Literacy for Adolescence Education

The past couple of years have seen a much more focused and concerned behavior towards the curriculum followed by the students and this has gained momentum in the last two decades where the standard movements made the education planners and developers to go over and pay further attention as to what they are teaching their students. The behavior also came into existence after the gap between the educational standards of the foreign students and the American students was perceived as getting wider.

This created a wave of panic in the educators who began to fear that their own students are lacking behind in their work and educational standards which is going to have a deep and long lasting effect on the American country.

As arts is also an educational field it also came under this movement and so the arts schools are also now competing for existence and focusing deeply on their curriculum. The importance of arts cannot be denied by anyone as it plays a vital role in the student’s life and without it the students are denied the importance of visualizing whatever they are studying in their text books.

The knowledge containing in the books are very important for a student to get the concept but without actually visualizing what is written in the text books that knowledge is not worth anything.

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The art becomes a medium for the students to understand and to see what they are studying without which they would have the knowledge of the books but won’t have any clue as to why or what that knowledge is referring to e.

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g. take an atom for example.

A student can be taught the basic definition, importance, function and parts etc of these basic building blocks but the students wouldn’t be able to grasp the full concept behind an atom without seeing a picture of it and visualizing it. And this is where the study of arts comes in and develops the educational skills of the students. Art helps in exposing the students in encouraging their skills which can be gained through various forms of arts like drama, music, visual paintings etc.

The school programs require both kinds of art forms and because of this varying schools promote and focus on it in different ways. This article makes an interesting and intelligent point that the teachers, rather than just focusing on making the students learn their course books, should encourage and help the students in developing their skills on their own. The teachers should focus that their role is not only to help the students to learn but also to make them see the actual hidden meaning behind the words and various subjects.

For this arts has to be inculcated into the students so that they can focus on their true potentials. Not only the teachers but the parents and the education providers should encourage them to take maximum benefit from the field of arts as they can. But all the good things have a price to them and similarly the institutions should take the cost into account and make proper financial plans so as to increase and promote the use of art studies as much as they can.

Through proper planning and focusing on the importance the education providers would be giving the students maximum opportunity to develop their skills.

Bibliography High School Journal. (2008). Enhancing student learning through arts integration: implications for the profession. Retrieved February 12, 2009 from <http://www. highbeam. com/doc/1G1-178674144. html>

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Literacy for Adolescence Education. (2016, Dec 10). Retrieved from

Literacy for Adolescence Education essay
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