An Analysis of "The Gods Must Be Crazy": Contrasting Cultures

Categories: Film


The movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy" serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the stark cultural differences between the Bushmen and modern societies, highlighting the challenges of communication between members of two vastly distinct cultures. This film underscores the striking disparities in the characters' actions, values, and worldviews, offering a lens through which to examine anthropological cultural perspectives and the pitfalls of ethnocentrism. The Bushmen culture, characterized by its peaceful coexistence and absence of social classes, provides valuable insights into a way of life markedly different from modern society.

The Bushmen Culture

In the Bushmen culture depicted in the film, a sense of tranquility prevails.

Discipline is applied sparingly, and severe measures are rarely taken, even with the children, who exhibit remarkable self-discipline. This culture places the highest value on interpersonal relationships and their connection with the divine, a theme that resonates with our recent exploration of religion in Chapter 12.

The Bushmen demonstrate an immense respect for all forms of life, whether breathing or non-breathing.

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An intriguing aspect of their hunting practices is revealed in the film. The Bushmen, when hunting an animal, employ tranquilizer darts and patiently wait until the animal lies down completely still before delivering the fatal blow. They then ask for forgiveness, explaining that the act was necessary for their family's survival. This ritual underscores the Bushmen's view of hunting as a means of sustenance rather than a source of entertainment, a stark contrast to modern cultures where hunting is often pursued as a leisure activity.

The Bushmen's contentment with their seemingly modest lifestyle stands out as particularly unusual.

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While civilized societies might perceive their living conditions as unhygienic, the Bushmen exhibit satisfaction with their way of life.

One of the most distinctive aspects of Bushmen culture is the absence of conflicts within their community. They do not possess concepts of personal or private possessions, readily sharing food and resources among themselves, a practice that aligns with the principles of cooperation discussed in Chapter 9.

However, the introduction of an object believed to be a gift from the gods, which is, in reality, a discarded bottle of coke, disrupts this harmonious existence. The newfound object, initially seen as a source of entertainment, novelty, and utility, quickly becomes a rare commodity that drives divisions and conflicts among the Bushmen, signaling a shift towards dominance and possession.

Contrasting with Modern Society

Modern society, in stark contrast to the peaceful Bushmen culture, operates at an ever-accelerating pace. It is characterized by constant alarms, bustling freeways, and copious amounts of caffeine to enhance productivity. While it may seem structured and purposeful, a closer examination reveals that our culture assigns meaning to nearly every aspect of daily life, dictating specific times for waking up, eating, and carrying out various activities.

Our society places a significant emphasis on productivity and financial pursuits, often at the expense of personal relationships and spiritual connection. The pursuit of wealth and material success dominates our daily lives, and our schedules are often filled to the brim with commitments, leading to a chaotic and demanding existence.

Variances in Perspectives and Values

The two cultures portrayed in the movie exhibit stark differences in their views and values, particularly regarding concepts of beauty, fear, and morality.

In Western society, Kate Thompson is considered an attractive woman due to her slim physique, light hair, and pleasant appearance. However, from the perspective of the Bushmen, she is perceived as unattractive, with her hair likened to that of an elderly person. This divergence in beauty standards highlights the subjectivity of attractiveness.

Moreover, the film showcases differences in the experience of fear. Characters from modern society are conditioned to react with fear and suspicion when encountering strangers, often assuming the worst. In contrast, the Bushmen approach unfamiliar objects, such as a firearm, with curiosity rather than fear, viewing them as peculiar-looking objects rather than instruments of destruction.

One particularly noteworthy scene in the film involves a wild animal approaching, leading to Mr. Stein seeking refuge by clinging to Kate. Kate, conditioned by modern society's perceptions, reacts with fear, assuming Mr. Stein's actions to be threatening. This incident underscores the contrasting reactions to perceived danger between the two cultures.

A significant cultural clash occurs when a Bushman is apprehended for butchering a goat, an act viewed as breaking the law by modern society standards. The Bushman, however, sees it as a routine hunting endeavor to secure food for his family. His bewildered demeanor in the courtroom, characterized by smiling and confusion, highlights the incompatibility of cultural perspectives and interpretations of guilt.

Another remarkable aspect is the Bushmen's willingness to communicate with animals, treating them as equals. They interact with baboons and even risk their own safety to save a fellow human from a dangerous situation, a stark contrast to modern society's often self-preservation-oriented mindset.

The Value of Money and True Happiness

Perhaps one of the most compelling lessons from "The Gods Must Be Crazy" is the differing perspectives on the value of money. While modern society places immense importance on currency and material possessions, the Bushmen reject the concept of money, considering it devoid of value. This is evident in their decision to discard money offered by a white man, emphasizing their prioritization of intangible values over material wealth.

Upon reflection, the film prompts viewers to reconsider their own cultural values and priorities. The Bushmen, despite lacking many modern amenities such as transportation, electricity, and large households, possess something that eludes many in modern society: genuine happiness. Their joy and contentment emanate from their profound connections with loved ones and their spiritual beliefs.

In contrast, modern society often fixates on the pursuit of temporary and ultimately unsatisfying goals. The relentless pursuit of material wealth and success can lead to a sense of emptiness and disillusionment. As such, the film challenges viewers to reevaluate their own values and consider whether the relentless pace of modern life truly leads to fulfillment.


"The Gods Must Be Crazy" offers a compelling exploration of cultural disparities, highlighting the stark differences between the Bushmen culture and modern society. This thought-provoking film underscores the challenges of communication and understanding between individuals from vastly distinct backgrounds. The Bushmen's harmonious and values-based way of life prompts viewers to reflect on their own cultural priorities and the pursuit of true happiness.

Ultimately, the movie invites us to question the frenetic pace and materialistic focus of modern society, encouraging us to consider the enduring value of interpersonal relationships, spiritual connection, and a simpler, more contented way of life.

Updated: Nov 10, 2023
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An Analysis of "The Gods Must Be Crazy": Contrasting Cultures essay
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