Personal Growth Through Personality Assessment and Leadership Reflection

The Big Five Personality assessment revealed that my strengths lie in openness to experience and conscientiousness. Openness to experience encompasses qualities such as flexibility, intelligence, and an internal locus of control (Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development, 2010, p41). As a Graphic Designer, my adaptability allows me to easily navigate changes and pressure situations. This trait proves invaluable when dealing with clients who frequently alter their preferences and in problem-solving scenarios like creating high-quality designs within budget constraints. I firmly believe that success is a result of personal effort rather than luck or external circumstances.

Conscientiousness is another key aspect of my personality marked by dependability and integrity (Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development, 2010, p40), traits that I take pride in as a trustworthy individual.

When it comes to meeting deadlines, I am dedicated to working late if needed. My integrity is crucial, and I always aim to be ethical and honest. Building trust within my team is a top priority for me as it is key for a productive work environment.

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Although I excel in traits like adjustment, surgency, and agreeableness, I know there is room for improvement. Specifically, I need to focus on managing my emotions and building confidence in decision-making. Despite my strong work ethic and skills, criticism can sometimes affect my self-esteem.

Despite the potential for criticism to rapidly diminish confidence, I excel in high-pressure scenarios and opt to provide praise instead of criticism. My focus is on cultivating a positive workplace by avoiding criticizing coworkers, as it can impede productivity and generate a pessimistic ambiance.

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My aversion to assertiveness, which includes dominance and extraversion, originates from my unwillingness to exploit others for selfish motives.

In my field, I prefer to be recognized simply as a designer rather than climbing the corporate ladder. The higher up you go, the less design work you tend to do. While I do enjoy art directing and helping others, I wouldn't want to do it all day long. Additionally, my lowest trait is agreeableness, which includes sociability and emotional intelligence. I scored low in this area because I am not fond of working with others and I am not worried about having a large circle of friends.

Theory, Concepts and Application

In this class, I have noticed the importance of adjusting my self-concept, which refers to individuals' positive or negative attitudes about themselves (Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development, 2010, p51). I have realized that my self-concept tends to be overly negative and fear of appearing narcissistic often makes me lack confidence in how others perceive me. This fear hinders my ability to balance my confidence levels effectively. Moving forward, I aim to develop more self-efficacy not just for myself but also to inspire my peers. My self-assessment showed a moderately high need for adjustment in the personality dimension. By working on boosting my self-confidence, I believe it will lead to an overall improvement in my personality adjustment.

One thing I have discovered about myself is that I do not fit the mold of a strong leader. I lack the drive for dominance, as evidenced by my low score in surgency on my personality assessment. I am not competitive or cutthroat; instead, I am willing to help others advance. While I get along with people decently, I lack the social skills necessary for a leadership position. However, I am content with this as I am not pursuing a position of power. My goal is to educate and motivate others, with little regard for wealth or authority.

Ultimately, I have come to realize that my managerial style aligns more with Theory Y. According to Theory Y, employees are self-motivated and do not require micromanagement to perform their tasks effectively (Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development, 2010, p.50). This resonates with me personally as I believe in the concept of a Theory Y manager being an effective leader. This also correlates with my high conscientiousness score on my personality profile, as I am someone who values trust and dependability, both in myself and in others. I believe in giving everyone a fair opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities.

Reflective Observation

After discussing my leadership profile with my supervisor, I gained valuable insights. She emphasized that she sees me as a dedicated and honest worker. She mentioned that I am willing to do whatever it takes to complete tasks accurately. Additionally, she noted that she appreciates my candid feedback on others' work, as I do not hesitate to express my honest opinions. I believe that upfront honesty is essential for saving time and resources, rather than beating around the bush. It is crucial to address issues directly to ensure progress in the right direction.

Her description of me aligns with the conscientiousness personality profile the most. She acknowledged that I have areas to improve in terms of confidence and insecurity. While I am quick to praise my coworkers, I tend to criticize my own work excessively, lacking the self-credit I deserve. This behavior may come across as negative to others. In essence, I am viewed as an inspirational leader to some and a risk to myself due to my low self-esteem. The root of the issue lies in the way I discuss my own work. My objective is to start speaking positively about myself and my abilities, in the hopes that others will do the same.

The Vice President of the company I work for provided me with a new perspective on my personality profile. He specifically noted my openness-to-experience trait as something that stood out to him. He pointed out that I have been flexible and resilient during the drastic changes the company has undergone in the past four years. While he mentioned struggling with flexibility in other employees, he found it to be a strong attribute in me. I have maintained a go-with-the-flow attitude despite the stressful environment, and I am pleased that my efforts have been recognized. It validates the sacrifices I have made for the company.

Personal leadership and skill development are essential aspects of growth and success.

Through this course, I have realized that my forte is in being an inspiring educator rather than a dominant figure. While I may not possess the same level of assertiveness as some, I am satisfied with staying authentic to myself and valuing conscientiousness over authority or riches. It is also essential for me to boost my self-assurance in order to positively impact others, as displaying unwavering belief in my capabilities is key to earning the confidence of those in my circle.

Discovering key qualities such as flexibility and dedication, I am willing to work long hours and take on new tasks to achieve my goals. Known for honesty and straightforwardness, my main focus is building confidence and improving interaction with others. This class has been enlightening, and I am eager to apply what I have learned in the workplace.

For additional details, consult Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2010). Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development.(5th ed) Mason, Ohio: South-Western.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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