drivers' location on map.

Besides the realms of academics and training, I have participated in variegated extra-curricular activities that has aided in developing my interpersonal skills. I am an active badminton player and participated in various tournaments at school level. Furthermore, I have volunteered to organize cultural festival as part of designing committee in year 2017. At that time, I also organized an event named "Time Attack" with my colleagues successfully. By taking part in fest, I became aware about responsibility, team work and various ways to deal with complex situations. It also developed my leadership skills such as to lead the team, motivate them and to negotiate conflicts.

I now wish to embark on graduate studies so as to enhance my skills and knowledge of Computer Science field. I am particularly attracted to the Concordia University because of its research-oriented program which caters specifically to my areas of interest. The course structure perfectly suits my requirements as it covers the facility to explore various areas of this subject. Studying MS in Computer Science at Concordia University would help me to reach my ultimate objective of associating myself with a renowned industry in software development.

To conclude, with my insight and skills that I have acquired through my academic and personal knowledge-seeking pursuits so far, I am confident that I will make a valuable member of the Concordia University's student community. As Concordia University supports this initiative on a large scale and values an international student body, it is the ideal place for me to take a leap into my career as a computer professional. I therefore eagerly look forward to a rewarding graduate experience that will provide that right thrust to my personal and professional development. I hope your university will consider my application with a positive gesture.

Nidhi Patel

Updated: May 19, 2021

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