On Boy Trouble About Adolescence Issues

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"On Boy Trouble" Essay In the essay, "On Boy Trouble" by Margaret Wente, many points were introduced to the readers. Margaret Wente lures the readers to her article by using an opening sentence such as "They are tormented by unattainable ideals," (pg. 427). Wente attracts the readers by exercising her writing abilities and using effective and efficient words and phrases. Also, the use of allusions are very effective. Margaret Wente's charismatic style of writing is very helpful to the readers in a way that differs from most other writers.

With Wente's style of writing, the reader does not get bored or sidetracked while reading her craftsmanship. Margaret Wente opens up about her research on the male society. She proves a somewhat non-biassed point about what type of torture and anguish most adolescent males go through in order to "fit in".

Wente expresses her points in a very effective manner by issuing facts, and examples, that seduces the reader into reading more. This is a magnificent piece of writing and is easy to read.

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One who is not very eager to pick up a highly intellectual piece of writing because of being in fear of becoming lost or confused while reading, should not worry about this piece. Wente does not use too many "big" words in her essay, but does include some very effective ones. The article, "On Boy Trouble"by Margaret Wente is a highly educational piece of writing, that tests the brain power of the reader, but does not stress it.

Firstly, Wente's use of effective words are one forceful way to attract the reader.

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Margaret Wente used such words as "psychological debilities", "victims du jour", "excruciating", and "an orgy of introspection". These words contribute to the success of her article. When a reader sees these types of words, they are immediately attracted to the piece and feel that the writer is highly intellectual. Words like "psychological debilities" are two highly intelligent words that would normally only be used by master scholar's, or a philosopher of some sort. Words like these contribute to the effectiveness of the writing piece and it almost dares the reader to read further. In addition, a high vocabulary is very necessary for the author to possess in order to have an effective essay. The author's choice of words, or diction, is a great way to get a point across to the readers, or the viewers. If a writer wrote an article at a grade 5 level, the readers would most likely lose interest fairly quickly. The more intellectual the writer seems, the more the readers will trust the writer, and listen to the writer, and understand the writer.

Secondly, Wente's charismatic style of writing keeps the reader involved in the article. Wente's sense of knowledge and understanding about what a typical adolescent male goes through is simply amazing. The way the writer informs the reader of this topic is astounding. The way she states her ideas and beliefs are dumbfounding because of how easily she explains everything by backing them up with facts and examples. While explaining what an adolescent males has to face in a physical aspect of being "buff" and in shape, she does so in a very informative, and somewhat comedic manner. Wente says that a teenage male is being stereotyped into having to have arms like G.I. Joe. Wente states, "G.I. Joe, whose biceps, if life-sized, would measure an astonishing 32 inches" (pg. 428). Obviously, that is a comedic way of getting her point across.

Next, when Wente said, "Everyone else - nerd, geek, Goth, or plain, unlabelled loser - is subject to emotional abuse whose scars may last a lifetime." (pg. 429), she is so close to reality, it is scary. In addition, sometimes it is good to inform the reader without beating around the bush. The conclusion to the essay was especially effective because it makes the reader feel that Margaret Wente is actually talking to them, one-on-one. Wente stated, "Either way, consider yourself warned. Your son needs help, and lots of it". It is good to just say what is on one's mind straight up, without glamorizing things.

Lastly, the use of allusions also contributed to the article. Margaret Wente referred to many different types of books in her essay. Wente spoke about Susan Faludi's most recent book, Backlash, and her upcoming book, Stiffed. Also, Margaret Wente mentioned many other book titles when she said, "Books with titles like Real Boys, Raising Cain, Wonder of Boys, and Lost Boys are flying off the shelves" (pg. 428). "Forget Reviving Ophelia. It was Hamlet who had the real problems" (pg. 428) was also an allusion. Allusions don't usually contribute to an essay in such a way that this does. Allusions are just a way to help the reader's understanding and a way to help the reader's point get across. On the other hand, an allusion usually only appears in an essay once or twice, if any, but this essay was more effective because of the massive allusions involved. Margaret Wente also made reference to the masterpiece movie, Lord of the Flies. Allusions can be extremely effective if they are used properly.

In conclusion, Margaret Wente's style of writing is highly educational and requires the reader to think, but only to a certain degree. Margaret Wente is a literature genius and obviously knows her work. Her research of adolescent males is astonishing, and pretty much unbelievable. One could be almost positive that most adolescent males may not be as aware of what is happening to them as Margaret Wente is. Her skills in writing are obviously exercised in this piece. An adolescent male does go through a lot of pain and suffering in their teenage years in order to try to mould themselves into this ridiculous stereotype. Therefore, in order to be a successful writer, one must know what they are talking about, in order to inform others.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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On Boy Trouble About Adolescence Issues. (2016, Jul 11). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/on-boy-trouble-about-adolescence-issues-essay

On Boy Trouble About Adolescence Issues essay
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