Flood Causes Unveiled: Global Warming, Tsunamis, and Human Impact

Categories: Flood


Natural calamities, including storms, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes, frequently punctuate our existence. Among these, storms and floods emerge as recurring challenges for our country. Our aim is to meticulously explore the causes of floods, focusing on tropical storms, global warming, and tsunamis.

First Cause: Tropical Storms

Tropical storms, dynamic meteorological phenomena that draw water from oceans and propel it landward, stand at the forefront of flood instigators. This influx of water, combined with inadequate drainage systems, leads to floods. According to information from reputable sources like the Forces of Nature website, storms act as conduits for water to inundate our lands.

Imperfections in drainage infrastructure exacerbate the situation, unable to handle the deluge of rainwater due to blockages caused by indiscriminate trash disposal.

To illustrate the havoc storms can wreak, historical instances such as Hurricane Camille in 1969 in Virginia and the more recent Typhoon Ondoy underscore the connection between tropical storms and catastrophic flooding. The inability of drainage systems to efficiently handle water volume, exacerbated by human activities, directly influences the occurrence and severity of floods.

Second Cause: Global Warming

A pivotal contributor to the flood narrative is global warming, defined as the entrapment of heat in the Earth's atmosphere.

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As described by reputable sources like the Forces of Nature website, global warming intensifies the heat of oceans and seas, expediting water evaporation. This accelerated evaporation results in the formation of storms, catalyzing floods on land.

Furthermore, global warming's repercussions extend to polar ice caps, where an increase in Earth's temperature triggers ice melting.

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The consequent rise in sea levels poses a direct threat to coastal areas, exacerbating flooding scenarios. In essence, the intricate interplay between global warming, water evaporation, and the cascading effects on sea levels renders it a significant catalyst for floods.

Third Cause: Tsunamis

The third causative factor in the realm of floods is tsunamis. High winds, as highlighted by reliable sources, play a pivotal role in generating waves that assail beaches and shores, potentially resulting in flooding. Seismic activities, such as underwater volcanoes and earthquakes, serve as additional triggers for tsunamis according to recognized organizations like PAGASA.

Of particular note is the inherent danger posed by tsunamis, characterized by their high-speed approach to land. As tsunamis near the shore, they decelerate and gain in height, culminating in a forceful impact on coastal areas. The combination of high-speed motion and formidable impact underscores the peril associated with tsunamis as formidable contributors to flooding events.

Man-Made Causes and Prevention

While certain causes of floods are intrinsic to nature, human activities contribute significantly to the escalating frequency and severity of these events. A critical facet of this is global warming, acknowledged as a man-made phenomenon. To mitigate the impact of floods, it is imperative to address anthropogenic factors.

Central to this is the proper disposal of waste, a quintessential element in preventing the blocking of drainage systems. Ineffectual drainage exacerbates flooding, making conscientious waste disposal a practical step in flood prevention. The onus is on society to rectify its practices and curtail pollution to prevent the exacerbation of global warming, further averting the intensification of floods.

It is imperative to recognize that flooding is not solely a consequence of natural forces but also a byproduct of human actions. This underscores the importance of addressing man-made causes, particularly in the context of global warming, to curtail the frequency and intensity of floods.

The need for a comprehensive approach, encompassing both natural and anthropogenic aspects, is paramount in fostering resilience against the burgeoning threat of floods.

In conclusion, exploring the causes of floods unveils a delicate dance between natural forces and human actions. By understanding the dynamics of tropical storms, global warming, and tsunamis, we pave the way for informed solutions. Mitigating floods necessitates not only addressing nature-driven factors but also rectifying our own practices. Through a nuanced, comprehensive approach, we can strive to build resilience against the rising tide of flood threats.

Updated: Jan 17, 2024
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Flood Causes Unveiled: Global Warming, Tsunamis, and Human Impact. (2016, Apr 29). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/cause-and-effect-essay-causes-of-flood-essay

Flood Causes Unveiled: Global Warming, Tsunamis, and Human Impact essay
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