Investigating Security Vulnerabilities of Smart Camera

Categories: Network


The multiple benefits that the Internet of things(IoT) technology comes with has boosted smart devices to be deployed in millions of homes worldwide, taking the global smart home market in 2015 valued at 7.8 billion and is estimated to reach 32 billion in 2020 (Bugeja, Jacobsson and Davidsson, 2016). However, the diverse internet-connected smart devices within households might pose a significant risk to data privacy and security of users when private information can be accessed remotely. The serious risk of exposure of private data to threat agents makes smart connected devices a critical issue that warrants scrutiny from both industry and academic communities (Jacobsson, Boldt, and Carlsson, 2016).

According to Abdallah, Xu, and Shi (2017), low cost of electronic devices such as image sensors, and the advancement of image processing is the reason many consider smart devices to be fast emerging.

Among the recent smart devices gaining momentum to ensure home security is the smart camera which users can depend on to remotely monitor their homes efficiently and instantly (Bugeja, Jacobsson and Davidsson, 2017).

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While the evolution of IoT devices may have led to smart cameras to make their way into home of users to be used as baby monitors and home theft detection. Traditional security IP cameras, on the other hand, are utilised outside of office environments ,homes and streets to increase security with limited features (Gu et al,2013).However, some smart cameras give residents false indication of trust and security because of a known weak security mechanism such as sending unencrypted traffic via the internet in order to store data services in the cloud (Liranzo and Hayajneh,2017).Therefore, this may leave data to be outside the control of users which can raise many security problems.

Aims and Objectives

The increasing deployment of smart camera devices in homes might expose users to security risk as private data can be remotely accessible in new ways.

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This project aims to investigate the security vulnerabilities of a specific type of smart camera available on eBay that might be common in modern homes. In order to address the research question: what are the security vulnerabilities of the 360 Smart Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera. The research examines the 360 Smart Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera for existing security vulnerabilities identified and not yet identified in smart cameras by researchers. The 360 Smart Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera is put through a security vulnerability assessment test to uncover what threat agents could discover using a method of penetration testing.

To achieve the aim of this research. The project will consist of the following objectives:

  • a) Investigate the security vulnerabilities of the 360 Smart Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera.
  • b) Conduct a literature review analysing the impact of an exploitation on a smart camera from an information security viewpoint. Compare and contrast multiple security vulnerabilities and attempted attacks from previous and current researchers on smart cameras.
  • c) Apply an appropriate penetration testing method to the 360 Smart Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera. Identify the security problems using different stages of penetration testing methodology.
  • d) Produce and record test results, reflect on all discovered data from the 360 Smart Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera and implement a solution.
  • e) Assess implemented solution against solutions provided by other researchers and apply the appropriate recommendations to the 360 Smart Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera.

Research Plan and Methodology

Literature Phase: The literature review section will be organised as follows

  • 1) Role of smart camera
  • 2) Overview of 360 Smart Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera
  • 3) Analysis of Information Security of Smart Camera
  • 4) Security Problems Identified in Smart Cameras
  • 5)Identified attacks on smart cameras
  • 6) Limitation of Literature Review
  • 7) Summary

System Setup Phase: This includes the interconnection of resources ready for the trial. Below are the main resources involve to address the research question:

Hardware Software

  • 360 Smart Panoramic WI-FI Camera IPC360 Android Smart Camera App
  • Dell Desktop Set OptiPlex 880 PC 3 Ghz Windows 10 Pro
  • IPAD Air Kali Linux 2019.2 Vmware
  • Dell Latitude E2260 Laptop 2.10 Ghz Vmware

Research Methodology

Figure 2: Penetration Methodology (Rathore et al. 2006, p.137)

Pilot Test Phase: The research methodology in fig 2 will be used in this project. This part of the project constitutes of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Due to time constraint of the project, only the below stages will be included in the pentest.

1. Planning and Preparation

2. Assessment

  • a. Information Gathering
  • b. Vulnerability Identification
  • c. Penetration
  • d. Gaining Access and Privilege Escalation
  • e. Maintaining Access

3. Reporting

Data Collection and Analysis: Data from the 360 Panoramic Wi-Fi Smart Camera will be collected by tools like Nmap, Wireshark and, Metaspoilt and analyse to generate results.

Comparative Analysis: The final phase will compare the results generated from the investigation and help apply a suitable strategy as a solution to the security vulnerabilities found during the investigation of the 360 Smart Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera.


Security concerns of network camera has been investigated by multiple researchers to answer the questions of vulnerabilities, although not many focuses on smart cameras (Bugeja, Jacobsson and Davidsson, 2018). The reality is that smart cameras are present in multitude homes and installed by many users not aware of the security vulnerabilities (Moody and Hunter,2016). Moody and Hunter (2016) also states non-security expert individuals that might want to hack smart cameras depend on ready-made tools and applications that others develop to perform cybersecurity and privacy attacks. Given this, the security vulnerabilities discovered in this research project can be used to educate consumers to understand the risks of using the 360 Smart Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera and the mitigation strategies outline to contribute towards employing a secure input method to enhance the security of the device. According to pierrekim (2017), a vulnerability exist that affects 200,000 active smart cameras and over 1,250 various smart camera model. Although, the 360 Smart Panoramic Wi-Fi Camera utilised in this project is not on the list mentioned. However, this project will verify the same vulnerabilities, in case the same products are been rebranded under a different name to keep selling the same vulnerable device without investing in its security.


  • A. Jacobsson, M. Boldt, and B. Carlsson, A risk analysis of a smart home automation system, Future Gener. Comput. Syst., vol. 56, pp. 719-733, Mar. 2016.
  • B. Cusack and Z. Tian, Evaluating IP surveillance camera vulnerabilities, pp. 25 - 32, 2017.
  • J. Bugeja, D. Jansson and A. Jacobsson, "An Investigation of Vulnerabilities in Smart Connected Cameras," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), Athens, 2018, pp. 537-542.
  • J. Bugeja, A. Jacobsson and P. Davidsson, "An analysis of malicious threat agents for the smart connected home," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), Kona, HI, 2017, pp. 557-562.
  • J. Bugeja, A. Jacobsson and P. Davidsson, "On Privacy and Security Challenges in Smart Connected Homes," 2016 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC), Uppsala, 2016, pp. 172-175.
  • J. Liranzo and T. Hayajneh, "Security and privacy issues affecting cloud-based IP camera," 2017 IEEE 8th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), New York, NY, 2017, pp. 458-465
  • M. Moody and A. Hunter, "Exploiting Known Vulnerabilities of a Smart Thermostat," IEEE Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, 2016, pp. 50 - 53
  • Multiple vulnerabilities found in Wireless IP Camera (P2P) WIFICAM cameras and vulnerabilities in custom server - IT Security Research by Pierre,, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 27-Jul-2019].
  • R. Abdallah, L. Xu, and W. Shi, "Lessons and Experiences of a DIY Smart Home," ACM SmartIoT '17 Proceedings of the Workshop on Smart Internet of Things, 2017, vol. 4
  • B. Rathore, M. Brunner, M. Dilaj, O. Herreragh, P. Brunati, R. Subramaniam , S. Raman,.and U. Chavan, -Information System Security Assesment Framework,2006.
  • Y. Gu et al., "Design and Implementation of UPnP-Based Surveillance Camera System for Home Security," 2013 International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA), Suwon, 2013, pp. 1-4


Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Investigating Security Vulnerabilities of Smart Camera. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

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