Global Warming Crisis: Causes, Impact, and Limited Solutions

Categories: Weather And Climate

Is the Earth Warming?

Yes, it is warming. It has been studied and researched thoroughly that the global average temperate has been slowly rising up year by year(as shown in the graph), and will continue to do so as we keep producing excess greenhouse gases. Because of this, worldwide consequences happen, such as the polar ice caps melting, sea levels going higher than before, acid rains, frequent storms, and other disasters. Earth's temperature is slowly going up and if we don't do something, it might be too late to do anything.

Is Global Warming man-made?

Yes and no. Global Warming has already been occurring steadily before man went into industrial revolution. As shown in the graph, carbon dioxide is and has always been rising up, and humans sped up the progress. Indeed, Global Warming is natural, but because of the greenhouse gases produced by mankind, it sped up the progress by a lot. In fact, man's impact on nature has been so influential that not only we are speeding up Global Warning, we are also causing the sixth mass extinction, also known as the Holocene Extinction, where species of life are slowly dying out because of the consequences of human actions.

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Is it a crisis?

Yes, absolutely. A crisis is defined as a time of intense trouble and danger. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists which is an organization in the United States, the Earth has been experiencing more frequent and intense heat than usual in the past decades.

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Extreme heat can lead to heat strokes, respiratory problems, dehydration and other health problems. Global warming has also accelerated the rate of the sea level rise, drought, wildfires, powerful typhoons, and most importantly, polar ice melting. Humans, animals, plants, and the environment are taking a negative toll because of global warming, therefore concluding that global warming is indeed an urgent crisis.

Can we do anything about it?

No, it is too late. All we can do is delay it, or adapt. The efforts to stop global warming is already too late, and the only thing left to do is to recognize this and to adapt. Whether or not it is too late, it is still important to help in saving the Earth to minimize the danger and risks in the future. Northwestern University discusses many simple ways in order to help prevent global warming. One of these is to drive less, as according to research, one pound of carbon dioxide is released for every mile you drive. It is better to walk, carpool or to take public transportation. Recycling is also important, and it contributes to the Earth’s cleanliness as well.

Conserving energy is also really important as it can be done in such simple ways like turning off electric and electronic devices, using less hot water and adjusting your thermostat. Trees should also be preserved and planted as they absorb tons of carbon dioxide. These ways to help stop global warming mostly lessens the amount of carbon dioxide, which is useful as carbon dioxide is one of the worst greenhouse gases and majorly contribute to global warming.

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Global Warming Crisis: Causes, Impact, and Limited Solutions. (2020, May 10). Retrieved from

Global Warming Crisis: Causes, Impact, and Limited Solutions essay
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