Mythology: The Iliad By Homer

Categories: GreeceMyths

In Homer’s Iliad, the theme of being the ‘greatest’ is present throughout the entire epic poem. The ‘greatest’ gain their title through heroic actions that are committed on the battlefield. In this literary work the embodiment of what is considered the ‘greatest’ are two warriors Achilles and Hector. Both warriors belong to different sides of the war competing to reach their perceived level of greatness. Achilles believes that his achievements in battle earn a man the title of “great,” but Hector believes that his dedication to his people grants a man the title of ‘great.

’ One thing that both warriors have in common though, is that they believe that the ‘greatest’ will have a legacy that resounds after their death.

Achilles is the ‘greatest’ warrior among the Achaeans. He is considered such a great warrior that it has earned him the tittle of “god-like” in the epic. Achilles is a warrior that is guided by his self-honor. To Achilles what matters is how those around him perceive him, and anything less than the greatest is not acceptable.

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Due to this belief when Agamemnon is trying to antagonize Achilles by stripping him of his gera to incite a reaction the only thing that could calm him down and reassess his actions rationally was Athena’s intervention. Athena helps Achilles realize that a reaction like the one he was about to release would be unsightly, especially concerning the fate of a gera. A reaction over a prize would place a stain on his reputation that would for a time create a shadow over his previous achievements in battle.

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Achilles would no longer be known as the ‘greatest’ Achaean warrior but also as the man that placed too much importance on a war prize when he would in the future gain better prizes. Following Athena’s guidance Achilles instead tells Agamemnon off stating that Greeks will suffer tremendous losses by Hector’s sword and Achilles will not get involved due their insult for failing to “honor the best Greek of all”. Achilles’ prowess on the battlefield is also renowned by the Trojans.

Achilles possible involvement in a fight is reason enough to strike fear in the minds of the Trojans. In book six Adromache’s reaction to Hector going back into the battle to face the man that had slain members of her family in the past causes her to plead with Hector to fight from within the walls. Adromache fears that the ‘great’ Achilles will rob her of another member of her family. Among the Trojans, Hector is the ideal warrior ruled by his duties and responsibilities to his people and family. All the actions he commits on the battlefield are with them in mind. In Hectors perspective it can be interpreted that the title of the “greatest” belongs to the man that does not flee from battle while also winning the battle . Hector throughout the epic places a great emphasis on the reaction his name will incite once he perishes on the battlefield. This is apparent during his conversation with Adromache when he states how he does not want to be labelled as a coward by the people of Troy . It is important to his honor that he represents his father well on the battlefield. Even when faced with his fate which is to die in the battle of Troy Hector continues to accept his destiny if it means that he will be dying for Troy.

To Hector a man is bounded to his fate it is something that can not be escaped and should just be accepted. Both Hector and Achilles believe that the ‘greatest’ will leave a legacy that will be remembered past their deaths. In book six Hector informs Adromache that she will be remembered as his wife even after she is enslaved. This places emphasis on who continues his legacy after his death in battle. Hector also hopes that his son grows and protects his honor just as it was Hectors role to continue living through Priam’s honor . This stresses the idea that after his death Hector’s memory continues to live on through the family he leaves behind in the forms of his wife and son.

Achilles also has his own thoughts when it concerns his legacy in the epic the audience is presented with the two possible fates of Achilles. He has the options of either leaving the war and living a long life where he will die at an old age but forgotten or he could live a short and vibrant life which ultimately ends with his death on the battlefield but his legacy will be remembered for generations to come . Though their legacy is the ultimate end goal both warriors have a different interpretation of what the ‘greatest’ warrior should be fundamentally.

Updated: Feb 25, 2024
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Mythology: The Iliad By Homer. (2024, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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