Management: Employment and Representative Participation

This report will examine the differences between two employee voice practices In a rim. The employee involvement In general Is very Important side of the business. It Is necessary because managers run the business but employees know what is better for themselves to increase performance. Employees may as well know better about the tasks at ground level, be closer to selling and buying. Therefore when talking about employee involvement there are two main types of employee voices: Direct involvement and representative participation.

Both have some advantages and some disadvantages.

It Is very Important for both managers and employees to understand hose, because only then It will be possible for both sides to participate In a successful running of the business. Not only managers will achieve higher goals because of the increase in performance and overall motivation of staff, but the staff itself will have a better determination to work because of better work related conditions achieved by employee voices.

Therefore this report will analyses the advantages and disadvantages of two mall practices in work - Representative participation and direct employee Involvement. 2. Direct employee Involvement (DIE) This type of employee voice involves a one to one approach between employee and management.

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It is therefore very popular in small firms where there are not enough employees to form a collective representation. L. DIE advantages There are several advantages when employees are directly involved in decision- discussing the ideas and actual changes happening.

The employees working in a ground level have an excellent understanding of the operations and business environment; therefore they are in a position to offer high-quality ideas of improvements.

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For employees themselves the involvement in decision-making sakes them more motivated to do the work, increase their interest in Job and they feel more important, because their ideas make their working environment better. Furthermore through direct involvement employees acquire more skills and more knowledge increasing their value to the company and their bargaining power.

DIE disadvantages The biggest drawback of direct involvement is that employee decision-making is Just at the ground level and cannot address more serious, higher level problems. It is because the employees do not understand the running of the business and therefore are not able to influence it. Therefore by direct involvement the employees can only affect the task based problems at a ground level. Moreover one employee has less expertise and fewer points of view compared to collective employee voice.

Therefore the ideas generated by one individual could be narrower and have less bargaining power. 3. Representative participation (RPR) In this type of employee voice the group of people are formed to represent the employees and offer ideas to increase the business from employee perspective. The people in the group are usually the company's employees but could be from outside DOD as well. The representative participation is more common in big companies employing large amounts of people. When there are a lot of employees it is very difficult to express the common goal to the management.

Therefore the representative groups are created in order to make it easier to communicate between all of the employees and management. L. RPR advantages One of the main important advantages of Representative participation is that the group is formed from people that are much more qualified at discussing the issues and have better skills to influence management. This makes it possible to address higher level issues of the company, thus making major changes in employee's working environment.

Another advantage of RPR in big firms is that the employees keep their anonymity when raising an issue. This is a major thing, because the participation is much higher as people are not afraid to put up major issues, that otherwise could be harmful for individual's work conditions. Moreover the representatives are constantly participating in representation of employees thus making them more aware of what is happening. II. RPR disadvantages First of all the Representative participation involves different issues than direct employee involvement.

Therefore the employee will not have and effect on his work experience, because the issues discussed by RPR will be about higher level issues like health and safety, salaries. Another disadvantage is that because of the more structured discussion between the collective groups and management and more difficult issues addressed the time between offering ideas and actual making the changes is much higher. 4. Conclusion Both employee voice practices are very important to the business and to the employees themselves.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Management: Employment and Representative Participation essay
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