Benefits of Physical Training and Combatting Laziness in Military Life

Physical training is an invaluable aspect of a healthy lifestyle, offering countless benefits that extend beyond mere fitness. In this article, I aim to explore the diverse advantages of physical exercise while also addressing the prevalence of "shamming" in the military context, specifically within the Army. This serves not only as a form of corrective training but also as a means for personal expression, shedding light on the critical subject of physical well-being.

Importance of Physical Training

Physical training is more than just a pathway to a fit physique; it is a holistic approach to a longer, better life.

The positive impacts, such as increased longevity, improved appearance, and heightened overall well-being, are evident and multifaceted. This article will delve into the intricacies of these benefits, examining how physical training operates on different levels, offering complexity and interest to those who engage in it.

Shamming in the Army

In the context of military life, the term "shamming" takes center stage, describing acts of laziness or evading effort in the face of demanding situations.

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Physical training, a crucial component of Army life, stands in stark contrast to such tendencies. We will explore how these opposing forces, physical training, and shamming coexist and impact the dynamics within the Army.

Reasons for Physical Exercise

Physical exercise, broadly defined as any bodily activity enhancing or maintaining physical fitness, serves a multitude of purposes. People engage in workouts to build muscle, fight diseases, enhance strength, and even to pass physical fitness tests. The benefits extend to preventing a range of diseases, including heart disease, cardiovascular issues, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

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Furthermore, regular physical exercise has proven effects on mental health, preventing depression and fostering positive self-esteem. The global concern of childhood obesity is also addressed, with physical exercise emerging as a potential solution in developed countries.

Army Field Manual (FM 21-20)

For those in the military, FM 21-20 is a pivotal document that guides physical fitness training. Directed at leaders planning and conducting these sessions, the manual provides essential guidelines for developing programs aimed at improving and maintaining the physical fitness levels of all Army personnel. Furthermore, it serves as a valuable sourcebook for soldiers, aligning with the principles outlined in FM 25-100, Training the Force.

Types of Physical Exercise

Physical exercise is categorically grouped into three types: Flexibility, Aerobic, and Anaerobic. Each type plays a distinct role in benefiting the body in various ways. Flexibility exercises, including stretching, contribute to improving the range of muscles and joints, a critical aspect of physical training that can prevent later injuries. Aerobic exercises, such as running, swimming, and hiking, enhance cardiovascular health and strengthen the heart. Meanwhile, anaerobic exercises, including pushups, weight training, and pull-ups, lead to muscle failure and contribute to overall strength.

Military Regulations on Physical Fitness

AR 350-15, a military regulation, specifies the frequency of vigorous physical fitness training in the Army. According to the regulation, training should be conducted 3 to 5 times per week, with an optimal goal of five days for maximum gains. It emphasizes the importance of strength training sessions for achieving muscular strength gains, aligning with the broader goal of preparing soldiers to meet the physical demands of war.

Personal Perspective on Physical Training

As someone who has personally experienced the transformative effects of regular physical training, I find it imperative to underscore the significance of incorporating personal experiences into this discourse. Beyond the tangible benefits, such as enhanced physical fitness and improved health, engaging in regular exercise has provided me with a sense of discipline, mental resilience, and a positive outlook on life. These intangible gains are equally crucial in understanding the holistic impact of physical training.

Evidence-Based Support for Benefits

While there are clear benefits of physical exercise, it's essential to supplement these claims with evidence-based support. Scientific studies have consistently shown that regular physical activity boosts the immune system, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and positively influences mental health. Integrating such findings into the discussion further solidifies the argument for the multifaceted benefits of physical training.

Physical training transcends the boundaries of mere physical fitness, offering a plethora of benefits that impact various facets of life. From the prevention of diseases to mental well-being and military readiness, the importance of incorporating regular physical exercise cannot be overstated. By understanding and embracing the multifaceted nature of these benefits, individuals can embark on a journey towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Updated: Jan 17, 2024
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Benefits of Physical Training and Combatting Laziness in Military Life. (2016, Jun 10). Retrieved from

Benefits of Physical Training and Combatting Laziness in Military Life essay
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