Making Friends as an Adult

Friends. Are people that someone could identify with as loving, caring, trustworthy, and understanding. People tend to adapt to others once they have known them for a long period. They grow with experiences and commitment as does any relationship. Unlike having siblings, friends are people that are chosen to get to know, that someone would like to surround themselves with. Siblings are forced upon with no option of wanting to know them or not. People tend to grow up in the same house as their siblings, share the same parents, and live together at one certain point or another.

Some circumstances are different, but most times people will know a lot about their siblings and be able to classify them. Friends are people that it takes time to get to know. Friends are an essential part of living. They help one another when life gets rough, and it is always a good feeling to have a friend with you. We always want to share our thoughts with someone who understands us, and who shares common interests.

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Since humans are social creatures, it is no wonder friends are such a big part of their lives. One person can’t fulfill every friendship function, and that is why most people have multiple friends and each friend is different.

When meeting new people it is easy to classify each individual into a category. Whether that category is; Being funny, Being Creative, or Being a good listener. Usually, people don’t think that they pay much attention to identifying their friends in these certain categories.

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People have a multitude of different groups of friends. You can classify them as The jocks, The nerd, the stoners, and the dramatics. All people are different, how they act is what makes them unique.

There are three different kinds of friends in this life. I classify them according to how well I know them and how well they know me. We encounter each of them every day, whether in school, home, or at the gym. However, we rarely spend much time thinking about and classifying these people. First, there are the "pest friends" general acquaintances. Next, there are "guest friends" social partners. Lastly, we have "best friends" our true friends.

The first type of friend is simply an acquaintance. This means that there are limited things known about this friend. This person does not hold a memorable face if one is a way they might not even remember what they look like if away for a short vacation. Usually, they meet these types of s of friends in school, at work, on the bus, in the gym, or anywhere else you might be. Normally people would not mind having a cup of coffee with them, but if anything else came up, it generally is not a big deal when they feel the need to leave or cut the meeting short.
It’s normal not to miss them when they are elsewhere. These types of friends are usually the ones that cause the most amount of aggravation. Since they aren’t the closest friends in this three-tiered pyramid, it is harder to tell them the true thoughts and feelings. These are the people most are fake too, most of the time people already don’t like them so when angry at them, it’s hard to hold their feelings.

The second kind of friend is "guest friends", this is typically the people to call when going out for what is called a “girls night out”. Typically they meet up with these friends at the location and at the end of the night they go their separate ways. These sorts of friends don't talk to each other often and typically do not confine in them, they're almost as if they are distant acquaintances. These are the types of friends to call when bored and when closer friends are busy at work, with family, or out of town. These friends are what I call fillers, they fill in the spot of the best friend when they are unavailable. It still provides for a good time but once the fun is over it may become awkward. Since these friends aren’t very close it may be hard holding a conversation with them. This way once the night is over, they tend to go their separate ways.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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