NSTP or National Service Training Program

Categories: EducationService

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. NSTP or National Service Training Program for me has become more than just a required two-semester course for me to graduate. It taught me life lessons that cannot be learned inside the four walls of our classroom. It taught how I can serve my country in my own little way.

It taught me that in helping others, no matter how small we think it may be, could make a big difference and impact to other people.

To be honest, I chose LTS or Literacy Training Service as my NSTP course just for the sake of choosing.

As months passed by, I unexpectedly start to love LTS. I learned the basics in first-aid and disaster risk reduction management. We went to a school in Samal Bataan for two Saturdays for our fieldwork.

There I met a lot of grade six students which I immediately became friends with.

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We prepared art work projects, science experiments, played charades for their enjoyment while at the same time making sure that they are learning from the activities.

We were assigned to review them for the upcoming National Achievement Test. I was assigned to two students which I admit was pretty challenging at first because I am a shy person and I am not really patient when it comes to teaching others so having to teach two grade six students was really hard for me.

It definitely made me step out of my comfort zone.

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I was pretty sad after our field work because I was already attached to my two students. So before we parted ways, we gave each other a little something so that we would not forget each other and promised to meet again someday.

Over-all, LTS taught me three things: patience, deeper appreciation in life, and valuing education more. First, I learned how to be patient in terms of teaching my students. They have different personalities so I have to extend my patience and be more flexible when it comes to teaching them. Second is deeper appreciation in life. I realized that I am more than blessed because I get to study in a good university while others are struggling hard financially just to attend school every day. I also learned to value education more.

NSTP-National Service Training Program

We as the students of MinSCAT Calapan City Campus, is taking up the requirement for graduation called NSTP-National Service Training Program. This is the course that will train us and mandated by the laws. Under NSTP, there are three components. First is the ROTC-Reserve Officer Training Corp., second is the LTS-Literacy Training Service and the last, our component called CWTS-Civic Welfare Training Service. It refers to activities contributory to the general welfare and betterment of life in our society. It is a great privilege for us to part of this welfare and for the goodness of our society.

Through this component, we will learn a lot of things, we will be trained, we will learned, we will serve and we will commit. Into this, we can impart all this learning’s to our community also as a student full of responsibility. We also have our teachers as our mentors. We have Mrs. Andres as our NSTP Director, Mr. Dela Vega as our CWTS coordinator, Mrs. Liway as our CWTS Adviser and others that impart our knowledge.

In our first semester in our NSTP, we have a wonderful welcome ceremony to all the students of NSTP. It is well organize. As the CWTS continues its duty, it has different guest speakers from different places and organizations. Also under our Government groups of public servant. One of our invited guest speaker is from the PDEA-Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency talked about the usage of drugs that affects the life of every human in this country. And the most affected place where drugs were being raid is in the part of NCR. A poor impact to every student who take marijuana and drugs. And they also tackled about the causes of using drugs, all of its disadvantage. The National Risk Reduction tackled about the alertness in every disaster that every people must know even a simple student must know the alertness of all the calamities that will come.

The PNPA-Philippine National Police Academy share us the goodness of entering a police course. They informed us about the different advantages of being a student of PNPA. There are so many benefits like having their own allowance every month. The school of PNPA is providing the needs of every student that are enrolled in their school. THE Philippine Navy also shares us on how to take care, respect and fix the flag.

After all the sessions we had in the Activity Center, we are also trained and prepared for cleaning the surroundings. It is simple in words but when you are in actual performing the maintenance of cleanliness of the school, you will fin d it difficult if you are not that kind of responsible at the first time.

But we as students of this school, we will do our best to do our duties and responsibilities as a part of CWTS component.

Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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NSTP or National Service Training Program. (2016, Sep 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/nstp-or-national-service-training-program-essay

NSTP or National Service Training Program essay
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