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In a world that values communication, collaboration, and engagement, the concepts of introversion and extroversion hold a distinct place in shaping our individual personalities and influencing our interactions with the world around us. The intriguing interplay between these introverts vs extroverts personality is displayed in this speech as these types has captured the attention of researchers, psychologists, and society at large. The exploration of introverts and extroverts goes beyond mere labels; it delves into the depths of human behavior, shedding light on how we perceive ourselves, interact with others, and navigate our ever-evolving social landscapes.
Introverts gain energy and process information internally.
However, that does not mean introverts are shy. “Shyness is the fear of negative judgment, while introversion is a preference for quiet, minimally stimulating environments”. Introverts all prefer to spend time alone or in small groups, and often feel tired with a lot of social interaction or large groups. Introverts usually only speak when they have something to say after they have had a chance to process information internally. Extroverts get their energy from staying with other people and typically process information externally, that means they prefer to talk through problems instead of thinking over them alone, and they sometimes develop opinions while they speak.
David Rock cites neuroscience research in his book, Quiet Leadership: Six Steps to Transforming Performance at Work, that suggests “effective leaders should focus on mentoring, empowering, and developing people”. These behaviors are more typical of introverts than extroverts.
Great introverted leaders include Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, Larry Page, cofounder of Google, Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook.
“Introversion doesn’t mean a leader is shy, fearful, or unable to take action”. Rather, it’s a way of processing the world and information. Introverts have many traits. They think first and talk later. They are calm and have few need to be the center of attention. And they’re more willing to empower employees. A special strength of introverts is that they are able to deal successfully with the isolation that leaders often feel. It would be lonely at the top of an organization. Introverts are less bothered by the solitary nature of leadership work.
Introverts are better listeners. A great leader should be willing to listen to employees. Extroverts talk a lot but sometimes forget let others get a word in. Instead, introverts tend to love to listen to others and have a meaningful conversation. Therefore, they can get more advices from employees and then improve themselves and their teams. They focus on depth, not superficiality. Compared to extroverts, introverts are more willing to compromise and consider things in a more objective perspective. They know and consider more about employees’ needs and opinions. Introverts are more open-minded. They do not mind adopting employees’ idea and empower employees. Sometimes, it is more effective to empower employees instead of enforcing them to carry out orders. When leaders tend to consider thing from employees’ perspective, employees would be more open-minded about leaders’ decision as well. Consequently, it will facilitate the cooperation and development of the whole team.
Introverts love to take an action to make it happen after thinking an idea through carefully. Unlike what people always think introverts looks like, they will go out, build networks and do whatever it takes to make things happen. Once introverts promise something, they will devote themselves to achieve what they promise. Hence, that makes them attractive and well-respected leaders. “Good entrepreneurs are able to give themselves the solitude they need to think creatively and originally—to create something where there once was nothing”. That is what introvert exactly tend to do. They are comfortable of being alone. Introverts tend to think calmly and from a long-term perspective. They love to plan beforehand and think it through before talking about it with others. Followers always would have a clear plan about what they need to do step-by-step. Moreover, introverts tend to have a better idea about every team members’ characteristics and so, take full advantage of everyone’s traits.
A new study finds that extraverted leaders actually can be a liability for a company's performance, especially if the followers are extraverts, too. In short, new ideas can't turn into profitable projects if everyone in the room is contributing ideas, and the leader does not have patient to listen to or act upon them. An introverted leader, on the other hand, is more likely to listen to and process the ideas of an enthusiastic team. But if an introverted leader is managing a bunch of passive followers, then a staff meeting may start to resemble a Quaker meeting: lots of contemplation. To that end, a team of passive followers benefits from an extraverted leader.
There are three professors who commenced their research with field data from a national pizza delivery chain, they observed high profits in stores where the employees were relatively passive but the managers were extraverted. On the other hand, when employees were proactive, the stores led by introverted managers earned high profits. Meanwhile, profits were lower in stores where extraverted managers led proactive employees and introverted managers led passive employees.
Therefore, in order to have a successful introverted leader, it is essential to foster a work environment where people feel free to speak up and be proactive.
It’s time to recognize that introvert traits have long been undervalued in the business world—and it may be time for extroverts to try and be more like introverts. As introverts, they are better listeners, more realistic, and know how to compromise and empower employees. Indeed, there are a large number of excellent introverted leaders. Therefore, be yourself and believe in yourself. Everyone has potential to be a great leader.
Introverts VS Extroverts Traits Comparison as Great Leaders. (2024, Feb 15). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/introverts-vs-extroverts-traits-comparison-as-great-leaders-essay
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