Living In Small Town Or In A Big City

Categories: Town

Societies nowadays have the choice to live in small town or big city. Consideration is important before make a choice whether to have a life in small town or big city depending on the affordable due to there is some contrast between both. The contrast of living in a small town and living in a big city can be seen in the aspect of the development, the economy level, and the amenities provided. The first contrast of living in small town and big city is the development.

Small town has slower development compared to big city because it received less investment than a big city had. For example, big city overfill with buildings and urbanisations everywhere. But in significant, development caused social problem such as robbery and teenagers problems like loitering and ruins of moral values whereas these matters less happen in small town because in a small community, social problems can be prevented before it get worse.

see more:difference between city and village in points

The development contributes to how the environment as well, where the big city faced very busy environment because of good transportation network and lead to hustle and bustle city due to lots of vehicles on the road.

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Next is the economy level. Small town has moderate economy level because of not much investment and slow development. In contrast, big city was in high economy level because of investment and business. As seen, the big city is the centre of the business and trading compared not much business on going in small town and this contribute to lower living cost when living in small town.

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The daily goods are cheaper than the in big city. People in big city received higher salary, so the prices of the needs are more expensive and people in big city have to face higher living cost.

Lastly, the contrast can be seen in term of amenities provided. Society in big city provided with complete amenities which is contrast with society in small town. For example, there is a hospital provided in small town but sometimes it is lack of facilities and community need to seek for better treatment in big city. Meanwhile, there are many choices of amenities when living in big city such as education centres, shopping complex, and transportation service. By complete amenities provided, society will have a better life because all the needs are provided than living in a place that lack of facilities. In summary, the decision to live in small town or big city is in one’s hand. Choose which one is better according to which is more affordable to because there are many contrast of both. However, be balanced against the cost involved, family's budget priorities and choose the best that will bring happiness.

Updated: Aug 22, 2022
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Living In Small Town Or In A Big City essay
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