Should Animals be kept in Zoos

Categories: FoodZoo

They tend to live longer in zoos

Animals live longer in zoos than they do in the wild they get the necessary care and food they need to live a very healthy lifestyle. Lets say if an animal was sick in the wild nine times out of ten they would die or be killed by a predator but if an animal got sick in the zoo it will have a more likely chance of survival because of vetinarians on standby.

Posted by: Anonymous
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Extinct in Wild

There are many animals who are only alive because of zoos.

The zoos keep the population of wild and almost extinct animals growing instead. There are very many animals that you can see today only because of zoos. Animal live much longer in a zoo than they do in the wild. Zoos should keep their animals and keep them alive.

Posted by: Anonymous
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Animals live longer

When they're in good zoos.

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If they are out in the wild, they can dye from lack of food, droughts, predators, diseases, and natural disasters. At zoos there are veterinarians on hand, constant food, and there are no predators. A good zoo will prolong the life of an animal. So long as they're taken proper care of, animals should be kept in zoos.

Posted by: Anonymous
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Why animals should not be kept in zoos.

It is cruel to be locked up in a cage seeing the same thing every single day.

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Should we let the zookeepers continue they're cruelty or should we stop this at once. Would u like to be locked up in a cage with people staring at u and invading your privacy.

Posted by: Ishi
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They can not live in the wild

Yes, under certain circumstances. In the state in which I live, all of the animals that have come to the zoo here are because they cannot be in the wild for whatever reason. Perhaps they were injured at one point and it is believed that they would not make it in the wild, or because they were treated as a domestic animal early in life and do not have the skills to survive in the wild. There are also a few animals that would prove threatening to human life if they were allowed to roam. Still, I see frighteningly relate-able anxiety in the eyes of the larger primates trapped in their glass cages, and this does make me question the role of the zoo.

Posted by: Anonymous
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ANIMALS should be kept in zoos

Animals should be kept in captivity because of many reasons, they have less predators and so on. That is why animals should be kept in zoos and they have more food! I think I am right so think about it animals should be kept in captivity.

Posted by: Anonymous
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They should! YES

If animals are not kept in zoos we will not be here now.....Animals are not well trained and it could cause danger and harm. Furthermore, the animals might roam the world and it would be crazy....(I think).....Animals have friends like their own type and the zookeepers too! So animals should be kept in zoos.

Posted by: Anonymous
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It isn't cruel if the animal needs help

Yes, but only if the animal is endangered or injured, so they are safe. Also, the zoo should make sure they have a big enough enclosure and the right diet like most 1st world zoos. Just remember NOT all zoos keep the animals in cages and force them to do tricks.

Posted by: Anonymous
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For the education of children

Zoos provide education and conservation. Children are taught about the value of endangered animals so that they understand the importance of conservation when they visit.They learn by having a close encounter with animals.They can see,listen,smell or even touch the animals.This cannot be done by watching television. So zoos are great place for children to learn about conservation of wild animals

Posted by: ajaa
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Animals should be kept in zoos I agree?

They tend to live longer in zoos

Animals live longer in zoos than they do in the wild they get the necessary care and food they need to live a very healthy lifestyle. Lets say if an animal was sick in the wild nine times out of ten they would die or be killed by a predator but if an animal got sick in the zoo it will have a more likely chance of survival because of vetinarians on standby.

Posted by: Anonymous
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Extinct in Wild

There are many animals who are only alive because of zoos. The zoos keep the population of wild and almost extinct animals growing instead. There are very many animals that you can see today only because of zoos. Animal live much longer in a zoo than they do in the wild. Zoos should keep their animals and keep them alive.

Posted by: Anonymous
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Animals live longer

When they're in good zoos. If they are out in the wild, they can dye from lack of food, droughts, predators, diseases, and natural disasters. At zoos there are veterinarians on hand, constant food, and there are no predators. A good zoo will prolong the life of an animal. So long as they're taken proper care of, animals should be kept in zoos.

Posted by: Anonymous
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Why animals should not be kept in zoos.

It is cruel to be locked up in a cage seeing the same thing every single day. Should we let the zookeepers continue they're cruelty or should we stop this at once. Would u like to be locked up in a cage with people staring at u and invading your privacy.

Posted by: Ishi
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They can not live in the wild

Yes, under certain circumstances. In the state in which I live, all of the animals that have come to the zoo here are because they cannot be in the wild for whatever reason. Perhaps they were injured at one point and it is believed that they would not make it in the wild, or because they were treated as a domestic animal early in life and do not have the skills to survive in the wild. There are also a few animals that would prove threatening to human life if they were allowed to roam. Still, I see frighteningly relate-able anxiety in the eyes of the larger primates trapped in their glass cages, and this does make me question the role of the zoo.

Posted by: Anonymous
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ANIMALS should be kept in zoos

Animals should be kept in captivity because of many reasons, they have less predators and so on. That is why animals should be kept in zoos and they have more food! I think I am right so think about it animals should be kept in captivity.

Posted by: Anonymous
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They should! YES

If animals are not kept in zoos we will not be here now.....Animals are not well trained and it could cause danger and harm. Furthermore, the animals might roam the world and it would be crazy....(I think).....Animals have friends like their own type and the zookeepers too! So animals should be kept in zoos.

Posted by: Anonymous
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It isn't cruel if the animal needs help

Yes, but only if the animal is endangered or injured, so they are safe. Also, the zoo should make sure they have a big enough enclosure and the right diet like most 1st world zoos. Just remember NOT all zoos keep the animals in cages and force them to do tricks.

Posted by: Anonymous
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For the education of children

Zoos provide education and conservation. Children are taught about the value of endangered animals so that they understand the importance of conservation when they visit.They learn by having a close encounter with animals.They can see,listen,smell or even touch the animals.This cannot be done by watching television. So zoos are great place for children to learn about conservation of wild animals

Posted by: ajaa
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Animals should be kept in zoos I agree?

Animals should be kept in zoo because in the wild they have hunt and find food. In the zoos they get daily food and are cared for. Animals should be kept in zoos because all the animals would be extinct by now if it wasn’t for zoos. Animals should be treated with great respect. If they are kept in zoos in order to educate society, then efforts must be put forth guarantee their comfort. For example, they should receive a natural, wild setting and should be given the same type of food they would normally eat. Zoos are a trade off, but it is possible to operate them to integrity.

Animals should be kept in zoo because in the wild they have hunt and find food. In the zoos they get daily food and are cared for. Animals should be kept in zoos because all the animals would be extinct by now if it wasn’t for zoos. Animals should be treated with great respect. If they are kept in zoos in order to educate society, then efforts must be put forth guarantee their comfort. For example, they should receive a natural, wild setting and should be given the same type of food they would normally eat. Zoos are a trade off, but it is possible to operate them to integrity.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Should Animals be kept in Zoos. (2016, Apr 14). Retrieved from

Should Animals be kept in Zoos essay
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