Rosa Parks Vs. Harriet Tubman

Categories: BiographyPersonality

When it comes to African American history and United States history there are alot of activist and monumental African Americans who fought for equality amongst all races but two women who both share the date 1913 but also were fighting in two different eras. Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman are 2 women who were both african american women fighting for change and sacrificing things in order to help others. In some ways they are also vastly different. Born in the 1820’s into slavery, Harriet Tubman escaped and lived on to play an essential role in freeing slaves from captivity in the South.

After she freed herself, she fled to Philadelphia. She later returned to Maryland to free her family. Eventually Tubman lead approximately thirteen missions through secret routes and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad. This passage lead from slave States to Canada and free States. Nearly a century later in 1913, in Alabama, Rosa Parks was born. Like Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks was an activist that changed history forever.

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After refusing to give up her seat in the “colored section” of a bus to a white passenger, she continued to fight for equal freedoms and rights for minorities. Parks became a symbol of the resistance against the oppression that all Africans Americans faced. Both of these women played a vital role in African-American history. Tubman and Parks both risked not only their freedom, but their lives for their cause. Tubman went on nearly thirteen different missions to free slaves, she could have easily been apprehended and more than likely executed for her brave missions.

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Parks resisted the laws that had been put in place by racist oppressors since she was born. Neither of these women waivered or hesitated, even facing possible captivity and death. They both knew that their actions were necessary in helping African-Americans obtain freedom and equal rights, and they were willing to risk everything for that. Unlike Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman was born into slavery. Parks was born into segregation. While they both fought and both put their lives on the line, their fights were very different. While Tubman fought to free African Americans, Parks fought to give African Americans the rights that were promised to the people of the United States. While Tubman was alive, African Americans were property. During Parks’ struggles, African Americans were no longer property, but still not viewed as humans.

While their struggles were different, they struggled all the same. However, neither of them let up. While both of these women pushed for different matters, they faced the same obstacles and oppressors. Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks both knew that in order to be successful, they would have to sacrifice everything. However they were both so passionate about their causes, that they were willing to do anything to free African Americans from the oppression that clouded over their lives. Both of them serve as inspirations for anyone that has a cause that they are passionate about. As women and African Americans, Tubman and Parks were double minorities. However, they did not let this stop them from fighting for what they believed in. Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks may have fought at a different time and fought for different causes, but they both illuminate that no matter how difficult it may be, one must fight and push for what they want for themselves and others.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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Rosa Parks Vs. Harriet Tubman. (2024, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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