Religious Experience of Ninian Smart

In the Religious Experience of Ninian Smart argued that religion typically has six aspects or dimensions. In his most recent overview, entitled The World's Religions Old Traditions and Modern Transformations (1989), he again used these six dimensions and added a seventh. With supporting evidence from primary and secondary sources will help gain a better view on how Scientology is considered a religion.

Over the years there have been many different interpretations of what a religion is, and if scientology fits into this category.

People have been attempting to put a definition of what it is based around common beliefs and rituals. Basing religion on common beliefs and rituals, religion is found to be too narrow and specific to even consider Buddhism a religion (Ethic .World, 2017).

Functional definitions tend to distinguish a religion by the needs it fulfils, "the problem with functional definitions is they tend to be to flexible and vague to be considered as definite solutions to what exactly makes a religion "a religion" (HumanRE, 2017).

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One of the best attempts to date is Ninian Smarts 7 dimensional model, in which takes an approach to each religion discussing various amounts of common concepts and basing them around dimensions (Vexan Crabtree, 2016).

According to the practical dimension of Ninian Smarts model, Religions typically have particular practices in which people engage in. "The form of these practices varies greatly and may include such activities as worship, preaching, prayer, meditation, confession, sacrifice, offerings, rites of passage and other sacred ceremonies "(Scientology, 2018).

At the heart of scientology, it involves many different practises that believers must follow in order to achieve satisfaction.

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Scientology includes a bunch of practise termed the auditing process. "With the ultimate goal of this process being to restore beingness and ability" (L. Ron Hubbard, n/a), this is achieved through an "Auditor" and a "Preclear", Which share similar characteristics as a confession in Christianity.

The experimental dimension of Ninian Smarts religious model involves the experiences you may have with god, even if it's not physical it can be through the aspects of prayer (Ethics in Religion,2017). According to the handbook of scientology, one of the main objectives is for individuals to be able to achieve the clear mind state. "Clear is the name of a state achieved through auditing and describes a being who no longer has his own reactive mind" (Scientology, 2018) it's a process that clears the sins of others and is somewhat like having a fresh start and new being.

According to Ninian Smarts 7 dimensions a common factor within other religions are the stories that are being told within. The narration dimension involves significant stories that religious believers follow, an example of this would involve the Christian bible or the buddha sacred text.

In scientology an important aspect goes by the name of "Thetan" which is written in L. Ron Hubbard's wirings. The narration aspect of Scientology comes from the activity's and experiences that are taught through the Thetan in what is believed as "Past life" and passing on this experience through stories. Furthermore the life history of scientology is scripted in a book by founder L. Ron Hubbard.

Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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Religious Experience of Ninian Smart. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

Religious Experience of Ninian Smart essay
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