Personal Statement: Participated in a Nasa Space Camp

At the age of 5, a young boy from India boarded his very first flight while taking a trip from Chennai to Hong Kong. He developed a strong interest in airplanes. In the year 2008, this young kid from India was influenced when he took part in a NASA area camp. This kid and his pals were granted the reward of the best junior scientists by Mr Steve Johnson, the Chairman of NASA. The award was provided on the basis of fulfilment of numerous requirements based on different remarkable activities like designing a rover and building a rocket that would travel upwards 250m or above.

This boy was none besides me and I delighted in every second that I invested in the area camp. The NASA area camp was a turning point in my life.

My eagerness to be included with aircraft took a guaranteed shape in the type of my wishing to become an astronaut or be associated with Aerospace Engineering. Operating in an organisation like NASA as an Aerospace Engineer became my ambition for life.

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Ever since I have actually been enthusiastic about acquiring all sort of knowledge concerning air travel and aerospace engineering. I also checked out ISRO, the Indian Area Research Organisation, the Indian equivalent of NASA, located in Sriharikota, a place in the southern part of India. Though there was a good deal of distinction in the technology used in the space centres in the United States and in India, I was able to discover a lot about Chandarayan, the first effective objective built by an Indian as the task director MylswamyAnnadurai offered a comprehensive description about it.

By the end of Grade 10, I had actually understood that if I truly wished to use up a career in Aeronautical Engineering I would have to further my horizons of education.

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The primary step that I required to pursue this imagine mine was to use up a worldwide curriculum, the International Baccalaureate in a global, residential school. It is here that I was made it possible for to do some research study regarding the very best universities that provided Aerospace Engineering and Aeronautics. I discovered that though there are relatively few universities in India in which the topic is available, the ones that do are the very best. I have, ever since, been putting in my best to mould myself into an ideal candidate to enter one of these highly-acclaimed universities.

I took up Physics, Mathematics, and Information technology in Global Society the basic requirements to pursue Aeronautical Engineering, at the higher level and made the most of the opportunities available. Undeterred by my poor performance initially, primarily due to my weakness in English, I worked hard to become one of the toppers in these subjects in my batch. In the year of my visit to NASA, another significant event took place in my life. Being interested in hockey and having played the game for a few years, I was selected to play in the Under-14 CBSE (the most popular Indian curriculum) South Zone hockey tournament. My success in the game led to my being selected in the All-India Under-14 Hockey team. However, a serious injury prevented my playing any match as part of the team. The game I have picked up since is Badminton which I play well enough to be part of the school team. Besides, I enjoy watching Tamil movies. My other hobbies are playing computer games and listening to music.

As I have been brought up in a family of politicians, the wish to serve the society is an inherent part of me. My father encourages me to serve the needy and the poor especially on special days like my birthday and Diwali, the festival of lights. Hence, it was with ease that I fulfilled the requirements for acquiring the silver medal of the International Award for Young People and the service activities of CAS.

Now I am poised to move ahead in life, gain all the knowledge and skills required to be able to design aircraft and set up my own industry that will cater to my needs and those of my country and countrymen by providing quality infrastructure and employment at a large scale.

Updated: Feb 17, 2021
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Personal Statement: Participated in a Nasa Space Camp essay
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