Imagery In A Midsummer Night's Dream

Categories: Imagery in Literature

Every character in Shakespeare's plays has distinct roles, some more clear than others through deep analysis we can see the literal and figurative meaning behind the characters. In Act Two Scene one of Midsummer Night's dream as playing thet12efb nm fairy, I acknowledge fairies are the catalyst for the dissension and solution of the play. Shakespeare includes the fairies to show that reality is often maneuvered by fantasy. Shakespeare's purpose in conflicting actions is to show how human reality, can be exploited by the fantasy realm, meanwhile, the realm of fantasy doesn’t depend at all on reality, even when fantasy can look like reality.

The fairy's conflict and resolution aspect come into play during a part in our scene when Puck mistakes Lysander for Demetrius and charms Lysander instead. Oberon then tells Puck to “fetch” him a flower. When Oberon laid eyes on Cupid hit with an arrow, the flower then becomes charmed and acts as a love spell/potion, when the juice of the flower is rubbed on a being's eyes, that being is to fall in love with the first creature he/she sees when they wake up from their sleep.

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Oberon intends to use the enchanted flower to exploit his wife into giving him the Indian boy who had been stolen because Oberon feels the boy is taking away his wife’s attention from him. Whilst waiting for Robin Goodfellow, Oberon views Demetrius as being rather rude to Helena in the woods, and when Puck does return, Oberon insists that Puck uses the magic of the flower on Demetrius when Oberon is describing Demetrius he says Puck will recognize him by Demetrius’ 'Athenian garments'.

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Puck doesn’t know that there are really two Athenian couples in the woods on the same night leading to the accidental enchantment of Lysander causing Lysander to fall in love with Helena instead, then shortly after Puck had enchanted Demetrius to fall in love with her also.

The circumstance of Lysander and Demetrius doting for Helena as opposed to Hermia motivates a major dispute among the cast. Helena accuses the two male love interests Demetrius and Lysander of ridiculing her and brings the accusation upon Hermia of believing that Hermia has taken part in the joke also. 'Lo, she [Hermia] is one this confederacy!'. However, Goodfellow resolves the situation by properly uniting each character with their correct counterpart. Hence, we see that the fairies play the role of creating both the play's conflict and the resolution by using their magic.

Updated: Feb 20, 2024
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