The Disconnect Between Ethics and Theory

Categories: EthicsMoralPhilosophy

"Moral wisdom seems to be as little connected to knowledge of ethical theory as playing good tennis is to knowledge of physics" (Emrys Westacott). To what extend should our actions be guided by our theories in ethics and elsewhere? Ethics are rules set by a society to guide people's actions. They depict a general understanding of what is right and wrong in a society. Following ethical views is usually considered as being right, while rejecting them is usually conceived as being wrong.

However, different societies have different rules of ethics.

These are based on differences in their culture. Therefore, ethical views are not universally the same in all respects and vary amongst societies. Since ethical theories have no single identity to be defined by, how can they guide our actions? Surely they cannot because there would be different guidelines in whatever society you are in. Herein lies where the standards of ethical absolutism and ethical relativism arise from. Ethical absolutism states there are definite rights and wrongs that apply universally.

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Ethical relativism states there are no true rights and wrongs to follow.

In a sense, both standards are correct to an extent. There are rights and wrongs that apply to most, if not all societies. Although there are instances where an action can be both right and wrong, depending on what perspective of the action is being observed or the point of view of the observer. Morals are an individual's interpretation of right and wrong. Everyone has a unique set of morals that they live by.

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Our lives are generally impacted by our morals. They are both unique towards each person and are a part of what makes us who we are.

In fact, it is the differences of our morals which make up our individual personalities. Morals are derived by the extent of which people agree to their society's ethical views. Therefore, ethics and morals are linked. Although society's ethical views are followed on the basis of what people believe themselves to be right or wrong. So everyone does not completely follow their ethics, forming their individual moral beliefs. One's moral beliefs and ethical views create what is called a Moral Framework. This Moral Framework represents a structure of right and wrong for our actions to follow.

According to this, our Moral Framework guides our actions, which means that our moral and ethical theories directly influence our actions. However, because these theories vary between individuals, everyone's Moral Framework differs. Moral principles are relative ideas of how one should behave in a given situations and are what a Moral Framework is composed of. It is virtually similar to ethical absolutism and relativism. While there are general rights and wrongs that are followed, there are situations where a moral principle is overruled to being wrong instead of right.

In this case, moral parsimony is used to explain how strictly one's Moral Framework follows it principles being more parsimonious (sticking to moral principles) or less parsimonious (diverging from moral principles based on the situation). This brings up the question: Should our Moral Framework be more or less parsimonious to truly be right or wrong? My examples will determine this as well as answer if our theories in ethics and morals should guide our actions. A person is getting beat up by a group of people. A man sees this person as defenseless, outnumbered, and in need of help.

Updated: Mar 22, 2023
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The Disconnect Between Ethics and Theory essay
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