Snowball's Vision: Unleashing the Power of the Windmill

Categories: Politics

In George Orwell's allegorical novel "Animal Farm," Snowball, one of the prominent pigs, emerges as a visionary leader with ambitious plans for the betterment of the farm and its inhabitants. Among his many initiatives, the most captivating and controversial is undoubtedly his proposition to build a windmill. While some animals, led by the cunning and power-hungry Napoleon, scoff at the idea, Snowball's motivations behind this project are rooted in both practicality and ideology. In this essay, we will explore why Snowball wants to build the windmill and how this venture embodies his vision for the farm's future.

To comprehend Snowball's motivation for the windmill project, we must first understand his overarching philosophy. Unlike Napoleon, whose primary concern is consolidating power for himself and the inner circle of pigs, Snowball envisions a collective and prosperous future for all animals. He is an idealist who genuinely believes in the principles of Animalism, a system that seeks to liberate the animals from human tyranny and establish a society where all creatures are equal and free from oppression.

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At the heart of Snowball's ambition lies the desire to improve the living conditions of the animals on the farm. He recognizes that their labor-intensive and harsh lifestyle under human rule needs to be transformed if they are to thrive independently. The windmill, in Snowball's eyes, represents a solution to many of the farm's woes. It promises to make their lives easier, more comfortable, and secure their future by providing a sustainable source of energy.

One of the central benefits of the windmill is that it would alleviate the animals' heavy workload.

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With wind-powered machinery, tasks that were once laborious and time-consuming could be accomplished more efficiently. The animals' hours of hard toil in the fields would be significantly reduced, allowing them more leisure time and a chance to focus on their own education and personal growth. For Snowball, education is crucial, as he believes that an informed and enlightened populace will be better equipped to protect their rights and prevent future tyranny.

Furthermore, the windmill embodies self-sufficiency and independence. By generating their electricity, the animals would sever their reliance on humans and break free from their oppressive influence. Snowball is acutely aware that their struggle for liberation will be in vain if they continue to be at the mercy of human whims. Through the windmill project, he hopes to foster a sense of autonomy among the animals, ensuring that they are masters of their own destiny.

Snowball's windmill also symbolizes progress and advancement. It represents a leap into the future, a departure from the stagnation of the past. Snowball dreams of a more sophisticated and civilized society for the animals, where they can flourish and unlock their full potential. The windmill stands as a testament to the power of innovation and the possibilities that can be achieved when animals work together towards a common goal.

Moreover, Snowball views the windmill as a means to inspire other farms to follow their example. He envisions it as a beacon of hope for animals everywhere, demonstrating that they can take control of their destinies and forge their own path. In this regard, the windmill becomes not just a practical project for the farm but a powerful symbol of revolution and change on a larger scale.

Despite the undeniable potential of the windmill, Snowball faces significant opposition, primarily from Napoleon and his loyalists. Napoleon perceives Snowball's vision as a threat to his authority and cunningly launches a campaign to discredit him. He uses propaganda to paint Snowball as a traitor and accuses him of colluding with the humans to destroy the farm. These baseless allegations result in Snowball's expulsion from the farm, leaving the windmill project in limbo.

In conclusion, Snowball's desire to build the windmill stems from a deep-rooted commitment to the principles of Animalism and his vision of a more equitable and prosperous future for all animals. The windmill represents practicality, self-sufficiency, progress, and a symbol of hope for animals everywhere. However, despite his noble intentions, Snowball's vision is tragically thwarted by the opportunistic and power-hungry Napoleon. The windmill remains unfinished, but its legacy endures as a reminder of the clash between idealism and manipulation in the pursuit of a better world.

Updated: Aug 11, 2023
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Snowball's Vision: Unleashing the Power of the Windmill essay
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