The Essence of Respect in Daily Life

Categories: Respect

Regard, regard, regard, that's what my dad constantly stated to me. Growing up in a common Chinese family, I have actually learnt the significance of Respect, whether it is towards your grandparents, pals or your teachers.

Although the majority of them are just basic things, it truly reveals your respect towards others. To reveal your respect towards others, there are frequently things you must not do.

For instance, if you respect your moms and dads or your grandparents, you wouldn't just pat their heads, dropping their wig onto the ground when you begin asking them things such as "Hey grandma, how are you today?" or "what are we consuming today?" The only people you are enabled to pat (if you need to) are the ones who are more youthful than you, but that doesn't imply you can increase to a random stranger who's younger than you and start patting them on their head, no no no, that's not what I suggest at all.

Towards your senior citizens, respect can be shown when you grab food for them when the food is too far for them to reach or by standing up and enabling them to sit on your seat when there disappear chairs left.

Such small acts of kindness can in fact reveal your regard towards others and the sort of person you actually are.

For some of us, when we graduate from university, we might begin to feel like we are remarkable beings, and that everybody who are still in college are lesser beings, or the lower-class individuals.

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This may cause us to look down on our parents or grandparents even if they didn't go to university, overlooking the reality that without them, there wouldn't be us, the fact that without their tough work and efforts, we wouldn't even have the opportunity of entering into university.

Let's state, when your friends welcomes you over to their home, you do not just rush in and attack the refrigerator, licking the internal structure tidy, or rush into the master bed room and begins bouncing on their parents' bed because for your details, a bed is not a trampoline, no matter what the ads tell you, I can guarantee you that they are 2 different things. Idiotic acts such as attacking your buddy's refrigerator or bouncing on their moms and dads' bed clearly shows that you do not, and I repeat, DO NOT genuinely appreciate your buddy.

If you really respect your friend, when they invite you over to their house, you should show them some courtesy, or act like civilized people, instead of the monster you are at home. You should take your shoes off before entering their house or ask them for their permission before going to their bathroom, which in most cases, they will say yes, but if they say no for some strange and awkward reason, then you have to find other ways of solving your problem.

If you are going to a friend's house, you should not go there empty-handed instead you should always bring some gifts. I am not telling you to bring expensive gifts like a diamond ring which is the size of a tennis ball, or a Plasma TV, although if you really insist then, that's your choice. But usually, small gifts such as a basket of fruits would be enough to show your respect because after all, it's the thought that counts. However, when bringing gifts, especially to a Chinese family, there are things you shouldn't bring. Such items are clocks or pears because the Chinese word for clocks sounds the same as the Chinese word for death whilst the Chinese word for pear sounds the same as the Chinese word for separation.

Another thing to keep in mind is remembering NOT, and I repeat, NOT to wrap the gifts in black or white since those colours are the ones used in funerals. I hope I am not discouraging you from going to Chinese friend's house because of such rules; these are just little things that you should watch out for because the last thing you want is an angry mum chasing you down the street carrying a butcher knife, and shouting at you in Chinese, even if you cannot understand a word she is saying.

Ok guys, since you are all such an attentive listener, I will let you in on a secret. When you go to your friend's house, the moment you step into the house, you don't go looking for the toilet or start licking the fridge, the first thing you have to do is to greet the parents. Normally, the reason why they may stare at you menacingly as you move around the house is because people often forget to greet them. Normally, when people enter the house, somehow they just manage to ignore the parent's presence, even if they were just standing in front of him. Now, if you want to see a smile on their faces, just remember to greet them as you enter the house- It doesn't have to be very formal, just remember to say "Hi" as you enter and say "Bye, Thank you very much for having me" when you leave.

Back in Singapore, when I was still young and youthful, the whole class had to stand up when the teacher came into the classroom. Now, you may think that standing up to welcome the teacher may not seem like much but to the teachers, it may mean the whole world to them. Think of it this way, the teachers give up their time and effort to teach us, so in return, all we have to do is to give up a bit of our time to welcome them, showing our respect for them.

Why is Respect Important in a Classroom

Respect is important in a classroom because it shows that you’re nice, it shows that you listen, and it shows that you’re courteous. There is no reason for being rude to anyone. If you are having a bad time, there is no need to make sure everyone else has one. Also, you being rude can result in the whole class getting in trouble.You must be respectful to your classmates, your substitute, and most importantly your teacher.

You need to be respectful to your fellow classmates. If you are not nice to your classmates, then that could result in everyone not liking you and them to not wanting to do anything with you. Also, if you are mean to others then, they could possibly be mean back.You could get known for being the mean person in class, and that could make people want to stay away from you. Classmates are not the only people you should be respectful to though.

Substitutes are another type of people you should respect in a classroom environment. You should respect them because they are older than you and have power over you. You should be respectful towards them because they could possibly write a bad report for your class and give it to the teacher. If the teacher gets a bad report about your class then they just might make you do extra work. Remember, substitutes are guests in your classroom and you shouldn’t be rude to guests.

Most importantly, you should respect your teacher. You should respect your teacher because they control what you do in the class and how much work you get. If you are rude to them, they might give you extra homework or classwork. Also, you see them everyday and they don’t want to be with a rude person everyday. Nobody wants to be the one person the teacher dislikes, so be respectful to your teachers.

Respect is good way to show how nice you are, how courteous, and how good you listen. One really important place you should be respectful at is the classroom.The three main people you should be nice to are your classmates, your substitutes, and your teachers. If you want respect, then should be respectful to everyone else. Remember, good things don’t come to people who are rude.


In conclusion, respect really plays an important aspect in our lives, whether it is towards our family, friends or teachers. When we respect one another, there will be fewer conflicts and everybody will get along better. So, try to respect one another, who knows, maybe one day, people will learn to respect you too.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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The Essence of Respect in Daily Life essay
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