Rhetorical Analysis of the ASPCA Commercial Against Animal Cruelty


Pets, often considered as loyal companions, hold a special place in the hearts of many. The act of caring for a pet goes beyond feeding and sheltering—it encompasses a deep emotional bond. In this essay, we delve into the emotional and persuasive power of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) commercial, featuring Sarah McLachlan. This commercial serves as a powerful rhetorical tool aimed at raising awareness about animal abuse and soliciting support for the cause.

By analyzing the rhetorical appeals of pathos, ethos, logos, and kairos employed in this commercial, we gain insights into how it effectively touches the hearts and minds of viewers.

The Emotional Appeal of Pathos

Pathos, the emotional appeal, is a pivotal element in the ASPCA commercial's persuasion strategy. It capitalizes on viewers' emotions to evoke sympathy and empathy for abused animals. The choice of Sarah McLachlan's song "Angel" sets the emotional tone. The lyrics of the song, such as "You're in the arms of the angel, may you find comfort here," resonate with the commercial's message.

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The image of the ASPCA as an "angel" that provides comfort to suffering animals is compelling, urging viewers to become part of this compassionate mission.

The commercial's visual elements further enhance the emotional appeal. It features a poignant slideshow of abused and malnourished animals, illustrating the dire circumstances faced by countless innocent creatures. These heart-wrenching images, coupled with the melancholic music, create a profound emotional impact on viewers. They are compelled to empathize with the animals' suffering and feel a moral obligation to intervene.

Moreover, pathos is reinforced by the timing of the commercial.

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It captures viewers' attention at a moment when their emotions are more susceptible, such as during leisurely TV watching. This timing ensures that the emotional resonance of the commercial remains long after it ends, prompting viewers to take action against animal cruelty.

Ethos and the Influence of Celebrity Endorsement

Ethos, the appeal to credibility and character, plays a significant role in the ASPCA commercial. The involvement of renowned singer and songwriter Sarah McLachlan lends credibility to the organization's cause. McLachlan is depicted in the commercial petting a yellow lab, a symbol of her personal commitment to animal welfare. Her celebrity status and genuine affection for animals enhance her credibility as a spokesperson for the ASPCA.

Additionally, McLachlan's song "Angel," which serves as the backdrop for the commercial, adds authenticity to the message. While the song was not originally written for this purpose, its relevance to the ASPCA's mission gives it a sense of sincerity. Viewers are more likely to trust and connect with a message delivered by someone they admire, especially when that person's values align with the cause.

Towards the end of the commercial, McLachlan delivers a persuasive appeal by emphasizing the impact of a modest contribution: "for just $18 a month, you can save many animals from their abusers." This statement underscores the organization's ethos by conveying a sense of responsibility and practicality. It suggests that even a small donation can make a significant difference in the lives of mistreated animals, further motivating viewers to support the ASPCA.

The Logos of Convincing Through Reasoning

Logos, the appeal to logic and reasoning, is present in the ASPCA commercial, although it is the least pronounced of the rhetorical appeals. The commercial includes statements like "In the last year, thousands of animals were rescued," emphasizing the organization's impact. However, these statements lack specificity, making the logical appeal somewhat weak. Viewers may question the credibility of the claims without concrete statistical evidence.

Moreover, the commercial does not provide detailed information about the ASPCA's work or specific programs. While it tugs at the heartstrings and fosters empathy, it may leave some viewers wanting more substantial data and facts about the organization's achievements. This absence of concrete evidence weakens the logical appeal but does not diminish the commercial's overall effectiveness, given its strong emotional and ethical appeals.


The ASPCA commercial featuring Sarah McLachlan is a powerful example of the persuasive use of rhetorical appeals. By strategically employing pathos, ethos, and a touch of logos, the commercial effectively raises awareness about animal abuse and solicits support for the organization's mission. The emotional impact created by the choice of music and images is undeniable, evoking a profound sense of empathy in viewers. McLachlan's celebrity endorsement adds credibility and authenticity to the cause, enhancing the organization's ethos. While the logical appeal is relatively weak due to the absence of specific data, the overall effectiveness of the commercial in inspiring action against animal cruelty cannot be denied.

In today's media-driven world, the ASPCA commercial serves as a testament to the enduring power of persuasive communication. It demonstrates how a compelling message, backed by emotional resonance and credible endorsement, can mobilize individuals to support a cause they may not have previously considered. Through the artful use of rhetorical appeals, this commercial succeeds in tugging at the heartstrings and motivating viewers to take a stand against the mistreatment of innocent animals.

Updated: Oct 26, 2023
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Rhetorical Analysis of the ASPCA Commercial Against Animal Cruelty. (2016, May 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/rhetorical-appeals-essay

Rhetorical Analysis of the ASPCA Commercial Against Animal Cruelty essay
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