Exam Success: Prep, Participation, Time Management

Exams, an assessment or final test given to students at the end of a course, mainly to determine their knowledge or level of understanding on a certain subject. Preparing for an exam can be both tough and stressful at times. Most schools have final exams at end of an academic term semester, or more commonly at the end of a course. These exams could be worth a high percentage of your grade and determine how well you do in class.

Passing exams is the goal of every student.

There are many ways to taking exams, but preparation for it starts long before the exam even begins. The following are tips that students need to follow, to pass their exams, although it is not guaranteed a student will ace an exam, it is worth the time and they won't fail either.

To be successful on a final exam but ultimately in a class the first thing you must do is attend class.

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It is important you attend class so that you don't miss out on anything important. The class time you spend listening to your teacher is one of the most essential ways of retaining information on the subject you're going over. I'm not saying you must attend every single class in a semester but try your hardest to. If for some reason you do miss class, the next step you would follow is to be sure to get anything you've missed from a classmate. I never have an issue when it comes to getting information off classmates because you'll find that everyone needs a friend in a class one day.

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A student should always prepare before class and be ready to take notes and participate. As it helps a student get all their doubts cleared of on anything they don't understand, with the help of the teacher or fellow students. Always ask questions because there is no such thing as a "stupid" question or "wrong" answer in learning, so never hesitate to speak up when in doubt and always listen attentively to what a teacher is saying.

A student should revise work done in class as soon as possible. Revision enables a student to be familiar with their work and get a better understanding of what is learnt in class, before anther work is added. It is advisable to go back and revise work done within a day or two, so as to not forget what they learned.

Always study at home and do not procrastinate ever. Always do things on time and always revise your work after each class or at least a couple of times a week, rather than piling up work, which means more workload. Making it hard to study and understand, or even difficulty in completing assignments and scoring good in tests.

When writing exams set up a time schedule and read through each question at least once before attempting any. If six questions are to be answered in forty-five minutes, allow yourself only five minutes for each. When the time is up for one question, stop writing and begin the next one. There will be 15 minutes remaining when the last question is completed. The incomplete answers can be completed during the time. Six incomplete answers, by the way, will usually receive more credit than three completed ones. Of course, if one question is worth more points than the others you allow more time to write it. Answers will come to mind immediately for some questions Write down key words, listings, etc. now when they're fresh in mind. Otherwise these ideas may be blocked (or be unavailable) when the time comes to write the later questions. This will reduce "clutching" or panic (Anxiety, actually fear which disrupts thoughts).

Finally, select questions you are most comfortable and feel you can answer the most, and start with the ones you understand more then followed by the ones you least understand, so you don't spend too much time on questions. And proofread your work after attempting all question in order to rectify any mistakes made earlier.

The well-organized, neat-appearing individual will usually get the nod over another equally capable person who is disorganized and careless in appearance. Although other factors are involved, the analogy to examination writing is a skill. This skill can be improved by instruction. The student would be advised to follow the steps mentioned but keep in mind that the main thing a student should know is that confidence, discipline, and continuous practice is key to success in exams and everything in general.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Exam Success: Prep, Participation, Time Management. (2019, Nov 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/tips-on-passing-exams-essay

Exam Success: Prep, Participation, Time Management essay
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