Defining Individual Roles within Family Systems: The Beginning of Society

Starting from the smallest system of society, which is the family, everyone has actually currently given his own functions as defined by their offered specific status. The father of the household is anticipated to be the protector and breadwinner of the family. That role or obligation is provided or appoint according to existing social norm (G. Elliot). I stated so since there are societies that put the concern of breadwinning on the mother of the family, as with other Asian and African societies.

A mother normally has the role of taking care of your home and the kids.

Nevertheless, there are situations wherein function conflicts exist since of the truth that these family members are also members of other social groups, such as the academic, church and expert groups. Function disputes arise when someone ends up being a member of another group wherein their functions are somewhat various, or may also be precisely different with what they hold in your home (T.

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Cravens). Function disputes begin when someone begins wearing two hats (R. Brenner). Using two hats is a typical representation of having more than one role.

One best and common example is the dispute of function of a family member and an utilized individual. Let us use the example of a person who is a father in a family and as a supervisor in his task. As a father, his duties are to work to make cash to offer for his family's product needs. As a daddy, he has likewise the duty of monitoring his children similar to their discipline, their ethical habits and miscellaneous things as fraternizing his children after work or normally at weekends.

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As a dad he has likewise the role of doing the heavy jobs at house.

Specified by his physical strength and guts, the dad has normally the role of a protector of the family. At work, he has various set of functions, being a supervisor. As the supervisor, his role is to examine the general scenario of his location of obligation. HE needs to wander around and look at the specific tasks of his subordinates, how they carry out, are they on the best track, are they meeting deadlines, are they fulfilling the anticipated outcomes of the task? His role is to make certain that whatever is great and if something goes wrong; his role is to do immediate and appropriate action.

He does all of this because these are what is expected of him by the company. At first glance, there seems to be no role conflict existing here. Conflict begins when time and attention between family and work overlaps. It happens when the father gets lesser time with his family at dinner and weekends due to longer working hours, series of work problems and added workload. The role of the father as a breadwinner can still be met in this situation. However, the moral, spiritual and social responsibilities of the father to his family can no more be met because of time.

As a supervisor, he is able to play his role well being a hardworking and dedicated employee, as what is expected of him. To reconcile the conflict, the father has to do some balancing of his time in order to play both roles. However, this is not really an easy task. This is true especially to those whose have two roles to consider and balance. Situation is worse with for example, a man who play as father to his family, a supervisor to his job and leader of a social or political organization, let say as a club officer. Prioritizing one or the other may not be the best solution to relieve the conflict.

In this case, the social groups and the society, especially the government has been playing a big role in diminishing role conflicts. The members of the family can adjust to situations like the one described above. The father can explain how difficult the situation is for him. The wife can always make herself adjust to the situation and let the children also understand the situation. Companies also are doing something to ease the situation. For example, there are companies who make longer working hours on weekdays in order enough to cover the eight working hours on weekends.

Thus, their workers can have time with their personal lives on Saturdays and Sundays. The government also has developed several programs to help those who have common role conflicts. One common example is distance learning, designed especially for those non-traditional students. Weekend and evening classes are also of great help. Such program gives mothers, working students and even professionals to avail of education without totally giving up their current roles. Churches also developed the system of having multiple schedules for mass or church activities in order to give the others the opportunity to join them.

Those who have regular working hours (daytime) can attend church activities at night and vice versa. Those who still work on Sundays can still attend to evening mass schedules. The government also provide for small enterprise and work-at-home trainings in order to give housewives the opportunity to help their husbands earn for the family or singles parents to raise their children. Thus, nothing is given up, but rather their roles are being balanced. WORKS CITED Brenner, Rick. “Who’s Doing You Job? ” Retrieved on June 10, 2007 from http://www. chacocanyon. com/essays/whosdoingyourjob. shtml Cravens, Tom.

“Status and Role” Retrieved on June 10, 2007 from http://www. tomcravens. com/index. html Elliot, Gregory. “Social Structure” Retrieved on June 10, 2007 from http://www. sociologyindex. com/social_structure. htm Wood, John Andy. “Interrelationships of role conflict, role ambiguity, and work-family conflict with different facets of job satisfaction and the moderating effects of gender” Retrieved on June 10, 2007 from http://www. allbusiness. com/sales/852943-1. html? yahss=114-2974554-852943 “Role Conflict” Retrieved on June 10, 2007 from http://www. webref. org/sociology/R/role_conflict. htm

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Defining Individual Roles within Family Systems: The Beginning of Society essay
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