Understanding and Acceptance in "How to Watch Your Brother Die"


"How to Watch Your Brother Die" is a poignant poem that sheds light on the struggles faced by the LGBTQ+ community and the perspectives of those outside it. Through the first-person narrative, the author explores the emotional journey of a straight man who confronts his biases and prejudices when faced with the impending death of his gay brother. This essay delves into the themes of acceptance, understanding, and the impact of societal prejudices, presenting a comprehensive analysis of the poem's message.

The Struggle with Prejudice and Regret

The poem opens with the narrator receiving a distressing phone call about his dying gay brother, whom he had distanced himself from due to his brother's sexual orientation.

The narrator's apprehension and discomfort regarding his brother's homosexuality become apparent (lines 2-9). He symbolizes the societal expectation to maintain a facade of indifference to his brother's suffering (lines 10-11). The poem reflects the prevalent prejudice against same-sex relationships and the narrator's inability to comprehend the depth of love between two men (lines 14-17).

However, as the poem progresses, a transformation occurs in the narrator.

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He begins to reminisce about the genuine love and connection he once shared with his brother before their conflict over his brother's sexuality (lines 18-24). This shift in perspective signifies the beginning of his journey towards understanding and acceptance.

A Journey towards Understanding

The poem further delves into the narrator's attempt to bridge the gap of understanding with his brother's lover. He acknowledges the lover's physical attractiveness but remains perplexed by their affection for each other (lines 25-39).

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The trip to Mexico to acquire illegal drugs exposes the challenges faced by his brother due to societal norms, especially when they encounter border control (lines 40-52).

The climax of the poem illustrates how society's judgment impacts individuals in same-sex relationships, including the narrator's fear of his children being exposed to hatred (lines 40-52). This pivotal moment prompts the narrator to reevaluate his own prejudices and judgments towards the LGBTQ+ community.

The Path to Acceptance and Closure

The poem reaches its emotional peak as the narrator calls his wife, seeking her perspective on the depth of commitment in same-sex relationships. Her disgusted reaction highlights the prevailing misconceptions and biases (lines 53-58). As his brother slips into a coma, the narrator grapples with grief while trying to provide support to the lover (lines 59-68). The refusal of embalming symbolizes the perpetual need for concealment faced by homosexuals (lines 69-73).

The funeral serves as a turning point, as the narrator interacts with the diverse crowd of LGBTQ+ individuals paying their respects, leading him to recognize that his brother's life was vastly different from his own (lines 74-83). The revelation that his brother succumbed to AIDS further underscores the importance of understanding and acceptance (lines 74-83). The narrator finally finds closure through a conversation with the lover, learning to forgive himself for his past ignorance (lines 84-98).


In "How to Watch Your Brother Die," the author skillfully portrays the transformation of a straight man's perspective on homosexuality and same-sex relationships. The poem conveys a powerful message about the impact of societal prejudice and the potential for personal growth and acceptance. As the narrator evolves from a place of prejudice and regret to one of understanding and forgiveness, the poem encourages readers to confront their biases and embrace empathy and acceptance.

Updated: Oct 25, 2023
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Understanding and Acceptance in "How to Watch Your Brother Die". (2017, Jan 05). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/how-to-watch-your-brother-die-essay

Understanding and Acceptance in "How to Watch Your Brother Die" essay
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