Favorite Time of the Year: A Celebration of December Holidays

Categories: My FavouriteTime

One of the most cherished periods in my life is undoubtedly the December holidays. This delightful time, spanning the last term of school and extending into the seemingly eternal break, holds a special place in my heart. While it may seem peculiar to include the period of examinations, it is during this time that a unique sense of freedom and joy permeates the air.

Embracing Freedom: Post-Examination Celebrations

As the school year winds down, post-examination activities take center stage. Among these, the mass dancing event in the school hall stands out as a particularly enjoyable experience.

Dancing to the latest pop tunes alongside friends offers a welcome escape from the rigors of academic pursuits. The last day of school marks the beginning of the holidays, and the sense of liberation is palpable.

Upon the commencement of the holidays, I eagerly head to the library to immerse myself in a world of books. The absence of schoolwork allows me to indulge in my passion for reading without constraints.

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Each holiday, I make it a tradition to explore the works of a particular author, savoring the richness of storytelling without the pressure of impending assignments or exams.

Birthday Bliss and Festive Excitement

Within the second week of the holidays, my birthday arrives, adding a personal touch to the festive season. While I eschew grand celebrations, I relish helping my mother prepare my favorite foods. The intimate family celebration brings joy, with multiple servings of delectable dishes. Birthday cards and gifts from family and friends add to the warmth of the occasion.

December in Singapore offers a welcome respite from the heat, creating a cool and pleasant atmosphere.

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The vibrant celebrations of Christmas contribute to the overall excitement of the season. Orchard Road, adorned with colorful lights, becomes a focal point for Christmas shopping. Although my friends and I engage in leisurely window shopping without making purchases, the energy and enthusiasm of fellow Christmas shoppers infuse the air with a contagious spirit.

Christmas-themed programs on television add to the festive cheer, with animated cartoons and classic movies like "A Christmas Carol" providing timeless entertainment. The illuminated Orchard Road becomes a must-visit spectacle, enjoyed twice – once before Christmas and once after. Cruising along the road with neighbors, joking and laughing, becomes a cherished tradition that adds to the joyful memories of the season.

Transitioning to New Beginnings

As Christmas festivities wind down, the inevitable approach of the new academic year beckons. The smell of freshly printed schoolbooks symbolizes new beginnings and academic challenges. The anticipation of utilizing these pristine books fuels a determination to work diligently in the upcoming year.

While the last day of the holidays signals the end of my favorite time of the year, it also marks the beginning of a new school term. Excitement and a sense of readiness accompany the start of school, acknowledging the forthcoming academic responsibilities. However, the swift passage of time ensures that my favorite time of the year will cyclically return, allowing me to relive these cherished moments.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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Favorite Time of the Year: A Celebration of December Holidays. (2017, Mar 08). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/my-favorite-time-of-year-essay

Favorite Time of the Year: A Celebration of December Holidays essay
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