Previous knowledge


The analysis of a questionnaire, gives the chance to the researcher to sort the data to different individual types in order to link them with other characteristics (Laurillard, 2002). The Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic (VAK) learning style test was given to twelve students in order to identify which of these three learning preference each student has. Visual, auditory and kinesthetic modalities are recognised as significant sensory channels for education (Guild and Garger 1985 cited in Ballone and Czernik, 2001), that's why the specific test was selected.

The results of the test showed each student's learning preference, consequently students were separated according to their preference in a particular learning style and two groups of six were created.

Each group included two students that had a particular learning preference of each learning style. I tried to have one girl and one boy from each learning style in each group, in order to limit gender differences that would affect students' reactions. However, this wasn't so easy, so in some cases in a group, students with the same learning style also belonged to the same gender.

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The VAK test included simple questions that students could easily answer and referred to specific preferences and behaviours that children have in different situations.

Variety of learning preferences of each learning style

Students had variety of learning preferences of each learning style, however their strong preference in a particular learning style was considered as main. Besides, no one has exclusively a particular learning style; all have a mixture of preferences and strengths. Therefore, during the data collection and data analysis I kept in serious thought that I should think learning as a range of styles that all students have to some degree and they just have a strength in particular learning style (Dfes, 2002, p.4).

Besides, the questionnaire included some general questions about the movements of the earth and students' beliefs and knowledge on how day and night occurs.

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This had as purpose to identify students' previous knowledge about the creation of day and night, the subject that students' would be taught, a factor that could influence the teaching procedure. Through these questions students' fault assumptions and misconceptions were also revealed and so they were considered in the learning process later on.

Constructivism teaching approach

The purpose of this was to plan activities in the teaching process; based on the three learning modalities that are taken into account in the current study and which will build on students' previous knowledge. Consequently, when students are involved with activities that correspond to their individual learning style and interests will develop deep understanding through active learning (Thomson and Mascazine, 2008).

Moreover, constructivist perspectives were considered in the planning of the sessions for both approaches, since they can play a determine role in science education. Particularly, through modeling students develop understanding through the construction, revision and improvement of models, a procedure that helps them establish links between what they know and what they learn. Subject taught According to the literature review that was developed in previous chapter modeling in science is considered as essential and core in science teaching.

However, for some scientific concepts its use can be particularly significant. The specific subject I chose to teach students by using two different modeling approaches is what causes day and night. This is a subject that fifth-graders weren't taught in school since is not embedded in the curriculum. However, from previous experience I had when I was called to teach the specific subject in a student of fifth grade, I realized that students usually have relevant knowledge about the subject that might be based on fault assumptions. Therefore, I considered that is important to help them clarify any misunderstandings they have about the specific subject.

Through modeling approaches students will have the opportunity to develop sufficient understanding about day and night, since they will be able to isolate variables and study the particular complex phenomenon in a simplified way. Moreover, modeling is considered especially important for studying phenomena that can't be observed directly in their natural settings (Penner, 2001), whilst computer models help students promote their understanding about unobservable phenomena in science (De Jong et al., 1999; Stratford, 1997). So, the specific phenomenon even if it is a situation that happens every day, children are not aware of what causes it, since they can't make direct observations. Accordingly, the use of modeling approaches might be considered as a valuable procedure of gaining knowledge about the current phenomenon.

Group meetings

Two meetings were conducted with each group and each meeting lasted about one hour and a half. The meetings were accomplished in a room, where the appropriate equipment was settled before each meeting. Students of each group were separated in groups of two and each group was consisted from students with the same learning preference. Students in both groups during the learning process were working collaboratively. The group that was working with the computer-based modeling approach used three computers.

The program that students were using in order to develop the model of day and night was Stagecast Creator. No one of the students had any previous experience with the specific modeling tool, so they took some tutorials before start creating their model. In addition, students that participated in the group that didn't include computer implementation were using materials in order to create the model, like spheres made of paper, presenting the earth and the Sun. I chose this kind of approach since materials are directly related with children's everyday experience and they have confidence in using them. Moreover, both approaches were appropriate for carrying out hands-on activities that are important for modeling and teaching (Dickinson et al, 1997)

Both groups were taught with the same learning activities before creating the model with the modeling tools they should. The teaching procedures were enriched with the use of pictures, appropriate worksheets and videos that helped students clarify any misconceptions they had and help them acquire efficient knowledge about the phenomenon under study. Also, students were supported every time they had difficulties, since they didn't have any experience with this kind of modeling-based activities.

Updated: Feb 19, 2021
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