Hymn to Intellectual Beauty

Percy Busshe Shelleys Hymn to Intellectual Appeal is a fine example of a Romantic poem, because it specifies in focusing in on the Romantic category of poetry that raises the common mans experience to the sublime. (6) The significance produced by this poetry, whether it is an abundance of feeling expressed by Wordsworth, a philosophical effort presented by Coleridge, or a spiritual awakening depicted by Shelley, is triggered by the tenor of social and political situations at the time. A few of the qualities of the Romantic duration are 1.) Emphasis on the individual, 2.) Belief in the sublime, 3.) Focus on nature, 4.) Organicism, 5.) Supernaturalism, 6.) Spirit of Transformation 7.) Respect for the creativity.

(9-13)Shelley, affected by Plato, was kept in mind for being an excellent lyric poet of the sublime idealism, which is one of the attributes of Romanticism. Shelley idealized humankind in the spiritual sense of being pure and having true charm. This beauty of reality is discovered in Hymn of Intellectual Beauty, which is an ode.

Shelley uses the word intellectual to indicate nonsensible, which becomes part of males experience to experience the natural world through his consciousness.

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This ode uses the creativity guy needs to pick up the unseen. For example, in the very first line of Hymn to Intellectual Beauty, Shelley introduces the mystical: The horrible shadow of some unseen Power. (723) From the very beginning, the poem includes one of the aspects of a Romantic poem. The hidden Power produces awe in the readers mind. The word horrible ways in wonder of to this hidden Power.

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He uses concrete language to emphasize that this unseen visitor is of great power since he capitalizes the word power in this poem. In the third line, Shelley utilizes a simile to describe this undetectable visitor: As summertime winds that creep from flower to flower./ His recommendation in using the wind is to let his reader understand that much like the wind that is unseen however is known to be there since its existence can be felt, this unseen Power is there by using Creativity this existence can be felt.

Shelley uses a wealth of imagery by using similes to relate to the awe of this beauty found in this visitor. He compares it to the hues and harmony of the evening and like clouds in the starlight widely spread. This beauty is what Shelley sees as true beauty. He declares it: O awful LOVELINESS. The capitalized word is to stress its wonder. (724)This ode besides having Imagination and mystery, it also speaks of the supernatural: Hopes of high talk with the departed dead, Shelley uses the supernatural in pursuit of this beauty. The Supernatural is unseen and part of the characteristics of Romanticism. In this ode, Shelley focused on invisible beauty. Using his experience to help the reader understand that by using reason, they may inhibit the ability to know truth.

Using the imagination can help reshape reality. (Pg. 724)Shelley used his Imagination to transmit what truth and beauty was to him and expressed in terms of the sublime. He concludes to this invisible visitor: Whom, SPIRIT fair, they spells did bind/ To fear himself, and love all human kind. He illustrated the characteristics of imagination, nature, mystery and the supernatural in his ode, Hymn to Intellectual Beauty, found in a Romantic poem making his ode a good example of a Romantic poem. (Pg. 724)

Work Cited

Abrams, M. H. and Stillinger, Editors. The Romantic Period Vol. 2. Hymn toIntellectual Beauty New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Seventh Edition. 2000.

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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Hymn to Intellectual Beauty essay
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