"Adam's Curse" by William Butler Yeats

Categories: LoveW.b Yeats

William Butler Yeats is an Irish dramatist, author, and poet whose works are primarily classified as lyric and nearly belonging to the age of the English romantics. He was a Nobel Prize recipient and among the founders of the Irish Literary Revival. His works are the utmost expressions of his feelings and opinions and for such they are renowned. They have actually made Yeats the most influential English-writing poet of the twentieth century ("William Butler Yeats"). In his work, "Adam's Curse", which was released in 1902, Yeats exposed to his audience the depths of his mind.

He spoke of his beliefs in appeal, how it may truly be seen, and accomplished.

More importantly it discussed how appeal is truly comprehended and appreciated. Normal with Yeats' other works, the poem has a constant rhyme and meter. For every stanza, there is a definitive sound that connects all the lines together and makes the lyric piece progress smoothly to its significance. The rhymes are external mainly by the end of each line and the perspective used is first individual.

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This means that the speaker of the poem is present as the story of the piece unfolds. The speaker is the one who experienced a troubling incident. Likewise the speaker is the one suggesting on the given occurrence, the one communicating the author's message.

The initial clue as provided by the speaker of the poem remains in the first verse, where the speaker was relatively dissatisfied by individuals's understanding of true appeal. He stated that he, together with the object of his affection is talking about poetry, and how appeal is created in problem.

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The dissatisfaction set in when he specified that there are people who think that they know appeal and yet they find artists and poets as lazy people. They do not see the labor that is poured into by creators in their works, yet they claim to know how to value real beauty (Yeats).

In the second stanza, the object of the speaker’s affection agreed with the speaker in saying that beauty needs to be labored upon. Merely admiration is not the basis for knowing true beauty, nor is merely reciting a beautiful poem. This is supported by the succeeding lines where the speaker further pointed that after Adam’s fall, there had not been anything beautiful that was not a result of hard labor. In the example which was given in the poem, the beautiful feeling of love. The speaker indicated that love is beautiful and it is not easily earned. A man needs to work to achieve the love of a woman.

Merely knowing the feeling of love and not taking action upon it is not the true way of appreciating love. Lovers who work for their feelings are the good laborers, while those who keep their emotions are idlers. In the case of artists and poets, which seems to be the trade of the speaker, he who creates beauty by combining words to create an image that can convey a message are the true laborers. The businessmen and merchants who claim that they are lazy have no right to claim that they know the beauty in poetry or in paintings and many other forms of art.

They have no right to attest that a work is of beauty because they do not accept the labor that is behind it. They fail to accept that the secret of beauty is that it never looks like it has been labored upon. Its power is to trap life’s wonders and make it appear at an arm’s reach. This is why it is relaxing and comforting. This is the message that the poem tries to convey. The writer is telling that artists and poets are not idlers. In fact, they have what may be considered as the biggest burden of all. They are to contemplate, imagine, and create a work that can console a sorrowing heart, or bring excitement to a bored soul.

Their task is difficult as they are to hide hardships in their works. It is even worse than computing for the day’s sale. There is nothing routine in it, for routine can destroy its essence. Adam’s curse that made laboring necessary is a curse that is heaviest on an artist’s shoulder and this is what Yeats conveyed in his poetry.

Works Cited

“William Butler Yeats”. 2009. Nobelprize. org. 27 April 2009 < http://nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1923/yeats-bio. html >. Yeats, William Butler. 1902. “Adam’s Curse” the beckoning. com. 27 April 2009 < http://www. thebeckoning. com/poetry/yeats/yeats4. html >.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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"Adam's Curse" by William Butler Yeats. (2017, Jan 25). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/on-adams-curse-essay

"Adam's Curse" by William Butler Yeats essay
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