Johnson's Offsite Technology

Categories: Network

Johnson's Offsite Technology offers mobile devices to be used offsite in order to improve communication between the contractors and the consumer or the main office and project manager. Johnson's Offsite Technology has developed mobile devices that run on a secured network. These devices are equipped with the programs that allow construction plans, for example, to be drawn, sent to others, edited and saved. The devices also allow inventory from multiple vendors to be uploaded for real time information regarding the availability of supplies.

This allows companies to work more efficiently, timely as well as develop quotes more quickly and accurately. Since beginning in 2016 Johnson's Offsite Technology has seen substantial growth that is expected to continue.

Currently, Johnson's Offsite Technology employs ten staff members and expects to add a minimum of twenty more. With each business owner seeking a way to run a more efficient business Johnson's Offsite Technology expects to acquire multiple new clients at an exponentially high rate. Johnson's Offsite Technology offers companies an easy way of improving production time and accuracy when quoting without having to hire additional help or outsourcing.

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Johnson's Offsite Technology has established excellent professional relationships with a number of local companies and we are currently in the testing phase with several larger companies across the country.

Johnson's Offsite Technology will use a couple of different types of servers to host its applications and data. We will be using Microsoft VMware enclosures in order to enable rapidly deploying desktops and applications as an easily integrated cloud service to any device.

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Being able to host several applications on one server will allow us to save money through the VMware enclosures. Solar winds and Cisco Prime Infrastructure will be used in order to monitor the network constantly. Together, the two SNMP servers will allow us to monitor network equipment as well as save and make configuration changes in order to allow us to see when equipment may be reaching performance thresholds. StealthWatch will be used when monitoring traffic that is going across the infrastructure and it allows us to see traffic transfersing the network, monitor for malicious traffic and bandwidth utilization.

An Internet Prevention Scanner (IPS) will be used in order to protect against malicious attacks. This scans for, and block malicious traffic as it is seen. Firewalls will also be enforced to protect the edges of the network. Firewalls will be placed on the external and internal side of the DMZ. We will use Nexus 7K for access layer networking. Vendors will be allowed and able to reach the internal network through our VPN and the external firewall. Active Directory and ACS is what will be used in order to authenticate users onto the network. ISE will be used in order to authenticate as well as segment the devices connecting to the network. The main workstation is where information is uploaded and changed. The offsite devices go into the field and are able to see inventory levels for several different vendors, pricing, upload project plans as well as make any adjustments and changes to the plans. Thin clients will be used for the computer infrastructure and web design will be hosted by a Wed design company.

A secure network has been established for Johnson's Offsite Technology in order to keep all information linked to each individual company regarding their financials, customer information, project plans and ideas safe and secure. The useful technology created and introduced is already in high demand and is only expected to increase in demand.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Johnson's Offsite Technology. (2019, Dec 18). Retrieved from

Johnson's Offsite Technology essay
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