Effective Public Speaking: Overcoming Anxiety & Improving Performance

Public speaking is an essential skill that plays a crucial role in various aspects of life, be it academic, professional, or personal. While I have engaged in debates before, my experience in delivering formal speeches has been limited. Recognizing the importance of effective communication, I enrolled in the Fundamentals of Speech course to gain insights into what makes a compelling speech and to enhance my ability to deliver it to an audience. This essay explores my journey in understanding public speaking, addresses the challenges identified through the PRPSA scale, and outlines strategic solutions to overcome these obstacles.

Understanding Communication Anxiety

Upon completing the PRPSA scale, I received a score of 113, indicating moderate anxiety in public speaking.

This assessment brought to light specific areas that require improvement. Firstly, I observed a decline in speech quality when experiencing anxiety. Secondly, I faced sleeping difficulties the night before delivering a speech. Lastly, I found myself feeling anxious while awaiting my turn to speak.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

Recognizing the need for improvement in speech quality during anxious moments, one effective strategy is regular practice.

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By familiarizing myself with the act of public speaking, I can mitigate anxiety and enhance my overall performance. Additionally, thorough preparation before each speech is crucial. This includes researching the topic thoroughly, organizing key points, and rehearsing the delivery. Such proactive measures not only build confidence but also contribute to a smoother and more polished presentation.

In addressing sleeping problems, adopting relaxation techniques is essential. Counting sheep or engaging in calming activities before bedtime can promote better sleep quality.

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Moreover, maintaining a healthy pre-sleep routine, such as avoiding snacks after dinner, can positively impact sleep patterns. A well-rested mind is better equipped to handle the challenges of public speaking, fostering a more composed and articulate delivery.

Dealing with anxiety while waiting to speak is intertwined with the preparation process. Initiating the speaking lineup or reviewing preparations before the actual speech can alleviate anticipatory anxiety. By taking control of the situation and setting a positive tone, I can create a conducive environment for effective communication.

Strategic Solutions for Effective Public Speaking

The identified solutions are integral to delivering impactful speeches. Overcoming anxiety, improving speech quality, and ensuring a restful night before a speech are interconnected elements that contribute to overall success. Without addressing these issues, the risk of conveying a negative impression to the audience and miscommunicating intended messages remains high.

Effective Time Management

Another aspect hindering my progress in public speaking is the ineffective management of time. Recognizing the importance of time as a valuable resource, I must develop strategies to enhance time management skills. Efficiently allocating time for research, preparation, and rehearsal is paramount. By establishing a structured timeline, I can streamline the speech creation process, ensuring a well-thought-out and articulate presentation.


In conclusion, the journey through the Fundamentals of Speech course has provided valuable insights into the art of public speaking. The PRPSA scale highlighted specific areas of anxiety, prompting a proactive approach to improvement. Through consistent practice, thorough preparation, and strategic solutions, I aim to enhance my public speaking skills. Effective time management is equally crucial, ensuring that the preparation process is well-organized and executed. As I embark on this journey of improvement, I am confident that overcoming these challenges will lead to more confident, articulate, and impactful public speaking.

Updated: Jan 10, 2024
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Effective Public Speaking: Overcoming Anxiety & Improving Performance. (2016, Dec 13). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/personal-report-of-public-speaking-anxiety-essay

Effective Public Speaking: Overcoming Anxiety & Improving Performance essay
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